Jenn010101 Member


  • I was about 250 and went down to 162 when I was 25ish and I only had stretch marks all around my hips from my previous belly bulge. I had no saggy skin though :) You'll be ok
  • Turkey meatloaf cups with zuccini and red pepper and couscous
  • Ugh I hear this argument all the time!!!! Two of my best friends both have 5 year olds but their parenting is on both ends of the spectrum. One friend has had weight issues all her life so she is much more strict with what she places on her daughter Lily's plate (the chicken and 2 types of veggies and mashed potatoes type)…
  • I head to the gym around 7 so that by the time I get home and showered it's time to get ready for bed.
  • I go to the gym after supper around 7-8 then by the time I get home and jump in the shower I watch tv/do chores for an hour and head to bed. I find if I keep busy the snacking is kept to a minimum.
  • I bought the beginner DVDs as well as the "shred" Box set as a teambuy deal thinking it would be a good substitution if I chose not to drive to the gym.... I got through the first 20 minutes of the beginners DVD and my heart was pumping harder than running on the elliptical... she is super intense.
  • My supervisor doesn't like when I bring salads to work because I am too young to diet and shouldn't care about my weight so much because I'm a great person and guys will like me for who I am and not what I look like etc.... It's so irritating because she calls me out when all my coworkers are around..
  • I also worked in retail and I thought picking up urine soaked pants from the fitting room only happened there. We also had a few seniors use the fitting room as a toilet and that was disgusting. My favorite pet peeve of working there I think was when customers got mad because I didn't have a cash register at the fitting…
  • I agree this is one of the best healthy living "trackers" out there since it shows your accountability to yourself. I think the major thing is that if I eat out at fast food with a burger and a meal deal, not only do I learn the actual calories I'm consuming but that it's not a great idea to eat awful every day since after…
  • My first weight loss journey I went from 240 pounds to 162 pounds in my late teens. I was about a 38E and after all that weight loss I only went down to 38DD but they were much more perkier. This current weight loss round though (about 10 years later) they are becoming "shapeless" and "deflated" :(
  • Cadbury creme egg... I got a fruit basket this year instead of chocolate which was a good idea at the time but I really really love my chocolates!
  • My favorite thing to binge on is chocolate. I was doing pretty well until Valentines Day happened and i got a very large chocolate gift basket... and then with Easter came Cadbury creme eggs. I would love to join the fight since my chocolate binges destroy what I work so hard for during the day :( Feel free to add me!
  • I was on Depo (the needle) and I ballooned 50 pounds in 6 months. I lost my motivation and didn't have the energy to work out. it was awful so i had to stop because I couldn't keep living like that. I started birth control pills about 3 years ago and I lost the 50 lbs within a year and have only started going up on the…
  • I would love to but the scale and I aren't currently friends. I work out more and eat more veggies and my scale is doesn't budge :( I think this might help motivate me or give me more ideas and when I go to the gym I can use their scale too lol
  • I was about 220 pounds 5 years ago and then I worked really hard and got down to 162 which gave me a wicked body. After slacking off the gym and changing jobs to a desk job, I slowly crept up to 180 again and now I'm working hard to not go any higher. I learned to add veggies to every meal and cooking for an hour is much…
  • I am also starting today. I have worked as a Lab tech for the last 2 years so "quick" lunches have slowly allowed me to gain weight, especially around my midsection. I have gained about 20 pounds in the last 2 years and I miss having energy. I find I'm currently in a slump of coming home after a long day of work and…