

  • I'm not a retired teacher but I am a first year, second grade teacher. We're having a contest at school to see who takes the most steps during the day, so we wear a pedometer. I never realized how much I actually walked during the day until I looked at the pedometer and it said almost three miles! Although I'm not retired,…
  • Just from experience, it took me about 5 months to lose 14 pounds and that was working out 5 days a week and eating fewer calories. I didn't want the weight to come back so I made sure that I changed my habits. Now, I have lost about 22 pounds and that has taken about 10 months and the weight is coming of much slower than…
  • I usually go way over on calories on the weekend. Like 200 over maybe 300. I don't eat as much during the week because I'm so busy with work. I know that's still probably not a good thing but those are my habits. I was doing that throughout the beginning of the year when I was very serious about losing weight and I still…
  • My boyfriend eats so much food all the time, but we both work out a lot and he plays a lot of sports so he's in really good shape. I use turkey instead of hamburger in a lot of food especially if there's some sort of sauce. He can't even tell most of the time. I also like to use half turkey half hamburger. I sneak lots of…
  • Try drinking water or hot tea. I notice that when I drink water it suppresses my appetite. Also you could try drinking a small glass of milk.