jhousekey Member


  • Will do. Thanks again!
  • Ah, I see. I did indeed drop my carb percentage to 15% because of the diabetes. So that kind of explains it. Thing is, I don't really want to up my fat intake to compensate. So maybe I'll just stop worrying about it. Like I said, I feel pretty good and I'm losing weight gradually but steadily. Anyway, thank you for…
  • Thank you for the reply. I'm 5'6", and currently weigh 188lbs. And I am monitoring my intake closely to both lose weight and to control my carbs/sugar (I am mildly diabetic). I typically walk between 15-20 miles a week at a brisk pace. Oh, and my daily intake goal is 1,500 calories.
  • Great article! Answers all of the questions. Thank you!
  • I have similar concerns. I have been going over the mfp recommendations for sugar also, mainly due to bananas and the cup of Total Whole Wheat cereal I have been having every morning. You mentioned natural sugars are ok, but not in excess. What do you consider excess?