

  • Zumba is AWESOME! I am 50 years old and started doing Zumba 2x a week this year with my daughter, who is 25, and I am certainly not the oldest in the class, and I love it! It is a great workout, great cardio. Then I mix in toning and sculpting classes a few days a week as well. It's fun and funky! I have lost & I am…
  • I suppose it depends on what you eat. I have only 1 day been able to reach my calorie intake required. I stick with meats, chicken, fish and vegetables & fruit. Usually nothing more...there is so much to do with all of it! Never processed or from a box. Once in a while I throw in a little wheat bread. Until I reach my…
  • Great reply's everyone. My thoughts were going the same way...fat turning into muscle, but my calorie intake at the end of the day says I am not eating enough, and my body could be in starvation mode. Which I really just don't believe!!!!
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