How can you not eat enough?

lmclaine Posts: 61 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
One of the main reasons I exercise is to increase my allowable calorie total. It's very difficult for a life-long overeater to adjust to 1,600 calories/day when I'm guessing I was consuming about twice that. I have seen numerous posts from people saying that they have difficulty eating their daily calorie allowance! WHAT? How can that be? I plan my meals so I stay under my allowance and it's usually very close or a little over--and I could still eat more! I suppose if I was running 5-6 miles/day and burning 1,000 calories it would be different but I need my extra 300-400 exercise calories to have any type of satisfying 3 meals. You guys must eat like songbirds! Maybe it's a guy thing--or maybe I'm just jealous...... :bigsmile:


  • I don't get it. I'm always hungry (or at least I THINK I'm always hungry).

    Been sticking to my cals, but it is HARD!!!
  • masterofktulu
    masterofktulu Posts: 151 Member
    I used to eat a ton of food, and bad food. When I started eating very healthy, ate 4-5 meals a day and I also drink a ton of water. In just a week I feel fuller over smaller amounts of food! And exercise helps a lot too to take away from the cravings of salt.
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    I find myslef falling under because I am eating healthier things! It takes more healthy food to reach your calorie goal than unhealthy food. Often I find myself full! I use to however eat nothing but junk and when i did that I had no problem eating 3 times the amount of calories I do now. I just find with healthy food its harder. Instead of chips I have an apple. Well the calorie difference is major.
  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    No no, you are not alone!!! I'm at 1510 cals per MFPs guidance, and have to workout daily to have enough cals for a relatively SATISFYING dinner. I think I'm eating well and the right things, but damn, I'm HUNGRY!!! I could EASILY go over my cals as I never feel satiated. I hope it'll go away as I get used to smaller portions.
  • gina205
    gina205 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there. I am one of those people is always under my calorie goal. I drink a lot of water and that keeps me full. I exercise every day and can't seem to eat the right amount of calories. Increase the water and you will get rid of the hungry feeling.
  • For a long time I would always think that I was hungry, when I was really just thirsty. You could try drinking a glass of water before meals and when you think you are hungry and see if that helps.
  • lmclaine
    lmclaine Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for these posts...I thought I was the only one! I have always drank (drunk?) alot of water with meals but now I force myself to drink at least 12 cups a day, usually more. The healthy foods is a nice concept and I've been trying but there just aren't that many vegetables I like--and I can only eat so much frozen spinach and steamed broccolli. The veggies I like are not good ones (i.e. corn & lima beans). It's a work in progress though......
  • I hardly ever eat all of my calories. I exercise and end up with more than what I am able to consume. I get 1200 a day. I think if you eat healthier foods it will fill you up longer and drink plenty of water. Also could depend on what foods you are eating and how many calories are in them.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I am right there with you. I work out just to have enough calories to eat for the day. I know so many that do not eat back their excercise calories I just cannot seem to do it. I am hungry and i i drink atleast 100+ ounces of water a day. I guess as i do this longer it will get better.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I find myslef falling under because I am eating healthier things! It takes more healthy food to reach your calorie goal than unhealthy food. Often I find myself full! I use to however eat nothing but junk and when i did that I had no problem eating 3 times the amount of calories I do now. I just find with healthy food its harder. Instead of chips I have an apple. Well the calorie difference is major.

    I agree, eating healthier for the past 3 weeks has been an adjustment. I find it difficult to plan meals with enough "good calories" to make my 1600/day goal. I can and have eaten a whole bag of Snyders Honey Mustard and Onion Pretzels Pieces at a whopping 1400calories but will that sustain me all day - probably not.
  • One of the main reasons I exercise is to increase my allowable calorie total. It's very difficult for a life-long overeater to adjust to 1,600 calories/day when I'm guessing I was consuming about twice that. I have seen numerous posts from people saying that they have difficulty eating their daily calorie allowance! WHAT? How can that be? I plan my meals so I stay under my allowance and it's usually very close or a little over--and I could still eat more! I suppose if I was running 5-6 miles/day and burning 1,000 calories it would be different but I need my extra 300-400 exercise calories to have any type of satisfying 3 meals. You guys must eat like songbirds! Maybe it's a guy thing--or maybe I'm just jealous...... :bigsmile:

    Actually, you hit the nail on the head. Crazy people like myself sometimes run 8 miles in the morning, lift weights in the evening, and attend an aerobic class. I struggle to eat all of my exercise calories, but I do make sure I eat at least 2000 calories a day.
  • i used to eat probably 2000 calories a day, but now that i'm eating healthy i actually find myself striving to meet 1500. and i eat A TON. i eat every two hours, and i still have to have a pretty big snack before i go to bed. but really, look at my diary. i eat a ridiculous amount of food.
  • its true!!!
  • I suppose it depends on what you eat. I have only 1 day been able to reach my calorie intake required. I stick with meats, chicken, fish and vegetables & fruit. Usually nothing more...there is so much to do with all of it! Never processed or from a box. Once in a while I throw in a little wheat bread. Until I reach my goal, this seems very easy.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I have this problem, because I haven't just changed how much i eat, I've changed WHAT I eat. For example... I used to like Stouffer's stuffed green peppers. Delicious, right? Well, ONE pepper contains 210 calories, 9 g fat, 990 mg sodium, 10 g protein, and 23g total carbs. I always ate at least two, plus sides, because it didn't fill me up to eat one. Now I make these: but I substitute the 97% lean ground turkey. It has 252 calories per pepper, with 8 g fat, 76 mg sodium, 33 g protein, and 17 total carbs. Because of the extra protein, and the lower carbs, I get full faster, and stay fuller longer. Plus, I can eat one pepper and it fills me up! This is why I have trouble getting all my calories in sometimes!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I am one of those people that finds it hard to reach my calorie goal and I'm only on 1340 a day!

    Well I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I also have only wholemeal versions of food. I make sure all my portions are the right size. What I don't do is used 'DIET' versions of things. So I use butter instead of margarine. Normal mayonnaise in stead of light. Cooking my evening meals instead of using prepacked stuff.
    I often find I'm just not hungry when eating the right food because I'm getting the nutrients I need.

    I can tell you now my previous diet which contained a lot of crisps, chips and fatty foods had me hungry all the time and I was probably eating about x4 the calories.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I find I have "honeymoon" periods too. When I'm all gung ho and focused, I've had the "can't eat all my calorie" moments. But, if I'm not gung ho, not logging everything or just not paying attention -- I have zero issues eating all my calories and lots, lots more. Part of it is my food choices (a big part of it) - a slice of pizza is worth about 6 apples for example.....can I eat a piece of pizza in one sitting - no problem. 6 apples, not so much.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I never ate much, if at all during the day. Now I eat 3 meals per day - sometimes snacks and some days I fight to hit 1250. I have found foods that fill me up. If I eat my Fiber One Original and a piece of fruit for breakfast - I'm hungry in less than 2 hours. If I eat my oatmeal with a piece of fruit I'm not hungry for a good 3-4 hours. I can get a huge salad from the cafeteria at my work and have it come to 400-450 calories and I can't finish it - and be full for 5-6 hours. I stay away from meal bars, snack bars, etc. I do have a granola bar every once in a while.

    Eventually your body will adjust to the drop in calories and the change in foods and you'll stop feeling so hungry all the time.
  • cflexen
    cflexen Posts: 20
    I agree with with the other suggest and I would also recommend it you want that "full" feeling when your done eating, then try eating a salad wth yout the salad 1st then ur meal and use a fat free dressing or make ur own with olive oil and balsamic vinegar or you can use lemon juice..I do this when I feel super hungry and it helps my stomach to feel full. The best part is that the salad is only between aprx, 20-40 caloriies depending on the type of salad and amount you use and then if you use a fat free or make ur own dressing that is also low in calories too. For ex. I use the dole salad in a bag the classic romaine (it has shredded carrots and purple onion) and its 20 cals. for 1 1/2 cups and fat free italian dressing 2 tbsp. is 15 cals. so 35 cals for a filling salad before your meal and you can do it for both lunch and dinner! Hope this helps You! :)
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    I've found since cutting back on my carbs I've been able to lower my calories and not feel hungry during the day. I exercise but I don't log that because I dont eat back those calories [I can do that for now because of the amount of body fat I have].

    I used to eat 2000 calories a day with the MFP recommended % of carbs/protein/fat. I was SO hungry all day. I've cut back carbs and I'm now at 1600 calories without being hungry.

    If I eat junky food, I'll be hungry all day so even the food I do eat has to be quality food. I dont eat anything processed.
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