

  • Count me in!! I would love to be down 10lbs by next month!! This will be quite the challenge for me since, I am going to be really busy finishing up school, nursing clinicals! BUT IF I WANT THIS I CAN DO IT!!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! Current weight: 228lbs
  • Hello there!! Good luck to you!!! Take it one day at a time!! You can do this...look through the success stories, it helps me when I just dont know if I can do this anymore...its so much easier to be the "fat gir" that laughs at her own jokes about being fat... I can promise though, I dont want to go back to where I was,…
  • Hello!! Wisconsin is pretty great right...(I'm from WI too) lol!! Welcome to the site!!! Add friends, read success stories, and try new reciepes! Its really a great tool!! Take it one day at a time...Good luck to you!! :)
  • Of course you will hit your goal with this support!! :-) I have loved this site so far!! Hope all is well!! :-)
    in Hi Comment by swansj15 February 2011
  • What about an apple cut thin into slices. It helps me sometimes to look down and see I have alot! I have never been good at proportions so thats something that helps me when its healthy food! :-) -Special K crackers -Wheat Thins -Carrots and ranch -Pretzels -Banana Chips Those would be things I would try to use...It helps…
  • Butt Kicked!! Get up and go woman!! You know you will be glad you did. Dont fill yourself with regret tomorrow by thinking I could have done this yesterday but didnt! Do it today!! :-) Good Luck!!
  • That sounds awesome!! I love accidents like that!! :)
  • Hello everyone!! My name is Jennifer, I am 24 and have struggled with weight my whole life. I'm engaged to the love of my life and I plan on ordering my wedding dress this summer since I will be getting married in April 2012. I am also in nursing school which I will graduate in May. I joined the local YMCA with my best…
  • I say good luck to you! Keep your eyes on the prize!! :) You can do it! Use this site for help!!
  • I would think it is better to cut down to smaller portions. I have a tendency to binge if I cut something out completely and then am so far gone that I quit dieting and everything! My new rule is in moderation you can enjoy the little things in life! :) Good luck!