Shubbamoo Member


  • I'm new, so, you probably already all know this but, if you freeze bananas, then peel them (they are difficult to peel once they're frozen and you need to use a knife) and put them in the food processor they turn into banana ice cream. If you haven't tried it, do, it's amazing. P.s. I can't wait to try the coconut recipe.…
  • Pralus 100%. Definitely worth the extra cost.
  • Hi I have just joined this site. I have been grain free for almost 3 years. I have lost over 7 stone, still have a way to go. I guess I am paleo/primal (eat butter and small amount of occasional cheese and cream). Just started exercising, only natural movement, walking etc, but I am withholding judgement as to whether it…
  • The only dairy I eat regularly is butter, but I do eat small amounts of cheese and cream on occasion. I don't eat any grains or processed food and I don't mix high carb veg with high fat in the same meal. I know some people would say this is a restrictive diet but, for me, it's the easiest, most natural diet, I've ever…
  • It says 1750 for food reduced to 1480 with the exercise I put in. I hope this makes sense, as I say, I don't count calories. I joined this site yesterday just out of curiosity, and obviously for the support.
  • I only joined this site yesterday but I've already got the impression that my way of eating (paleo) is not very well received, but, at the risk of causing people stress, which is not my intention, IMO, if you don't eat grains and only eat natural, unprocessed foods, it's unimportant how many calories you eat. I have found…
  • I just joined today, and I eat paleo. Why do you not take kindly to paleo?
  • I think if you focus on nutrition then calories don't matter. If the food you eat is the most nutritious and not full of processed rubbish then you will find that you naturally don't overeat, and therefore, calories don't matter. You can lose weight by eating processed, low fat, rubbish completely lacking nutritional value…
  • I eat low carb but I still include a lot of veg, just the lower carb ones. I think it makes the meals more complete, nutritionally and for the eating. Plus veg are so much nicer if you're not worried about fat.
  • Homemade olive oil mayo Meat Veggies, especially broccoli Eggs fish