When your will power is lacking, you need to discover your WHY power. I’ve been in exactly the same position as you, and only in the last week have I pulled finger. This whole year I’d start the week planning what I’d eat how I’d workout etc and then just not do it. Recently, I locked myself away for two hours and asked my…
Hi everyone, really appreciate the insight here - need it as after 2 weeks I too have only lost just a bit more than a 1/4 pound in TWO weeks. I have 22 pounds to lose to get to the middle ideal weight range or 13 to get into a healthy weight range. I am 169cm. I've been going to the gym each day, calorie class has burnt…
Thank you so much Debbie, and I am glad there are more people like me out there, I am also so happy you have such an amazing support system! To good health!