

  • So, update for anyone who cares: I made the cauliflower crust pizza and it is DELICIOUS! I think I found my new craving cure! (=
  • Yeah, that sounds like a good idea but I know with my social anxiety that I couldn't do it. I'd be too afraid the person would judge me. Irrational, I know. =/ Anyway, I decided to try the suggestion of cauliflower crust. I'm going to try making some mini pizzas. So, I just bought some cauliflower, mushrooms, and cheese.…
  • Also, I've only been to the gym (I do not have the motivation to work out anywhere else) once in the past 4 days. I get to the gym by my roommate so if he doesn't go then I don't go either. So, I don't feel like I've worked hard enough to allow myself pizza. Also, I don't know that we'll be going tomorrow either so if I…
  • That actually sounds really delicious! I think I may just do that. Thanks. haha
  • The thing about earning it is that while I feel like I've been doing well the past few weeks, I don't feel like I did well enough to earn pizza. And I dunno if I'd say it's a vice for me but it's a bit of a weakness. When I was still eating whatever and actually had money I would eat pizza maybe once or more a month.…
  • I don't usually mind asking for help when it comes to assistance. It's just when it comes to being in the grocery store. I get super high anxiety in store. I dunno why. And like I said, I know it'd be even worse if I had a zillion coupons to ring up.
  • Unfortunately, no to both. No crockpot (although I've seen them at Goodwill often) and nowhere to plant anything (I live in apartments). I'll definitely look for a crockpot the next time I'm at Goodwill with money.
  • My family are pretty broke as well. All on food stamps so no, not really. I do have a big bag of dried beans I was eyeballing earlier and the food pantry always has a bunch. I just suck at cooking so I haven't tried making them.
  • Thanks for all the replies everyone. They were definitely very helpful. I'm really going to have to make some serious effort do some couponing once I have some money. I know that'll help. Also, I'll probably be going to some other food pantries as well. I think I have been doing pretty okay the past week or so though. It's…
  • I actually just went to a food panty a few days ago but they didn't have all that much. At least not very healthy things. That's where I got the beans and the Hamburger Helper. Other than that I just got some canned veggies and fruit. And I applied for food stamps but I have yet to hear back from them which is getting…
  • I have thought about it and would really like to. I looked at several grocery store's coupons online awhile back but didn't actually do it. I'm a horrible coupon shopper. I look at them and don't really know where to start. I wish I had someone who was into it that could sit down with me and show me how to do it properly.…
  • Well, I didn't even know there was a recipe builder. =P Shows how observant I am. But then I haven't been on this site long and haven't explored that area much. I definitely will from now on though. Thanks everyone. (=