

  • If you go to and input your information, it will tell you when your products shipped out and the expected delivery date.
  • Weighing In: SW: 189.4 CW: 191 This is a little discouraging since I did really well with working out this past week. I thought for sure that I lost some weight. I'm not sure if it has to do with drinking a lot more water than usual and retaining it or if I have to tweek my diet a little more. I hope next week goes a lot…
  • Good Morning everyone, Yesterday was not a good day. I know I went over my calorie intake because I was in my kids' easter baskets more than once:( Didn't get my morning workout in like I normally do because I was watching the wedding before I went to work and didn't feel like doing it when I got off. I keep telling myself…
  • I'm in too!! This is my 1st challenge and 1st time ever being involved in a message board for motivation and support in my weight loss journey. So I'm really excited for the coming weeks and hope that this helps me!! Thanks. CW: 189.4 GW: 177
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