Jillian Michaels Body Revolution



  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I am VERY pleased and happy with this program so far. I am sttill in the kickstart but I can literally see the inches coming off my hips. Here is hoping it continues... :-)
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I'm not following her meal plan either since I am still breastfeeding and need more food! How much is everyone expecting realistically to lose with this program? What are you hoping for?

    I'm still breastfeeding as well so I'm going to follow her meal plans but add at least 300 calories per day as extra clean snacks, maybe bigger breakfast. From what I have heard so far the breakfasts are really light then lunch then snack then dinner. I always eat a morning snack so will continue to do so.
    I'm expecting to lose about 30lbs in the 90 days.
  • ashiggins
    ashiggins Posts: 144 Member
    Question for those who have started---what size weights do you use? My program is scheduled to be at my doorstep on Monday and I want to have the right weights. With Jillian's other DVDs I usually use 5lb weights which is enough for some exercises, but too easy for others. (I'm 5'7", 158lbs, pretty athletic)

    Would 5lb and 8lb weights be good or should I go even higher?

    Thanks for your help!
  • So disappointed that this doesn't ship outside USA. It sounds great. :sad:
  • Question for those who have started---what size weights do you use? My program is scheduled to be at my doorstep on Monday and I want to have the right weights. With Jillian's other DVDs I usually use 5lb weights which is enough for some exercises, but too easy for others. (I'm 5'7", 158lbs, pretty athletic)

    Would 5lb and 8lb weights be good or should I go even higher?

    Thanks for your help!

    Both my wife and I are doing this plan so I'll tell you what we both use.
    I'm 5'6" 133, athletic and I'm using 10lb minimum but am using more 20lbs
    My wife is 5'9" 141, athletic, and is using all 10's.

    Hope this helps
  • Does anyone know of any blogs where people are posting results images? I can appreciate vlogs but would rather read a blog. If anyone can help out, that's be great.
  • afrench799
    afrench799 Posts: 14 Member
    Love JM!!! I should be getting mine tues according to FEdx. Cant wait to start. If anyone is looking to follow a vlogger there is one i am following on youtube and i love watching, its BL13Kristin, Ishe is very informitive and also anwsers any questions you may have :smile: Hope that helps some of you.
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    i ordered mine on 2/15 and i got it yesterday. will be starting the 7 day kickstart monday!!
  • Does anyone know of any blogs where people are posting results images? I can appreciate vlogs but would rather read a blog. If anyone can help out, that's be great.

    me -- www.catesrevolution.blogspot.com




    Also -- an update on my order.

    I recently changed my bank accounts from MA to CA, so I had a temporary card for a bit, with which I ordered the program.

    I then got my "real" card. Days had gone by without any notice of a tracking number, so I called.

    Turns out my card was declined because I had recently received my new card. They NEVER emailed me that there was a problem. I was able to give the new card information to get it fixed. Hope to get an email tomorrow? :(

    Oh and get this -- in the MAIL -- yes, snail mail -- today, I got a LETTER from the company saying my card didn't work, and to please fill out the form then sent me so they could fix it (or call them).

    UM HELLO?!?! They should have emailed me. So annoying.
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    I ordered mine on 2/20, and still have not received a confirmation email....frustrating!
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm starting JMBR today...Yay! I am doing the kickstart workout plan, but I am not following her food plan at the moment. I am working with a doc to finally lose this weight and she has me on a strict 1200 calorie plan...well unless I veer off like yesterday :( I will be using some of her meals throughout the 90 days though.

  • mawmawandlovingit
    mawmawandlovingit Posts: 45 Member
    I am also starting the program today. I am not going to follow her food plan because I am very picky and do not eat many vegetagles or fruit. I do plan on sticking with1200 calories a day. I also plan on doing 2 a day workouts throughout the 90 days!!
  • I ordered mine on 2/20, and still have not received a confirmation email....frustrating!

    If you go to customerstatus.com and input your information, it will tell you when your products shipped out and the expected delivery date.
  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    I ordered mine on 2/20, and still have not received a confirmation email....frustrating!

    If you go to customerstatus.com and input your information, it will tell you when your products shipped out and the expected delivery date.

    I took the advice and looked at the website i also ordered mine the 20th and it just says its processing and to allow 2-3 weeks so much for 7-10 days :( im a little bumbed was hoping to start first monday in March!
  • I ordered mine on 2/20, and still have not received a confirmation email....frustrating!

    If you go to customerstatus.com and input your information, it will tell you when your products shipped out and the expected delivery date.

    I took the advice and looked at the website i also ordered mine the 20th and it just says its processing and to allow 2-3 weeks so much for 7-10 days :( im a little bumbed was hoping to start first monday in March!

    I'd give them a call, the number is in the "help" section of the website. Be forewarned that Customer Service is not terribly helpful, but every now and then you do get someone who knows what is going on and hurries the process along for you. I had to call 3 times and they finally got their posteriors in gear and got it out to me. They also refunded the shipping costs. If nothing else, it's worth a phone call. Heck it's an 800 number!
  • I just wanted to post a status, I don't know if this will motivate anyone or not but I hope it does! This program is NOT just for girls, after my workout today I looked in the mirror before my shower and the illusive dent next to my abs is forming! I'm working terribly hard on my midsection and building and MY GOD it's working! This woman is an evil genius!
  • If anyone is looking for a male blogger to follow, check mine out at:
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    I just wanted to post a status, I don't know if this will motivate anyone or not but I hope it does! This program is NOT just for girls, after my workout today I looked in the mirror before my shower and the illusive dent next to my abs is forming! I'm working terribly hard on my midsection and building and MY GOD it's working! This woman is an evil genius!

    That is awesome! Great job. What day are you on?

    I completed day one yesterday and I am about to hit day 2 :) My inner thighs and calves are sore, but I am ready for Jillian to kick my butt today.
  • I just wanted to post a status, I don't know if this will motivate anyone or not but I hope it does! This program is NOT just for girls, after my workout today I looked in the mirror before my shower and the illusive dent next to my abs is forming! I'm working terribly hard on my midsection and building and MY GOD it's working! This woman is an evil genius!

    That is awesome! Great job. What day are you on?

    I completed day one yesterday and I am about to hit day 2 :) My inner thighs and calves are sore, but I am ready for Jillian to kick my butt today.

    I'm on day 10
  • I just wanted to post a status, I don't know if this will motivate anyone or not but I hope it does! This program is NOT just for girls, after my workout today I looked in the mirror before my shower and the illusive dent next to my abs is forming! I'm working terribly hard on my midsection and building and MY GOD it's working! This woman is an evil genius!

    That is awesome! Great job. What day are you on?

    I completed day one yesterday and I am about to hit day 2 :) My inner thighs and calves are sore, but I am ready for Jillian to kick my butt today.

    I'm on day 10

    Keep it up, the burning goes away pretty quick. As long as you're achy and you don't feel like you've hurt something, don't ease up. You'll regret it in the long run.