Jillian Michaels Body Revolution



  • chrisc2006
    chrisc2006 Posts: 21 Member
    I just finished week 1 with the metabolic kick start. I also followed the menu plan an had a 10-1/2pd lost so I'm very happy with the program so far. I know the weight loss is alot but I've got alot to loose so I'm thinking its mostly water. I started week 2 today and will do the meal plan but will also modify were necessary. There's plenty of options to mix and match the menu to my liking and I am also able to make the meals for my family to eat as well. So for me personally I like the menu and the exercise, it hasn't been to hard to adapt. Last week I had bad headaches for 2 days but I think that was from being a sweetaholic to no sugar.

    Good luck to those also doing this program and I'd like to hear others feedback
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    I just finished week 1 with the metabolic kick start. I also followed the menu plan an had a 10-1/2pd lost so I'm very happy with the program so far. I know the weight loss is alot but I've got alot to loose so I'm thinking its mostly water. I started week 2 today and will do the meal plan but will also modify were necessary. There's plenty of options to mix and match the menu to my liking and I am also able to make the meals for my family to eat as well. So for me personally I like the menu and the exercise, it hasn't been to hard to adapt. Last week I had bad headaches for 2 days but I think that was from being a sweetaholic to no sugar.

    Good luck to those also doing this program and I'd like to hear others feedback

    That is so awesome!!! I am excited and looking forward when I can post some results. Ordered last week and still haven't received a confirmation it's shipped!! UGH!! I was hoping to start next Monday!
  • tesskb328
    tesskb328 Posts: 19 Member
    I just finished Day 11 of body revolution. I really like it so far but I honestly can't wait for it to get harder. I've had great successes with most of Jillians workout videos and exercises in general. I tried Insanity and P90X but they were just a bit too intense for me and made me feel absolutely drained afterwards. So far I really think this was worth the money.
    I don't follow the meal plan but I still eat super healthy and do other exercises along with this. I'm thinking about starting to get into her menu since it didn't seem bad at all. I've gained weight but I honestly think it's muscle at this point because my measurements are the same and I seem to be toning up a bit more.

    I also had no problems in receiving it but I got it when it was still supposedly on back order and it got to my house super quick. It sucks you guys are having problems.
  • tesskb328
    tesskb328 Posts: 19 Member
    I use anywhere from 3-8lbs depending on the move. I started with 3lbs on week one and now on week 2 I'm using 5 lbs.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I am soooo going to buy this soon:bigsmile: ....

    Kind of off topic---but I want Jillian's sports bra that she wears on the cover of the dvds...and on the website that you order it from:

    I have lost a bunch of weight and I want something to work out in that shows more of my curves:blushing:. Does anyone have any sports bras like that and if so where did you buy them? All I can find are standard sports bras that aren't very flattering (in my opinion:smile: )
  • chupla
    chupla Posts: 8 Member
    I just got my copy ! cant wait to start at the end of the month after i finish my 30 day shred
  • mulcapa
    mulcapa Posts: 29
    I am soooo going to buy this soon:bigsmile: ....

    Kind of off topic---but I want Jillian's sports bra that she wears on the cover of the dvds...and on the website that you order it from:

    I have lost a bunch of weight and I want something to work out in that shows more of my curves:blushing:. Does anyone have any sports bras like that and if so where did you buy them? All I can find are standard sports bras that aren't very flattering (in my opinion:smile: )

    Jillian has her own line of sportswear with KSwiss, and her sports bras are from this line. I thought they looked great too but when I checked it out they were $55! I think I'll stick with C9 at Target for $20....for now.
  • Just saw the informercial last eve on JMBR.... Looks great, but is it worth the big bucks?

    Any thoughts ? Yes/ No?

  • Just saw the informercial last eve on JMBR.... Looks great, but is it worth the big bucks?

    Any thoughts ? Yes/ No?


    Hello, I just wanted to weigh in on this. I started this at 137 and within a week dropped to 132. I am on day 19 right now and have gained 2.5 pounds of muscle and a ton of definition. I think it was worth every penny and would purchase it again in a heart beat.
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Just saw the informercial last eve on JMBR.... Looks great, but is it worth the big bucks?

    Any thoughts ? Yes/ No?


    Hello, I just wanted to weigh in on this. I started this at 137 and within a week dropped to 132. I am on day 19 right now and have gained 2.5 pounds of muscle and a ton of definition. I think it was worth every penny and would purchase it again in a heart beat.

    Hey Seth...that is GREAT results! Did you start on her quickstart progam and are you following her meal plan? Haven't gotten mine yet....but was curious as to where to start based on some comments here.
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    Just saw the informercial last eve on JMBR.... Looks great, but is it worth the big bucks?

    Any thoughts ? Yes/ No?


    Yes, I think it is totally worth it. I am on day 11 right now and can already see a difference in my body (and my husband noticed that my stomach is shrinking and I actually have a waist again). The first three days I had to do the easy modes of most of the exercises and I could not go all the way down on her "good mornings" but now on day 11 I can do the advanced modes and I am so much more flexable. It's amazing that 11 days can do. I can't wait to start week 3 next week, just hope this cold/flu will go away by then.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    I agree with Maddymama - I think you may want to try eating more if you're working out that much. Our bodies are pretty smart and will hold on to those pounds if it's not getting enough fuel.

    I agree with you and Maddymama!

    Don't eat at or below 1200-1300 if you are doing two programs at once. You will want the weight to come off slower as you are getting smaller. I wouldn't get too stressed about the scale. I did the kick start and I gained a half a pound! I'm not freaking out because in one week I lost two inches off my hips (yes, TWO), another inch off each thigh, 1/2 inch on each my chest and waist and I gained 3 inches on each calf (in muscle). Didn't have that little bulge of muscle on my calf before and in one week it is rock solid. Give it some time. I'm eating 1540 calories as I'm closing in on my weight goal and everything I have read says to not eat below your BMR unless you are obese. I don't think dropping your calories is the answer.

    I finished day 11 today btw. Excited to start week 3 on Monday!
  • jaya_
    jaya_ Posts: 1
    To read later....
  • sethdphoto and sniperdue93 Thank you for your input on JMBR I'm going to look into it further.

    Congrats on your success with the program and please keep sharing your progress results!
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    Just ordered it. I am so excited!
  • tesskb328
    tesskb328 Posts: 19 Member
    I am soooo going to buy this soon:bigsmile: ....

    Kind of off topic---but I want Jillian's sports bra that she wears on the cover of the dvds...and on the website that you order it from:

    I have lost a bunch of weight and I want something to work out in that shows more of my curves:blushing:. Does anyone have any sports bras like that and if so where did you buy them? All I can find are standard sports bras that aren't very flattering (in my opinion:smile: )

    Jillian has her own line of sportswear with KSwiss, and her sports bras are from this line. I thought they looked great too but when I checked it out they were $55! I think I'll stick with C9 at Target for $20....for now.

    Yeah I was kind of surprised at the pricing of all her items on KSwiss, they seem legit good stuff but I mean come on. A sports bra for that much better be worth it, I'm still debating buying anything.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I am soooo going to buy this soon:bigsmile: ....

    Kind of off topic---but I want Jillian's sports bra that she wears on the cover of the dvds...and on the website that you order it from:

    I have lost a bunch of weight and I want something to work out in that shows more of my curves:blushing:. Does anyone have any sports bras like that and if so where did you buy them? All I can find are standard sports bras that aren't very flattering (in my opinion:smile: )

    Jillian has her own line of sportswear with KSwiss, and her sports bras are from this line. I thought they looked great too but when I checked it out they were $55! I think I'll stick with C9 at Target for $20....for now.

    I'll stick with the C9 at Target, on clearance 50% off, with a coupon. LOL
  • 71Angel
    71Angel Posts: 7
    I made it through the first month of Insanity. I had to stop in the 1st week of month two. The workouts absolutely KILLED my knees. I'm still having trouble a full week after stopping. Is anyone familiar enough with Insanity to answer - is this going to also both my knees. Is there a lot of power squat-type moves? I really want to get into something, but I can't afford that wear and tear on my knees.
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Makes me want to order this program! I wish I could talk my husband into doing this with me so that I could have a partner in crime! I just though it was so pricey but $30 a month is what you spend on a weekend eating out! I think I am worth every penny of that! I will loo o=into it! Someone should start a group on this! Message me and add me if you do !!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I made it through the first month of Insanity. I had to stop in the 1st week of month two. The workouts absolutely KILLED my knees. I'm still having trouble a full week after stopping. Is anyone familiar enough with Insanity to answer - is this going to also both my knees. Is there a lot of power squat-type moves? I really want to get into something, but I can't afford that wear and tear on my knees.

    I don't have this program specifically, but I have a lot of Jillian dvds and she ALWAYS offers a modified version of the exercises or tells you to just use a smaller range of movement if you have issues. For example, on my various other dvds if she is having the advanced person do jump-squats she will show the beginner version and say you can do it w/o jumping, etc. She always tells you how to make it low-impact and still effective if you need the lower-impact version. Since she does that on all of her other dvds, I would expect her to do it on the Body Revolution program as well, but like I said I don't have this particular set just yet.