

  • I am new as well, and I lost a pound last week (my first week)! That is huge for me. I have 130 pounds to lose. Let's stick to helping each other out during this rough time. It helps to have other people who know what it's like to have a big goal that may seem daunting, but together we will lose, trip up and overeat,…
  • CONGRATULATIONS, Tiara, on the wedding. You can do it. I posted a message and the support I have received is overwhelming and it warms my heart to know that other people care so much. Looks like we came to the right place.
  • I completely understand what you mean about hearing people talk about how if the time is right or if it's God's will then it will happen. These are words most often spoken by women/men who have never had to go throught the emotional rollercoaster and the self-loathing that comes from trying month after month, year after…
  • I have two children as well, and find it hard to always cook/prepare the healthiest meals due to work schedule and activitiy schedule. I had no problem bouncing back after my first, but then after my little boy last year, I have had a very hard time. I think that if we all stick together and lean on each other, our goals…