
Hi, I am new. I joined a support group on another site and found out about this site. I need to lose over 100 pounds to put me in good health. I am having such a hard time putting the bad foods down and picking up the healthy foods. by watching these success stories, I am getting motivated about losing the weight. Wish me luck on my weight loss journey! I will gladly take any suggestions anyone may have.


  • BlueEyedTwin333
    Hey! I'm also pretty new to the site and I wanted to say Hi. :) I've been on for 5 days now and I'm excited about it. Since i started I've lost 2lbs. It's nothing huge but its exciting for me. haha The hardest part is keeping away from bad foods when you're out. My biggest advise is not to give up just because you have a bad day. That's the worst thing you can do. Just start again the next day and keep an eye on what you're eating. Another big no no is lying about you're food intake. My dad does that and it's only hurting yourself. It's hard work but with all the support on this site I've found it easier then doing it on you're own. So good luck girly. We're all here if you need someone to talk to ;)
  • tdusenberry
    I am new as well, and I lost a pound last week (my first week)! That is huge for me. I have 130 pounds to lose. Let's stick to helping each other out during this rough time. It helps to have other people who know what it's like to have a big goal that may seem daunting, but together we will lose, trip up and overeat, repent, and then get back to our goal together! Happy to have you along. I am sending you a friend request now.