

  • Starting today - can't wait! 75 days until my wedding - so I am aiming for 75 miles this month!
  • 30 Day Squat Challenge - I started today...Anyone want to start with me?? Day 1 50 Squats Day 2 55 Squats Day 3 60 Squats Day 4 Rest Day 5 70 Squats Day 6 75 Squats Day 7 80 Squats Day 8 Rest Day 9 100 Squats Day 10 105 Squats Day 11 110 Squats Day 12 Rest Day 13 130 Squats Day 14 135 Squats Day 15 140 Squats Day 16 Rest…
  • I have been breaking out on my back a bit - but I do Pilates 5-6 days a week and you are laying down on the reformers for most of it. That is what I think the problem is there. What are you eating - a lot of times breakouts are caused by what we are eating. Try some really clean eating for a couple of weeks and see if you…