

  • Yeah, my sodium is high, I know. The fat free and items as such have a lot of sodium associated with them. Also, I do love chunchy items. I make up for it drinking water(at least I tell myself). I drink at least half my weight in oz every day in water.
  • Ok, I opened my diary. I usually do not eat my calories back after I exercise. I do measure my food and use the heart rate monitor at the gym. I am going to invest in one soon I just thought I have done this before without a heart monitor. Yes, I am a type 1 Diabetic, I am very healthy my blood pressure is usually around…
  • Yes! I used to weigh in at 6PM on Wednesdays. I would not drink anything after lunch and only 1 glass of water at lunch.
  • It reads 37lbs lighter than I am. And yes, I flat out lied.... Ah well, I will get there.