No I don't swing that way :P
Plateaus are horrible! I've not lost anything for over a month :frown: and nothing is changing that, although like you I don't drink nearly as much water as I should :huh:
Jenna Marbles
Merlin :D
Not if the guy/girl you're dating is a feeder..
Also from the UK feel free to add me everyone :happy:
I've got around 50 to lose..Feel free to add me :happy:
I'm from Essex :happy:
I started the NHS couch to 5k podcasts a few weeks ago and have found it really helpful..I used to get really out of breath and like you, had the pains in my leg..I'm at week 5 now and really starting to enjoy running :smile:
Ah just realised I missed it! :sad:
Hey, Can uou sign me up aswell please ? :happy:
I'm in!
I'm from england :)
I'm pretty new on here..Can some people add me aswell please?
Either Rupert Grint in Toys R us or Demi Lovato at her album signing
I log on everyday..So feel free to add me :happy: