rowecourt Member


  • Thanks for all the nice helpful advice. You all really know your stuff :) I've been in ups and downs this week. I never had to try to lose weight before I had kids. I could dwell on how good age 18-23 was but i want to say *I* made the 26 Yr old me better. I guess im feeling the whiny "why me" crap because of that and…
  • When I was skinnier, I had an odd shape - my hips are high and my sides curved in at butt level. But in clothes, I was pretty much straight up and down, no curves... except for d-cups. I picked myself apart at the time, but I would kill to have myself back that way. I didn't have 3 in rolls, and my arms were long and thin,…
  • I do feel like I'm being pretty strict on myself, but I hope to never eat fast food again. I would love to adapt to the healthy diet I have created for myself, and keep it forever. Its my mind that is hard to train, and if I don't give myself downright brutal rules, I WILL cheat. I am the type who needs to be pushed to do…
  • Thanks for the helpful advice. I won't go into anything that won't help me - I guess my sources are not helpful. However I wasnt asking for criticism either. I am new to all of this, I don't have a healthy history and I have no idea where to start, besides eating well and exercising. I thought after years of abuse, my…