Diana7790 Member


  • Hi all, Everyone have a great weekend and walk, walk, walk! 3/27 LS iWalk Strong 2.5 mi. (did not finish) 3/26 LS Heart Assoc. Walk 2 mi. 3/25 LS iWalk Strong with stretchy band youtube 3 mi. 3/23 LS Heart Assoc. Walk Youtube 3 mi. 3/22 treadmill 1.5 mi. 3/21 outdoor walking 2 mi. 3/19 LS Heart Assoc. Walk Youtube 3 mi.…
  • Hi gang, Rainy still here and cold. Indoor walk again. Have a great day. 3/26 LS Heart Assoc. Walk 2 mi. 3/25 LS iWalk Strong with stretchy band youtube 3 mi. 3/23 LS Heart Assoc. Walk Youtube 3 mi. 3/22 treadmill 1.5 mi. 3/21 outdoor walking 2 mi. 3/19 LS Heart Assoc. Walk Youtube 3 mi. 3/18 LS Heart Association Walk…
  • Hi Again Gang, PinkyPan1 thanks for the nice compliment. Been rainy here in IL so not much outdoor walking. Hope you have better weather where you all are. 3/25 LS iWalk Strong with stretchy band youtube 3 mi. 3/23 LS Heart Assoc. Walk Youtube 3 mi. 3/22 treadmill 1.5 mi. 3/21 outdoor walking 2 mi. 3/19 LS Heart Assoc.…
  • Hi gang, Met my monthly goal of 50 miles. Going to up that to 60 and see where I end up. Hope you all are meeting and exceeding your goals. 3/23 LS Heart Assoc. Walk Youtube 3 mi. 3/22 treadmill 1.5 mi. 3/21 outdoor walking 2 mi. 3/19 LS Heart Assoc. Walk Youtube 3 mi. 3/18 LS Heart Association Walk Youtube 3 mi. 3/16 LS…
  • Hi, The weekend has been good. Got on the treadmill for a bit on Sunday…not long. Been pretty busy. Hope you all are walking a lot and getting your exercise in. 3/21 treadmill 1.5 mi. 3/21 outdoor walking 2 mi. 3/19 LS Heart Assoc. Walk Youtube 3 mi. 3/18 LS Heart Association Walk Youtube 3 mi. 3/16 LS Heart Association…
  • Hi all, Thanks AnnofB I am very close to my monthly goal. I will reevaluate it if I see I reach it before the month is up. Looks like you are walking well too. Hope you all had a wonderful day. It has been colder here in IL since having those wonderful warm temps over the weekend. :( Got a LS workout in today. Hope…
  • Hope you all are having a great week and walking a lot. I was walking around yesterday and shopping but didn't get a LS dvd or outside straight walking. Today though I did a LS dvd off youtube. 3/18 LS Heart Association Walk Youtube 3 mi. 3/16 LS Heart Association Intermediate Walk 2 mi. 3/15 Walking outdoors 2mi. 3/14…
  • Hi guys, I was busy over the weekend so didn't post my miles. But I did 2 miles each day Saturday and Sunday. Today I did another 2 miles…welcome to iammelcro, hope you enjoy the walking. Looks like we are all walking away those pounds!! 3/16 LS Heart Association Intermediate Walk 2 mi. 3/15 Walking outdoors 2mi. 3/14…
  • Today I did some spring cleaning so I didn't have time to go out and walk even though the weather was very nice. Squeezed in a 3 mi. LS dvd instead. Have a good day all! 3/12 LS dvd Walk Away Your Waistline 3mi. 3/11 outdoor walking 3 mi. 3/10 Cardioke/dancing DVD 2 mi. Total: 31/50 Keep on Walking :)
  • Thanks hun for the nice response Ireutner :) Today was a great day…weather got to 64* very happy! Went out to lunch and walked the outdoor outlet mall. Lots of great exercise. Counting 3 mi. walked. Hope I can keep getting out more. jensjourney3 welcome to the group. Good luck on making it to your goal! Hope everyone else…
  • Today I did not do a Leslie dvd. I dug back into my old DVDs and pulled out an older DVD called Cardioke by Billy Blanks Jr. I used my fitbit to jot down how many miles it was from start to finish, it amounted to about 2 miles. But I do think the calories I burned were a lot more than what I would've done with an LS dvd.…
  • Hi all, As far as the way I do the exercise posts, mine are are back to back if I post more then one dvd or set of exercise miles in one day. Sometimes they are from the same dvd and its two different sections of the dvd. So I will do the warm up to one but the cool down from the last section. Does that make sense? I am…
  • Hi Gang, Sounds like everyone had a great weekend with walking….wonderful to see some even incorporating the entire family! :) Been busy today prepping food for the upcoming week and did not have time to do as much walking as I would like to have. Tomorrow I weigh in so I figured I better squeeze in something. I really…
  • Happy Saturday all, 3/7 LS 2 mi classic 2 mi ultimate 5 day walk plan (4 mi.) 3/6 LS 5k With a Twist 3.2 mi. 3/5 LS Walking to the Hits Party Songs 47 min. 3 mi. 3/4 LS Walk to the Hits Party Songs 3 mi. 3/2 LS 2 mi. classic 2 mi. power express (4mi.) Total: 17/50 Have a great weekend! :) Keep on walking!
  • Hi everyone, 3/6 LS 5k With a Twist 3.2 mi. 3/5 LS Walking to the Hits Party Songs 47 min. 3 mi. 3/4 LS Walk to the Hits Party Songs 3 mi. 3/2 LS 2 mi. classic 2 mi. power express (4mi.) Total: 13/50 Have a great weekend! :) Keep on walking!
  • Thanks texasgardnr! I appreciate the welcome!
  • Hi all, Hope everyone is having a great day! :) 3/5 LS Walking to the Hits Party Songs 47 min. 3 mi. 3/4 LS Walk to the Hits Party Songs 3 mi. 3/2 LS 2 mi. classic 2 mi. power express (4mi.) Total: 10/50 Keep on walking!
  • Question for you all….I walk with a fitbit all day and was wondering do you guys post your all day miles on here or just your exercise miles? So far I just have posted exercise miles. TIA
  • PinkyPan1 Thanks so much! Well today I was on plan and ate well. 3/2 LS 2 mi. classic 2 mi. power express (4mi.) 3/4 LS Walk to the Hits Party Songs 3 mi. Total: 7/50 On my way! :)
  • Hi all, I am so glad to find this group. I have been doing LS walking videos for awhile now. I had a hip replacement 1/2014 and the videos really helped me after gaining some weight due to inactivity. I still have issues with my arthritis some days but am trying to walk regardless. My goal will be 50 miles this month. I…