papayamischief Member


  • ^^ Both of you. Perfect. Just "tone up", and I think you'll be happy. Forget about your weight. And for the record, I think you're lovely the way you are
  • Feel free to add me! I'm new as of late last night/ this morning, and would love some friends. :)
  • I went off of prozac (40mg) in 2009, and gained about 15lbs. I don't know what reason specifically, it was a while ago and I wasn't tracking it, but I did gain some weight. Also, I feel you with the fibro bit. I have it too, and I find it's hard for me to work out. I've learned that I have to stretch gently for about 20…
  • *squee* It's the Doctor!!! :tongue:
  • Oh sweetie. I've had problems with doctors before too. Don't listen to him: restricting your calories so drastically isn't healthy, even if it's for a short period. You said that your BMR is 2382? That's how much you need to eat calorie wise to maintain your body-weight at REST. So if you even get up to go to the bathroom,…
  • Him possibly not wanting to have a baby when you do is a huge deal - I've seen many relationships broken up over that. Waiting for another couple years isn't a bad thing - especially if it means that you have a better financial situation to support a child, but you need to know if he's ever going to want a baby, because…
  • I just started on here! I'm pretty new to weight loss through counting calories, and I would love some friends!