

  • I've done some dance videos. Bollywood dance is helpful in that area.
  • I'm usually under my goal for fiber so I've been adding a teaspoon or two of Benefiber - Orange Non Gritty to my water once or twice a day. It tastes really, really good and I'm sure I could use some extra fiber. It helps shake thinks up a bit. 15 calories for 2 tsp.
  • Wow! You are an inspiration to me and many others! Congratulations on your phenomenal weight loss. I too love myfitnesspal! It's the first thing I've tried that I love and I'm doing it the right way. No drugs, no starvation diets just changing habits and it's working. I have a similar weight loss goal as yours and I know I…
  • Black Eyed Peas is great music to work out to. Break Even - The Script, Another One Bites The Dust - Queen are other favorites of mine!
  • I've got a friend who's lost 18 inches doing Zumba. I'm thinking about trying it!