
  • I mix a little balsamic vinegrette with the drained tuna plus herbs of choice. Easy, low cal, low fat. Nice alternative to creamy tuna salad.
  • Check your local bike shops (for community boards with notices) and bike clubs for used ones. This is the time of year people upgrade and they want the cash to buy the new ones. If you have a tri-club in your area check them too.
  • Bring a high protein snack with you to have before you head home? Try some almonds or nut butter on whole wheat bread. This should fill the immediate craving so you can make good choices when you get home. I love chocolate milk when I get home after after a big workout.
  • It doesn't sound like you are going overboard with fruits and you don't eat a lot of other sweets so I think you should be fine. I have heard of people who eat three times as much fruit and I would see that as a problem.
  • You could try doing intervals on the treadmill or elliptical. Look up info on "HIIT" for some routines. This will kick up your cardio burn and it makes the time go fast. You can also do this when walking outdoors. I add hill climbs at a local park to my walking routine to pump up my heart rate too.
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