mrose414 Member


  • Awesome! How fast did you see results? I'm on my second week and it seems like I lost 2 lbs last week. I've been going to the gym so I'm hoping that will give me a boost in wt loss :)
  • When I eat late at night, I wake up super hungry lol I don't know why that is
  • Thank you for that information, that is pretty helpful and makes a lot of sense :)
  • Thanks guys for the response, I will definitely keep all those things in mind, and congrats to you all on your weight loss! :) If I get hungry (which is most of the time) after 6pm, I have been eating a spinach salad, or I'll eat a carbs. All of the responses make sense and I like the "everything in moderation…
  • Thanks guys, I weighed myself since today is the day I start counting my calories and I realized I weigh 179 :( I'm pretty bummed now. But I need to get this weight off for sure!!! I have gained 5 pounds from the last time (3 months ago). I'm about to get ready to go to the gym...any advice?