oakleaves Member


  • First, cut yourself a break. You haven't killed anybody or robbed a bank. You're preparing to graduate with a tough degree. College is a really stressful time, no matter how many people tell you it's the best time of your life. I had a great time in college but I would never do it again. I am also on 20mg of Lexapro.…
  • Thanks, everyone! This helps more than you know. I am off to the gym now for a cardio day so it is good motivation. Heather, you look incredible for a 25 year old, nevermind a 41 year old. (We are the same age!) Becca, I agree with you completely on the scale thing. As long as I lose weight and make it to a healthy range,…
  • Yes, in fact, I do. Staying at this weight is not healthy, therefore I need to lose (not loose) pounds. I am fine if that happens more slowly while I am building muscle but eventually, I do need to lose weight also. I assume it would happen but I am asking is whether anyone here has had experience with that. I see no…
  • Oh, I agree with you. I'm perfectly content to see the inches go faster than the scale. It's just that at some point, the scale has to move too! No way can I put on enough muscle to equal what the fat weighs, you know?
  • I am wondering the same thing! I have always wanted to fun the Marine Corps 10k. It's such an amazing race and I just want to be able to say that I did it. I am sloooow, though, and I just worry that I won't make the time cut. I worried the same thing about the Cherry Blossom 5k I finished last year but that was no…