

  • Congratulations on a job well-done already. Just keep doing what you've been doing, and you'll keep getting what you've been getting. You are on a winning streak!
  • Aim for 135 lbs and practice maintaining that for several months. If you find yourself on the odd side of your preferred size of clothes then lose a little more, then maintain. You need a little muscle to take care of your new angel and that adds some weight! Focus on health, energy, and of course, love!
  • You and I must share the same zodiac sign. Same story here. However, I am sticking with it. Mathematically, we have to lose eventually - right! Numbers in, numbers out - only logical. I did finally figure out that my numbers out were not enough, so I started more movement (whatever that might be for you). That kicks things…
  • I'm so excited for you both. You have new lives, new ways to relate, new experiences everyday, and new friends on MFP who want and need to hear from you.. Great share! Congratulations!
  • That is a perfect replly. I am going to remember it when I lose my weight. I have only lost 10 pounds so far this month, but I plan to lose 50 total. That will put me well below what people know me as. I predict some negative comments since I am older and will probably get some baggy skin or wrinkles. But who knows - maybe…
  • Your story has motivated me! I wish I could find someone like you here in person to work with and keep me going! Did you have someone like that or did you do it on your own?
  • I have been eating 5 meals + 1 lean and green on a nationally known, medically sound program for the past month. It has worked wonderfully. I feel great and with its support network and with myfitness pal and its community, I plan to stay on it until I reach my goal weight and beyond for maintenance. Do some research or…
  • How do you see someone else's diary? Can I see the view of myself like the one where you saw her sodium levels? Is that done under the reports and if so do you have to do each separate micronutrient report separately or can you see the big three together over a time period?
  • I just ordered the Fitbit One as well. It should be here by 7/25/13. I will sync it to my iphone 5. Wish I could sync it to my computer but my Windows unit does not have bluetooth. When you get yours up and going, email me what you think. I am a slow learner and could use the directions/tips you gain during the first…
  • What a difference your pictures show! You are doing great! Just think what the pictures will be like 12 months from now - you should then go to one of those Oprah Winfrey type beauty makeover places and celebrate with professional photos to share the journey with your child one day when he/she is facing a real challenge in…
  • I am so proud of you for what you are trying to do. Tell everyone you are trying to add some muscles and get in better shape and hope they do not have trouble with the noise. Ask if there is a better time for you to try to do it each day. Then set you timer on your phone and go for it with no expectations from downstairs.…
  • I read your response to this post and have a question. I have lost 10 pounds just on Medifast eating program. I start exercize (walking) this week. What are you talking about in eating my exercize calories. Am I supposed to eat more according to what the program says I burn by walking - on top of the 1200 calories? (I hope…
  • Thank you for posting this. While I do not share your pattern, I was feeling discouraged because my measurements have not changed but I have lost 9 pounds in three weeks. Where do you think the weight might be coming from? I would say water, but I am drinking half my weight in water everyday. It must be coming from…
  • Just a newby but am down 10 pounds in three weeks, slow but sure. I am curious - what is a Fitbit?
  • That is amazing! You have determination and have proven that you can finish anything once you make you mind up to do it!
  • You're the kid - from here! I am 66, just started 2 weeks ago, and have lost 8 pounds so far (32 to go!) Hey, no matter how old you are, today is the first day of the rest of your life - right!