

  • I'm not, but have thought of it. The liquid diet sounds TOUGH! I have considered doing the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery though. What made you decide to do the GB surgery and how much does it cost? Good Luck! Julie
  • Yes, I NEED to get back on my thyroid medicine and this should help me lose weight too. My doctor is going to call in a prescription for some thyroid meds soon. That should help. Also, I think I am addicted to FAST FOOD and need to seriously cut back on it. It's so hard....especially when you are injured. I love to eat and…
  • I understand how it's harder in a restaurant because I am a bartender in a Tex-Mex restaurant and we get half price off a meal every shirt and I don't often have time for lunch and then I am starved and most of our food options are heavy and fattening. There are some healthier options, but not many and, I have no idea how…
  • I would go with what the machine says as MFP is known to greatly overestimate the calories spent. When you get on the machine, input how much you weigh and your age and it will give you a more accurate calorie count. Don't go by the MFP numbers...they are much too high!
  • I think staying active, eating regularly and allowing yourself to have a small bit of what you want helps prevent a total binge. For instance, if you have to have chocolate, just allow yourself to have a Hershey's kiss or a square of chocolate and not the whole bar...a pre packaged amount is always better. Also, writing…
  • I just started watching that new show on A&E called 'Heavy' and it's about the struggle of many very obese people. It's well done and also motivating. I would highly recommend that you get a personal trainer and start working out with him or her. Make sure to get the okay from your doctor before you start dieting and/or…