

  • i'm in 100%!!!!! WHEW HEW
  • i would LOVE to join your baby weight losing group!!!! I have a 2 year old and i gained 75lbs with her.. i got up to 210 - not to mention ridiculous stretch marks!!! but, i decided to start losing the weight and i got down to about 165 last year.. then in Jan i realized i was back up to 170's...so since jan i've been…
  • I would do twice as many cardio days as weight (I.E. 4 and 2) but that's just me. If your weight training is really some kind of hybrid HIIT training type exercise, then you could do more. i personally agree with this theory.. i do both,as well.. but, when i do my "lifting" i do strength exercises.. b/c i don't want to…
  • hey my calorie intake is set @ approx 1400 BUT, i keep it under 1000.. let me tell ya how..lol Breakfast - kellogg 90 calorie breakfast bar OR Bannana OR 2 boiled eggs Lunch - 1 Healthy Request soup OR 1 cup of vegies and a small meat!! (pref. grilled chicken). Dinner - I have gotten some of those Lean Cuisine frozen…
  • Peanut Butter - this is a GOOD FAT and it's cheap!!! OR EGGS!!! they are cheap too and they are a good fat! Chicken is extremely cheap and it can last you for a long time! You can buy one pack of 6 chicken breats for $6 and that will last you for 6 days (6 dinners)... I am on a pretty tight budget as well and these are the…
  • you know my secret to exercising with a desk job.. (i have a desk job also). don't keep snacks around - that's a main thing..lol... and then i either get up early in the morning and do my exercises then. that way i have energy the entire day. then when i get home i have been doing another set of exercises approx 30min..…
  • I am so with you!!! i would love to join this challenge!!!!! my goal is to lose approx 30 - 35lbs by that time!!!!! This is a GREAT Idea, seriously!!! I absolutely love the twilight movies!!!! DANG. good idea!!! i will keep you posted with my progress.. will you do the same?
  • This is AWESOME!!! Congragulations!! i can't wait to be where you are!