Losing Baby Weight



  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I miss Biggest Loser too!!!

    Jess- try getting the puppy a Kong (it's a toy that bounces) and you can put treats or peanut butter in it- will keep pup chewing on it - puppies teethe too - and love to chew on EVERYTHING. my brother's dog had a lot of the nipping/chewing issues, and I bought her a Kong, and it works great- she STILL always has a Kong toy, and he has to replace it every now and then. Good Luck!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I miss biggest loser as well.

    I still cannot break the habit of weighing all the time, i know the weight fluctuates but i can't stop myself. I officially weigh on MFP on Mondays and Fridays, it really helps me stay focused that way. My goal is to go down to Monday/Friday only weigh ins, which is better than the 4-5 times a day now. 1 vice at a time, and that one is on the bottom of the list to kill.

    Playgroup today was needed, the kids are driving me up the wall. it is cold out and they needed to burn some energy.

    have a great hump day

  • I live in B.C. about 45 min from Vancouver. I also can't wait till it's over!!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Hi all! I would like to join in!! I am looking for motivation, support and other moms who are going through what i am! :)

    I have a 2 year old and a 7 month old--both boys. I lost all but 5 pounds after my first, and still have 15 pounds to go to be where i was before i got preggo, so 20 total! and then of course, i wasn't where i wanted to be before i got preggo, so i would like to loose at least 30 pounds! I just want to be comfortable, and fit!!

    looking forward to chatting and sharing advice with all of you!
  • i would LOVE to join your baby weight losing group!!!! I have a 2 year old and i gained 75lbs with her.. i got up to 210 - not to mention ridiculous stretch marks!!! but, i decided to start losing the weight and i got down to about 165 last year.. then in Jan i realized i was back up to 170's...so since jan i've been really trying!!! i've lost 9lbs so far!!! i'm almost in the 150 range!! and i still have the self consious issues about the extra weight etc... but, i think this group is GREAT!!!! I'm all in!!!:smooched:
  • mdestiny25
    mdestiny25 Posts: 15 Member
    Afternoon everyone! Hope your all doing well!

    Jessica- You sound as busy as me! I have 3 children and I go to school. I am constantly driving somewhere it seems...lol. So you have me looking into a bodybugg. I am just not sure if I want to do it because I already track my calories on here and I use a heart rate monitor. Are you going to track on their website now? Good point about pushing harder as you get closer to weigh in. I KNOW I should start weighing only once a week, but its just so hard not too...lol. We are getting snow too...where do you live? We are in VA? Does your hubby travel a lot? Jayson is army, and his job requires him to travel about a full week out of every month. It can be pretty annoying! And as for the biting, do you pop his nose if he bites? Is he crate trained?

    Kristin- We are looking at getting a jumparoo. We had one with Erilyn and she really liked it until it became a human sling shot for my older daughter. Hopefully we can avoid that this go round. Glad she likes it!

    Cat- wonderful to meet you! Are you living in ATL? I am orginally from GA, norht of ATL, Cherokee County- familiar? I was born in Marietta. My parents still live there and they say its been really weird this year. Off and on weather. Thanks for the info on the undies- I plan on going to the Maiddenform store here at our mall soon. Hopefully I will find something!

    BiggieShorty- I wish I had that will power to weigh in only once a month. I would be like an addict going through withdraws by week 2! Your strong!

    Michelle- Wow! 5 kids under 5?! Your super woman! My kids really depend on playgroups as well, and the gym has a wonderful play area for them too.

    So I wrote out my gym plan last night (starting a new routine) and I was all excited to do it today. Get the kids settled in the daycare, go to the bathroom to pee, and it burns. So I have a UTI. I get them really fast and they are pretty painful and I usually can't leave the toilet due to the spasms, so I packed the kids up and came home. I took some meds and hope that the pain will go away soon so I can get back to the gym. I take a preventative ABX when hubby and I DTD, but I didn't the other day and here I am. I HATE when I miss a day of gym or my routine gets messed up, so now its weighing on me. And to top it off, my intake has not been the best today...blah. Tomorrow is a new day right?

    Do you guys know if this site has a recipe calculator on it? I need to find out how many cals are in some of the things I want to make.

    Off to do more research on this bodybugg thingy! Have a good night all!
  • anneforster1102
    anneforster1102 Posts: 7 Member
    My baby Genevieve had her first rice cereal today, and she liked it! My Au Pair sent me a phone vidoe of it. I love technology. I don't have to miss anything. :love:
  • Welcome Jamie and Beesley. This is a great place to find motivation for your weight loss goals.

    Maranda-I spell my sons name Jayson as well. I know that's your husband's name but I've only seen a few people who spell it that way. I'm originally from VA, Lynchburg actually. Its near Charlottesville and Roanoke and DH is from Alexandria. Are you guys getting snow this weekend? What's your new workout routine?
  • Welcome to all the new ladies!

    So I am going to be adding some Pilates to my weekly routine but I don't know what to put in my exercise counter thing... There are no Pilates in it. And also does anyone know of a good calorie counter band that also measures heart rate. And how accurate are they???

    I am trying to mix things up with my work out routine and I am also going to try doing some Tai Chi. Does anyone know anything about this. I know it isn't a calorie burner but on my rest days I still want to be doing SOMETHING.

    Yesterday after doing Jillian's workout (only half of it) I cooled down by doing some *****cat Dolls Dance workout. HAHAHA! It was silly but fun. Definitely no way to lose weight but something fun to do as a cool down or a warm up.

    I have four months till I am in my best friends wedding and I need to look and feel good. All my old friends will be there and I havent seen them since before I had my son. The worst is when you see someone 20lbs later and you just see them looking u up and down... I want to avoid that at all costs!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Maranda - saw this from another poster - try this site:

  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning GIRLS!!!!

    I love that we have so many newcomers! WELCOME!!!!

    Steph - I used to do Thia Chi often and it is a great tool for relaxing, stretching, and also helps with balance. May not burn the cals of an aerobic workout but the benefits are certainly there!

    I am starting couch to 5k with a friend today for a race in May. I have never been a real runner but have always wanted to be so I really hope I can succeed with this challenge. I will be weighing in at the gym this afternoon and plan to find the scale has not moved. I do not know what I am doing wrong but am not losing weight like I should be. I eat within my cals and exercise for 30-60 minutes 4-5 days a week. I cannot tell you how discouraged I am. I have stopped eating back my exercise cals for 5 days now and am hoping that helps. I also lowered my cals burned for breastfeeding from 250 to 200. I just cannot believe I had my baby 11 weeks ago and have only lost 6 lbs. makes me want to bawl. That's my sob story; thanks for listening.

    Jess - the rule with biting puppies is "no hands". Always have a toy in your hand when playing with the puppy and never use exposed hands. Teach the puppy to interactive with the children in this manner as well so when the kids start getting wild the puppy learns to go grab a toy to bring to the festivities instead of being overstimulated and biting as a way of engaging in playtime. We did this and now whenever the boys are rough housing or play fighting he goes and grabs a toy to rough house with. Crate training is also important. If puppy gets out of hand and is not latching onto the toy, put him in the crate to calm down. The crate will be his safe and quiet personal area.

    Love the posts about underwear! I too used to be g-string only but at about the 2nd trimester I switched and now I wear HUGE horribly ugly underwear (can't even call them panties!). I think I will try the suggested line free bikinis; I sure hubby would appreciate it!!

    Anyone have any high fiber snack suggestions? I need some go to snacks that keep me full.

    Hugs! Cris
  • mowens77
    mowens77 Posts: 36 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Welcome Jamie and Beesley:smile:

    Well normally I weigh in on Friday's but tomorrow my weigh in buddy is coming in late(we weigh at work better scales there) so we weighed this morning 1.6 loss so I pleased a day early and no workouts. I still haven't done the p90x ab workout I downloaded looks a little scary! I also downloaded a biggest loser workout video so I'm hoping that I soon will get motivated to actually do them
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    what's wrong with good ol' granny panties?! ;}
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    OMG, so much to respond to!! I am probably going to have to do multiple posts so I can go back and catch everything!!

    Michelle O-I hate the ab ripper x. HATE it. It makes me feel totally incompetent. Especially because ab work was always one of my favorite things and now I am so awful at it! But here are some tips that helped me get through it. First off- bare feet! Until you get stronger, the weight of your shoes will make a big difference. Also, pause between every exercise. I do a 30 second pause. Proper form is more important than getting through it quickly. Forget about pride, worry only about doing them right. If you can't do 25 of everything, do what you can do for now. I still struggle my way through it, but I am definitely much better than when I started!

    Yay Cris on the couch to 5k! That will make a huge difference for you I think! I still believe nothing gets you in shape the way running does! And nothing else gets you better legs! I know the huge debate between exercise cals eating and not eating them. I betcha you will see a difference cutting them back! I never eat mine unless I feel like I need them for energy!

    What do you mean by exposed hands? Like the kids should wear gloves? LOL. See the problem isn't just their hands! He goes after their pants, their shirts, their hair- anything hanging at all! Last night he jumped up and bit Kira on the side of her rib cage. Tore her skin open :( We do crate train him. He does great with that. I have resorted to putting him in there to calm down when he's biting now- even though I had read you aren't supposed to do that. I think Mina had suggested a kong- we do have one of those for him. Along with about a million other things hard/soft/stuffed/rubber/material. And he loves to play and chew all of it. But he just won't stop with the biting! Like, what do you do, if the kids have a toy in their hand that they are offering to him, and he's biting their hand or clothes instead? Not questioning what you're saying, just trying to better understand what exactly I AM supposed to do, LOL.

    On the snacks thing- I love Kashi bars. They only have about 3 grams of fiber- but they are yummy and satisfying. Only 120-130 cals. There are a number of really tasty flavors, too.

    Mina- that's the recipe calculator I use- and I love it!

    Steph- for pilates I would probably use yoga for the calculator. I'd think they should be fairly similar. I hate the up and down look. Especially when people are so blatant with it!! At least be sneaky if you are gonna eyeball me!!!

    On the undies topic, I saw some boy shorts style workout undies at Wallyworld today. They were made by Danskin, and were that breathable microfiber stuff. They didn't have a pricetag, but I would think something like that might be good.

    Have to post cause I can't scroll further back!
  • Hi all!
    Grrrr....I just tried to enter my lunch, but I have no idea if I was even close on what I entered! I was really busy at work, so I ran downstairs to our cafeteria to get something. I got mixed veggies and something they called "chicken alfredo." It was good white meat chicken, but I'm sure the sauce was crazy fattening. Also, when I got to the bottom of my veggies, they were swimming in butter! Why do they have to ruin something healthly???? I just put 2 Tbs. of butter and 1 Tbs. of heavy cream hoping I was somewhere close....ARGH. :angry:

    Maranda - I live in Alpharetta, so I know exactly where you are talking about! It's so cold and windy again today.... I hope we get some warm weather soon!!!

    Cris - I know everyone says eat high fiber snacks to feel full and satisfied, but that never seemed to work for me. Apples, pears, etc...were always my go to. What seems to work for me is higher protein. Now that I am eating more protein I feel much fuller. I eat yogurt, cottage cheese, or a Pure Protein Bar. They have a chocolate peanut one that's pretty good!

    Well....tomorrow's my big day! My husband and I are doing our 30 day measurements. I'm excited to see the results, because I know I look different. Wish me luck! :smile:

    Hope you all have a great day! TGTF!!!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Welcome to the group Jamie and Beesley! I look forward to getting to know you both better. The more people in the same boat, the faster we can paddle ;)

    Awww Anne, isn't that so much fun to see them eat their first cereal?

    Maranda- in regards to the bodybugg- I am still only going to track my food here. Their food database is nowhere nearly as good, and only shows you calories. Since they set your goals, it's just as easy to mentally do the math. Then when you enter your losses in each week, they will give you a "real" caloric burn. I am still in awe of this device. I am burning 1000 calories more a day than I thought. BUT, ironically, I am burning less during workouts than I thought. (There is more of an argument for NOT eating all of your exercise calories!) For example, I am burning closer to half of what P90x told me I should expect to burn in a workout. They said estimate 600 calories. Well, my numbers have been like 370. I think knowing your true burn is vital to success. That was the deciding factor for me to spend the money for it. If you think you are going to get one though, I say do it before the end of the month. The special they are running with the free display band is totally awesome. That costs about $100 on it's own. I would hate to have to upload my info constantly to check my progress.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    We are in PA. Near Lancaster, Philly, Harrisburg. It's snowing here too right now. They are saying 6-12". Really, this crap can just stop anytime! My hubby does not travel very often. His friend is a videographer of taxidermy, and makes instructional videos about it. So they are doing some taxidermy nerd/photography convention. LOL. I would not do well as a military wife! That must be very hard!!!

    Hi cat!!!! Good luck to you today with measurements! I am very excited to hear how the program is doing for you!! Ugh on the cafeteria food! No wonder we're all fat!! LOL

    I bought Jillian's 30 day Shred and Banish fat/boost metabolism dvd at Walmart today too. I am excited to try them. I need more time in a day to fit in all of these workouts I want to try. On the downside, my local Blockbuster closed! How does that happen? I guess there will be no more renting workout videos unless I want to do netflix or something.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    There is so much to take in here! I am trying to understand what is going on, but I suppose it will just take time!!

    I am so intrugued by the bodybugg--i don't understand how it works, but think that it would be a good investment. i went to target today--saw that they had a watch that tracked calorie burn--does anyone have one of these? do they work?

    i just did my 30 day shred dvd and am BEAT! it is amazing, that in only 20 minutes, i can get a good workout in! I think that I will save the elliptical time for when the boys go to bed (especially since i need to do at least an hour, i skipped out on it yesterday!)

    do all you ladies weigh in on one specific day? i generally do monday morning...it helps me not over eat on the weekend, knowing that i have a weigh in coming! :) how many days are you ladies working out? and how long/how many times during the day? so many questions, i know i know!

    ok! hope everyone is having a wonderful day :)
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jess, my MIL uses the library, and "rents" DVDs and stuff from there, have you tried checking out what they have? Might be cheaper too! ;)

    Jamie - I usually weigh in on Tuesdays, but if I forget, then it's Wednesday - most of the girls seem to have different Weigh In days, so you can just report your success (thinking positive for all of us!) on your day.
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