Losing Baby Weight



  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    Well my guests are all gone adn it is time to get the house back in order, just want to say thanks to all the words or encouragement, i ate horrible, so we shall see how tomorrow's weigh in goes. talk to you all soon, but i forgot on the positive note, i did at least journal! over saturday and sunday, but back on as of now.

  • mama22girlz
    HI All

    Just found this group. I joined MFP a few weeks ago. I'm Kim mom of two girls. (hence the screen name) My eldest is 3 1/2 and my youngest is 14 months. I have been overweight since I was a teen, but when I was pregnant with my second I lost 15 lbs in the first trimester from not being able to eat anything but bread and water. I then gained the 15 back plus about 5. After having my daughterI dropped down to my lowest in years, but then gained about 15 to 20 lbs and was the highest I've been in years. I guess I was thinking that the breastfeeding was going to keep the weight off. I'm just feeling so fat, and I feel all the weight is around my middle. I proably look pregnant. I've managed to loose just over 9 lbs so far and its motivating me to loose more. I'm still trying to figure out my calorie intake. I'm nursing my 14 month old 3 times a day or so, and right now I'm accounting that for 200 calories burned in "exercise" lol but not sure if thats the way to do it or not. Looking forward to losing with you ladies ;) Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals!!!!

    Kim, Pink, and Pari...WELCOME!!! We are thrilled to have you join us! This is a great way to keep each other motivated!!!

    Michelle...glad you can get back to some normality now that your guests are gone!

    Jess...Zumba! I would look rediculous! But I've heard it's a fun and great workout!!!

    Everyone else...HELLO!

    Well...I had a good weekend! Got some walking on the treadmill on Friday evening, no workout on Saturday, and then some running on Sunday. Feeling pretty good! I actually weighed this morning, and YAY!!!

    2/1/10 (week 11)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 180.5
    Pounds lost: 10.5
    Goal for week 11: Lose 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Belly size(1/5/10): 43 inches (this is just below the belly button...thickest spot around my tummy, and I will only measure once a month).

    Personal Challenge for week 11: Ab workout at least 3 times this week!

    I just realized I didn't even weigh-in on here last week. I was at 184 last week, so I'm down 3.5 pounds! YAY!!! I officially weigh-in tomorrow for my other challenge, but was SO excited to see it down this morning that I decided to post! If it changes by tomorrow, I'll adjust!!!
  • rfcollins33
    Hello all. Kristin, you are doing great. I'm jealous ;) We had our babies about same time, so I need to catch up. And, that was GREAT advice about the ground beef, tatoodfreak. I'm gonna try it. Sorry, I was looking for your name and didn't see it, I'll have to go to your profile after this. I am a little discouraged because I only lost 1 pound this past week, which brings me to 6 pounds in 3 weeks. So, not so bad, but I didn't want to drop below 2 lbs a week. Gym has been closed a lot because of snow. But, I could come up with excuses all day. I guess I'm gonna try to fit in some spinning classes. I wanted to get a little more into shape before I did any classes, because I feel like I'll pass out or something. How embarrassing that would be lol....I've stuck to my caloric intake so well and have changed the way I ate instead of doing any kind of fad diets, so that's great, but I really wanna lose more each week. Guess I'm impatient. Cris, I'm so glad you've found a remedy for your little one. I hated to see my son be so uncomfortable and constipated too. Well, til next time, Ladies. keep up good work, I need to try to catch up to you all. lol

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning ladies!! It's Monday and the kids are back in school! Thank goodness! Oops, did I say that out loud? My house looks like a tornado hit it, and we were hardly here all weekend. I wish school days were longer! LOL

    Welcome Mama, pink, and pari! Keep on stopping by! The more the merrier!

    Mich, I am glad you survived the weekend! I'm sure it had to be hard to stay on track!

    Kristin, wow! OMG, congrats! That is fantastic! Don't you dare reweigh yourself tomorrow! Take that number and just feel good about it, and let it keep you motivated to continue this week! You are gonna break that 170s barrier this week!

    I had this weird dream last night that I went into a hair salon to borrow their curling iron to do my bangs. So, I was feeling good about myself and styled my hair, and then walked in front of their full length mirror to look at myself. Well, in my dream I was dressed in this bright purple sweat outfit, and I was just huge! Had to look like I weighed 200 pounds MORE than I really do. I was so devastated because I didn't realize how terrible I looked, that I went running out of the salon. Weird how these subconcious (I can never spell that darn word) feelings manifest themselves in our dreams!

    Well, I ought to be productive. And I smell a stinky baby, who I hate to disturb because she's just sitting quietly playing with a stuffed horse on the floor, LOL.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning Rachael! My name is Jessica BTW :) Don't be discouraged by a pound! Think about a pound of butter in your fridge. You lost ALL OF THAT right off your bod! That's nothing to be upset over!! Great job!!
  • biggieshorty
    Hi all,

    My name is Carrie and I just joined Myfitnesspal. I had a baby via c-section in Sept 08. I was overweight before I got preggo but I put on 60lbs during pregnancy. I went from an all time high of 253 to my current weight of 226. I've always been overweight, but I've never weighed more than 200lbs. I would love to join this group with my fellow mommies in our quest to get and keep off those pesky baby pounds.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Something fun...


    Cup of Tea .

    One day my mother was out and my dad was in charge of me.

    I was maybe 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as
    a gift and it was one of my favorite toys.

    Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when I
    brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea', which was just water. After several
    cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my Mom came home.

    My Dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!' My Mom waited, and sure
    enough, here I come down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy and she
    watches him drink it up.

    Then she says, (as only a mother would know....)

    'Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach water is the toilet?

    Personals to come in a while...
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Hello and welcome biggieshorty!

    LOL Kristin.

    Well, the puppy has finally learned not to try to jump on me/nip me/ bite my sneakers/ bite my hair/jump on my face while I am working out. He saw me start up my video and steered clear! Went and laid under the kitchen table. Ahhh. I had a rest day yesterday, and almost hated it because I had no calorie cushion.

    Josie has taken a love of bottled water. She's been fascinated with holding the bottle and putting the side of it into her mouth. Well, my hubby gave her a sip of water out of his, and she loved it, LOL. If she sees me with it, she wants mine now! So I sat one down on her high chair tray, and she was trying and trying to pick it up, and it would spin or just slide forward. She was mad at it, growling at it trying to get it. It was so cute.
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Girls!

    Welcome newcomers!! I love how many girls we have on here!!

    Had a great weekend! Two of my closest friends came to visit and stayed over Saturday night. I am pretty sure I exceeded my cals on Sat with 4 glasses of wine and Thai food for dinner. I have learned that drinking 4 glasses of wine and getting up for night feedings do not go together!! I won't be going overboard in that dept again! Plus, dumping breast milk is a horrible thing to do; it feels like liquid gold!!

    I am not loosing weight and do not know what to do about it. I work out and eat well and yet the weight is not budging. This fat is all less than a year old and it just seems like it would come off easier! Any suggestions? Kristen - how many cals are you counting for breast feeding? Maybe my numbers are off? Ugh... I am SO discouraged :ohwell:

    Jess - glad to hear Sunny is being a good puppy!! He sure is a cutie!

    Kristen - love the joke!!

    I need to read back further and see what I have been missing. Amelia has been keeping me so busy and she is wanting to be held all the time so it has been hard for me to type! Friday I sat down with her and typed out a huge message to you all with one hand and then the screen changed and I lost it all!! I was too Po'd to start over; sorry!!

    Hope you are all well! Hugs!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning girls! Need to vent quick...

    Well, yesterday I ended up going home early because Kadence was sick. Here's a bit of info that I have shared in the past, but for anyone new... I breastfeed when at home and pump at work. And even though I usually pump about 10 ounces during the day, she still wants more and now we add some into her rice cereal, so we have been going through tons. We tried regular formula a while back and she couldn't keep it down so we though she had a lactose intolerance. So the doctor gave us lactose-free formula to try, but she couldn't keep that down either. So then we tried soy, which she didn't like at first, but was able to keep down. The past week and a half or so, my husband (who is home with her during the days right now) has been giving her about 2 ounces of soy formula mixed with 4-5 ounces of breastmilk and she's had no problems. She's even had a few full bottles of just soy formula when at my moms and my in-laws. But yesterday she threw up everything after her mid-morning feeding, just like she did with the regular and lactose-free formulas. SO...we took her to the doctor to see what was going on, maybe an ear infection or something, but all looked fine. So, could be a tummy bug or maybe she's developing an allergy to the soy. And if so, she can't have ANY formula! SO frustrating! Can anyone relate? I just can't believe she could be developing an allergy to the soy also...then we have NO backup if there's not enough breastmilk. I don't get it?!?! So, I'm also trying to up my milk production...drinking TONS of water and taking Fenugreek which is supposed to help. We will see. But she's doing fine now...we gave her pedialyte yesterday and she was nursing fine and acting normal again by evening. AND slept ALL night for the first time in weeks!!!! I'm hoping that starts back up again! Sorry to vent...just so frustrating!

    Cris...I'm eating about 1700 calories plus anything that I burn. It is said you should eat 1700-1900 calories while breastfeeding. This seems to be working for me. Still getting plenty of breastmilk and losing weight. BUT...now that I am trying to produce more breastmilk, I may have to adjust that. I'm planning to call the lactation consultant today. I'll let you know if I find out anything else.

    Jess...funny about the water! I have this big cup with a lid and straw that I drink water out of at home that Kadence is fascinated with also! We haven't given her just water yet, but she sure does like the cup! Also, glad to hear the puppy is letting you workout in peace! :)

    Carrie...WELCOME!!! We would LOVE to have you join us!!!

    To all the other wonderful mommys...HELLO!!!!

    I need to get started on some work, but I'll check back later!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Ugh Cris, I hate it when you lose a huge post!! You never get back the motivation to retype everything you said! And if you try, it's never the same!

    Cris, what type of working out are you doing? Maybe switching up your foods and exercise will help? Try doing some different workouts at different times of the day? If you're low carb, maybe add some more carbs, or increase your protein a bit. I find that switching things up helps me. Are you maybe eating extra calories to account for BFing, and not really using as many as you thought? Don't be discouraged. I never BF long with any of my kids due to milk supply issues, but I never lost weight when I did. I think that was due to the recommended eating plan I was on to try to increase my milk supply though.

    I have to go to the grocery store today (yuck). That is one of my least favorite chores. I also am thinking of going to Old Navy. I bought a bunch of "fat clothes" post pregnancy, and then either they were still too small, or I didn't really like them but just bought them to get SOMETHING. Well, now I have lost some of the weight, and they're either too big, or well, why have stuff I don't like? But, I hate to reinvest that money into more stuff that won't fit me in a few weeks anyway! Well, hopefully it won't! LOL. SO I am torn. But if I wait too long, I won't be able to take the stuff back! I hate clothing shopping too though. Maybe I'll just get clothes for the kids.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning Kristen! We cross posted!

    OMG, poor little Kadence :(. I hope it just was a stomach bug. I don't know what you'd do with no back ups! But, there is so much tummy stuff going around right now. Josie too had some belly issues. She had a bunch of diarrhea-ish diapers yesterday. I hope she's feeling all better soon. I wouldn't panic yet though. I think if she's had some full bottles of the soy that developing a sudden allergy seems unlikely.
  • summercox
    summercox Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all,

    I would love to join you ladies! My baby girl is 6.5 months old. I, like alot of others was never overweight until getting pregnant ( my oldest is 6). Before getting pregnant with Dakota, I had finally gotten down to 130 pounds before finding out I was pregnant. During my pregnancy, I had gotten up to 178lbs. I blame my lack of motivation on the hot summer months being that I had my baby in the middle of July. I was just too hot to do anything. Although my husband and I did take short walks in the evenings when it cooled down. I had a C-section with her so it took me a long time before I was able to be active. I stayed at home with her for 3 months and was pretty much inactive; although I breastfed her for 2 months and did get down to 160. After I stopped breastfeeding, I was just sitting at home with her and would snack out of boredom and I ended up gaining about 10 pounds which put me at 170. Since starting myfitnesspal back in November, I have lost 10 pounds. I work out using the Wii and I am now working at home. If I hadn't started trying to lose weight during the holidays I would probably be further along; but some weeks I would take breaks to enjoy the holidays. By the way, where do you get the baby age things I see on everyone's post? Thanks

  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Girls!

    Kristen - how is Kadence doing? Still having stomach upset? If she is indeed allergic to soy, is there a rice alternative that can be used? I am so sorry to hear about what you have been through with her, I can imagine it is heart wrenching and frustrating at the same time. Keep us posted.

    I have only been taking in 1500 calories. I wonder if I am not eating enough?

    Took your advice Jess and mixed up my work out last night. I have been doing a bike routine each time but last night did treadmill and elliptical along with some weights. I also plan to be more diligent with entering my calories online. I just have to start losing!

    Welcome Summer!

    I have a busy day today so have to run but how you all are well! Will check back later :happy:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning all!!

    Cris...Hmmm...I'm not sure about the calories. Maybe try eating more for a few days and see what that does for you.

    Summer...WELCOME!!! Glad to have you. The ticker is from Lilypie.com. Then you have to copy into your forum signature. And BTW...I LOVE Dakota for a name!!! I would have used that for my own daughter except we were dumb and used it for our first dog. We loved the name, and at the time didn't think we might want to use if for a daughter later on down the road. Oh well...

    Jess...Did you go to Old Navy? Hope that worked out well for you!

    Everyone else...GOOD MORNING!!!

    Well, my husband is going to try the soy mixed with breastmilk again today to determine if she is indeed intolerant to that or not. She was feeling great yesterday and had a big bowl of rice cereal last night that she gobbled up! AND she slept through the night!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! That's 2 nights in a row! Maybe we're getting back to the old routine!!!! My fingers are crossed tightly! Well...I will report back when my husband calls this afternoon to let me know how the soy feeding goes. Let's all wish good thoughts this morning!

    Have a good start to the day!
  • biggieshorty
    Morning all!

    I weighed myself yesterday and I gained 2 lbs. I can't even describe how I feel. I have been lifting light weights and I notice my butt is higher and my arms are smaller b/c my coat fits better. It could be muscle but I don't care. I want the scale to move to down!!!! It did motivate me to get up and walk 2 miles this morning.

    I don't use my computer at home so I'm only to post M-F. Jayson (DS) is 16 months old. I want to start potty training him. We have purchased a potty and I ready a book with Kermit the frog going potty to him almost everyday. He seems slightly interested as he flushes the big toilet, goes into a corner when he has to #2. He can't tell us when he has to go yet but I can tell by the look on his face when he has to #2. I'll conquer #1 later. Does anybody have any recommendations on how to start potty training?
  • summercox
    summercox Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all for the warm welcome. It's nice to have a specific bunch of people to keep tabs with.

    Kristin: I know how you feel about the feeding issues. Dakota had the same problem. At first they thought she was allergic to dairy when I was breastfeeding so I eliminated dairy which didn't seem to do much. I tried soy formula and it got worse. I finally ended up with the Parents Choice formula with added rice starch. I sure am glad to have found something that works so I can stop worrying.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Biggie...no worries! I'm sure it's muscle you gained! But yes...we all prefer to see the scale go down. Good job on the 2 mile walk! You should see a loss soon! Just keep at it!

    Summer...Yes, it is SO frustrating! My husband tried an ounce of soy of with 4 ounces breastmilk this morning, and it's going on three hours now that she's been fine. So she probably just had some tummy bug. He's going to try another ounce this afternoon. Hopefully we can keep soy as our extra supplement. **Fingers still crossed** I'm so glad!

    Well...time for some lunch and back to work! I'll check back later!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I have a question for everyone, how often do you weigh in and post on the site? i weigh daily, which i know is bad, but i can't help it. Then how often do you do the measurements?

    I am snacking again and can't seem to stop, I am logging and staying under calories, but not good calories, or i exercise to get to where i need to be. We had the baptism this past weekend and there are way too many snacks left over and i seem to find them all. Still doing okay on not picking on their plate, giving it to the dog, that helps, but still hard. Any suggestions? i have snacks for the kids, and do well if they are closed, problem is once they are opened.
