Losing Baby Weight



  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    Kristin great job on making up the calories and staying under. It is such a great feeling to get that you were under calories at the end of the day. i love the biggest loser, definitely motivating. I am still trying to catch up on last season, i just love tivo!

    off to clean house, have 12 houseguests coming for the weekend. we are baptizing the triplets and they are all staying with us and my house is no way in order, but just finished cars and they are ready to go,

    thanks for all the support i appreciate it,

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Michelle...hope the baptism goes well! I know Kadence SCREAMED when we had her baptized! But she was so cute in the gown and bonnet that I wore at my baptism! We have some priceless photos!

    Where is everyone else today? Hope you are all well! I just had some yummy chicken fajita filling for lunch and am now heading back to get some more work done! Have a great afternoon all!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls, you mind letting another Cris join the group??

    My name is Cris and I live in Maryland. I had my first child, a boy in November 2008. He is now 14 months and quite a handful! At time of delivery I weighed 260+. I have always been over weight but usually ranged in the 180-190, when I got pregnant with Brayden I was 206lbs. So I gained 60+ pounds during my pregnancy. My goal right now is just to get back to 200lbs. From there I will work on getting to my ideal weight of 155lbs, but that seems so unachievable right now that I'd rather just focus on the first 55lbs.

    I started MFP on Jan 4th with a starting weight of 255lbs, and have since lost 11lbs! I hope you all dont mind me joining I could really use the support of mothers that are going through the same thing

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Evening ladies!!

    Sorry I did not have the chance to come around here earlier today! Sheesh, what a busy day!

    Hello Cris #2! How funny that both of you spell your name with no h. I have never seen it spelled that way before! Congrats on your 11 pounds so far! That's fantastic! I have gained 60+ pounds with every pregnancy, so you are not alone in that! I have an uncontrollable sweet tooth when preggo!

    Michelle- Omg, having 12 guests on top of everything you have going on?? I would be so overwhelmed! Best of luck on the baptism, that should be neat! Who will hold the third baby? LOL

    Kristin- Good job on getting up on that treadmill! That's a fantastic feeling to be able to do that! Can you read while you walk on a treadmill? I can't! I would end up on America's funniest home videos as the girl who flew off the back of the treadmill and landed on her face. Do you enjoy the Twilight books? I read the first, and I was just over it by the the end. I thought it was good at first, but then I was just bored with it. Didn't think I could stand another novel of the same.

    Liz- Congrats on the awesome progress!!! Isn't it the best feeling to take your measurements and see change? That is tangible. The number on the scale is too, but with that, it could be water, or a million other things that make you wonder if you actually lost anything.

    The pup has come out of his shell and is currently driving me nuts, LOL. He is just chewing everything and nipping on skin and pants. Not that I didn't expect that. I am just ready for him to not be a puppy anymore already.

    Well, I am off to find a snack. I've got a few calories to eat to get to my minimum! Mmmm maybe some crackers and hummus. Yummy!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    Jess...Mmmmm...hummus! YUM! Good snack! Yes, I do read on the treadmill but only at a speed of about 3.2-3.5 mph. It took me a while to get used to it. I used to have to hold my book in one hand and have my other on the treadmill bar to hold myself strait. But now no problems! And yes, I do like the Twighlight books! I am reading the second one (New Moon) now. I saw both the first two movies and really liked them and I got the books for Christmas and just started. Awe puppies! I remember how my youngest pup was...and I'm glad that she is not a pup anymore!

    Cris2...WELCOME!!! We are SO happy to have you join us! And like Jessica said...way to go on the 11 pounds! That's GREAT!!!

    Cris, Michelle, Liza, KC...Good morning!!!

    Well...I didn't get any exercise in last night. I got home from work, made some big, yummy salads for dinner, fed Kadence, and then we bundled her up and headed out to run some errands. Ended up stopping and renting some movies on our way home. Then I did some dishes and got Kadence ready for bed. We started to watch a movie and didn't get far because Kadence was screaming, which is VERY unusual. We think she had a sore tummy because she hadn't had a bowel movement in a couple days. SO...hoping that happens today so she feels better. We finally got her to sleep and I was SO tired that I went to bed myself. SO...managed to stay within calories (BARELY) but feel bad about not getting any sort of exercise in. Oh well...that's how it goes these days!

    My little neice (who's 6 months older than Kadence) is getting tubes put in her ears today. Poor girl! So my husband (who's home with Kadence during the days while he's laid off this winter) is going to go over and see her today. I'm hoping everything goes well and it takes care of the millions of ear infections she usually gets! I am thankful we don't have that issue with Kadence. Seems like the poor thing was on antibiotics ALL the time, which gave her HORRIBLE diaper rash! So...yay for the tubes if they take care of the problem!

    Well...I'm hoping to get a quick workout in this evening. I have lots to do still at work, so may stay a little late. Then dinner and dishes, and hoping to catch Greys and Private tonight!

    Have a good morning gals and I'll check back later!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Girls!!

    Cris2 - how cool that we spell our names the same! I have never met another Cris! Welcome and congrats on the 11 lbs lost!

    Jess - our dog was the same as a pup; even ate my cell phone at one point! Just make sure you have lots of puppy chew toys around as a safe option lol!

    Kristen - I agree w/ Jess, I could never read while on the treadmill without a horrific accident happening haha! Sounds like your night last night was way too busy for working out but those things need to be done too so do not get down on yourself.

    Hi KC!

    Michfitz - you are amazing! I would be stressed w/ all those people coming and I only have 1 baby!

    I did Iron Yoga last night and it kicked my butt but felt really good. Today I am hitting the gym but first hubby and I are going to our favorite naughty lunch spot. The place is called Yesterdog and they have AMAZING chili dogs just loaded up with goodness! I plan to eat two and then head to the gym to burn them off! I plan to have hubby take my measurement today so I can begin keeping track of inches lost and not have to wonder if that stupid scale I use is correct or not. I really feel like I should be loosing more than I am. I hope I am not doing something wrong!!


  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    sorry I've been AWOL - had a gall bladder attack (gall stones, and the whole nine yards), and ended up in the hospital (I thought I had a kidney infection). So, had surgery - they took out my gall bladder, stayed in the hospital a while, and got out a couple weeks ago. Trying to catch up on everything, and FINALLY lost the extra weight I gained in the hospital. Kristin - for the baby- if she's not having a BM, try feeding her baby prunes - the gerber kind - I can't remember if they're called prunes or plums, or what, but we gave them to Mason when he was a little backed up, and worked like a charm. I don't recommend feeding her the WHOLE thing- it worked a little TOO well - but he loved them- it tasted very sweet - so we just did a half of the little tub (the baby 1st or 2nd foods) and it worked great - hopefully that will help get things moving along.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Gonna go back in a little while and reread and comment on everyone's posts, but I just had some good news to share! Remember how I said about losing my job due to the office relocating to another city? Well, with 5 kids you just CAN'T be an hour away. Plus they changed my hours. SO, my parents had encouraged me to file for unemployment, because really, me leaving was not my fault! Well, I got the determination in the mail today, and they approved it!! My employer failed to provide proof that they had offered me a viable alternative (which they didn't do-it was take it or see ya). SO, even though we planned to just make it if we could to get by, now we will be in much better shape. Ahhh! It is such a huge burden lifted from my shoulders! I am so happy!

    On a not positive note, my daughter Kira this morning told me she had no clean pants. I went and looked in her drawers, and indeed, there were none there. I found her one pair and put all of her wash in the washer this morning. No pants in the laundry basket.... I THINK that I may have accidently given them all away this morning when I freecycled their outgrown clothes!!! She must have put her clean pants on the pile of giveaways and I never realized it! Argggghhhh!!!

    I have to get to working out. Today is a yoga day for me on P90x. I haven't done it yet, but it's 90 minutes and I have seen everyone complaining about how hard it is. Wish me luck, hopefully I will have the strength to type when I am done!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Jess - congrats on the unemployment, i will be filing today and hope to be approved as well! good luck w/ the yoga, you can do it!!

    Kristen - i give Amelia 1oz prune juice cut with 1 oz water and it works like a charm.

  • kc7671
    kc7671 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi girls! Sorry I haven't checked in on the message boards in a few days. Thanks for thinking of me and asking how i'm doing :-) I'm doing a bit better. I had fluctauted a little bit but am back to my 181 which is still only my 7 lbs loss but i'm happy because i feel like i've acutally lost the weight and i feel like any day now it's going down again. I would love to see the 170s again...as sad as that makes me. My clothes are fitting much better and some folks at work have commented that i'm getting skinny!! :-)

    Yea the snacking is a problem and i keep it in the house only for my hubby. I do sooo much better when it's not there tempting me. I haven't been able to work out yet this week cuz we've had so much going on at home and here at work. I have been bringing a dvd player to work, locking myself in an empty office and doing a Jilian Michaels video ...the 30 day shred. I like it because it's only 20 mins, intense 20 mins but still i can fit it in my schedule which is great. But my thought is that i have one free hour a day (if my day goes well) why not put it to good use. I commute and am gone 12 hours a day so working out in the morning is tough and at night is tough. I have to get the baby down and spend some time w/him before bed and still eat. I'd be working out at 9 at night! So anyhow, so far it's going well. I had gone 5 days in a row working out but like i said this week has been bad. I'm hoping to do on my lunch hour today!!

    Hope everyone is doing well!! Good luck to everyone!! I'll check in again soon!!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Cris and Mina...I would love to try the prune juice, but the pediatrician said no juice or fruits until after 6 months. It greatly increases their risk of developing allergies and asthma if given before six months. So, I'm sticking with that. It's okay...I'm sure she'll have one soon if she hasn't already today at home. But thanks for the advice!

    KC...I understand about wanting to see the 170s! Me too! I'm at 184 officially and unofficially I was 183 this morning...so I'm getting closer! Let's work hard this week! We will get there! Good job with the video at work! I think that's an EXCELLENT idea and doesn't take away from your time when at home! Keep at it!

    Jess...YAY FOR UNEMPLOYMENT!!!!! My husband gets unemployment in the winter while he's laid off (he works pool construction) and it totally saves us! And sorry about Kira's pants...what a bummer!

    Mina...my goodness! Sorry about the gall bladder! Good job at losing the hospital weight and glad to see you back here!!!

    Cris...wooohooo for yoga! Good job! And enjoy those chilidogs! They sound delish!

    Well...just had some lunch and now headed back to doing some work! Have a good afternoon!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jess- (and all the moms) - have you gone to the JBF sales? Just Between Friends? those are AWESOME for getting clothes- plus you can consign clothes too, and make a little $$. try their website: www.jbfsale.com and see if they're coming to your area. I always go on the half price day- and I have to say they organize these sales so well- rolling racks of clothes, separated for girls or boys, and the sizes too. So easy, and I find a ton of clothes at WAY better prices than retail!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks for sharing Mina! Sounds like a good deal!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! I had weigh in this morning!! I was nervous about it, since I drank 14 glasses of water yesterday, and hardly went at all. I thought I must be retaining water like crazy. But this morning....I am down 3.1 pounds!! Yeeeehaw!!

    Mina- I have never heard of the JBF, but I will definitely check out that website. I am a big thrifter when it comes to kid clothes. With 5, we can't spend full price very often! I hit a lot of yard sales and we do get a large number of hand me downs for the girls. My problem is that I hate clutter. I can never stand to have the clothes sitting around long enough to have a yard sale or go to an event. We have very limited space here. But it would be great for shopping!

    Kristin- how do you feel about Caro syrup? That works like a charm too for relieving their constipation.

    KC- good for you for fitting the exercise in at work! That takes some serious motivation! So many people would just choose to use their long work day as an excuse. You should be proud of that! The fact that you are even making the time to work out says a lot about your dedication!

    Cris- Good luck to you with your unemployment! I have my fingers crossed for you!

    Have to hit post because I can't remember what was on the previous pages, LOL.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Mina- I hope that you are feeling better after your attack!

    Cris- it's funny that you said about the cell phone and the dog eating it. I asked my hubby to put the pup in her crate while we had company for dinner. As he was putting her in, our DD yells, "Dad, wait a minute!" And reaches in and pulled out my cell phone. Except, it was the KIDS who put it in there, not the dog. LOL I don't understand people's love for chili dogs. My husband looooves them too. To say that he fantasizes about eating one right now would not be a stretch. LOL

    Kristin- how did your niece's tubes procedure go? Is she doing well?
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Sorry for the multiple posts ladies! I forgot to mention that p90x yoga was hard hard hard. Not that I expected it wouldn't be. I have always loved yoga, because it was one thing I always felt I was really good at. Well not right now! I can't wait to have some normal strength back.

    Also wanted to mention that I just saw two things of interest on the today show. #1- coffee only dehydrates you a very small amount. You can actually count up to 4 cups of coffee toward your water intake for the day!

    Interesting fact #2- and this is the one that I found REALLY useful! After you brown ground beef, you can put it into a colander and rinse it with 3-4 cups of nearly boiling water. This will reduce the fat content by up to 50%!! It would be harder to track your fat/cals that way, but what a savings! You could buy the less lean meat at the store and save $$ too!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    No time to chat. Have to get to a meeting and then heading home early. But my neice is doing well...thanks for asking Jess! I'll try and report over the weekend but we will see how it goes! If not, have a great one! Let's all do wonderfully this weekend and see some losses next week!!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Have a good weekend Kristin if we don't hear from you!

    I did my P90x workout and then I tried a Zumba workout today. That was just silly. I guess anything that gets you moving is good though.

    Just curious if anyone else ever rents exercise DVDs? It's a good idea to keep you from getting bored with the videos you have. Borrow one for a week, then take it back and get something different. Just a thought. I get bored with videos easily, so it's a waste to buy them!
  • pari602
    I'm in the same situation you are in. Well, kind of. I baby girl just turned 3 months old today and am currently putting off work. I figure that since I completed my MS. during my pregnancy, my brain needs to relax some :) I've never been a calorie-counter or an exerciser. I've never had to watch what I eat or how much I eat. But I feel that ever since my pregnancy my metabolism and body have become different. I feel a little guilty whenever I eat "junk."

    I realize that it hasn't been that long since my baby was born but for someone who hasn't been in this situation before, it seems like a lifetime.
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    wow i can so definately relate that is why i am here. i had my daughter sept 4th and well my pre-pregancy was 145 now i am at 152. and not happy/ althouh someone did tell me today that i didn't need to be on a diet which made me feel very good/ but when you are used to a certain weight you do want to get back to it/ so i would like to get back to 140 since i have not been that in a very long time. i have always struggled with weight. Not sure why since i have always been very active/ maybe bc i like to eat. but i am here with you