Losing Baby Weight



  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    I have totally gone over my cals already today and have not even had dinner yet. UGH! I am starving today. STARVING! I do think it correlates with breastfeeding for sure and I am very thirsty all the time as well. How many cals are all you breastfeeding Mom's taking in? I have been eating around 1500 but am hungry :ohwell:

    Jess - I have to admit I watch my guilty pleasure TV in the wee hours; The Cosby Show, MASH, Roseanne. Hubby hates all those shows but he is not around at 3:00am to take over the remote! Hence the reason why I have no infomercial knowledge lol!! I wish I had that much time to follow a program like P90X. It is all I can muster to just get my bum to the gym. Babies sure do suck up the day & night don't they?!

    So my little one is 2 months old this week and weighed in at 9.5 lbs!!! She is becoming round and it is so darn cute! We are taking her you to see friends this weekend and staying over night so it will be her first road trip! She has 3 bags of stuff to my one! haha!

    Oh and Jess, I LOVE sushi too!!! I could eat it daily no problem. We live in Michigan and are in a very diversity city so there are a wide variety of ethnic groups and loads of delicious restaurants. I will have to try Greek yogurt now since you have made it sounds so good!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Any Moms want to share where they're from? I'm in Spokane, WA. :)
  • cat1110
    Hi All! Hope you are having a good start to the weekend. It's cold and rainy here in Atlanta. I'm so over winter, and ready for the warm weather! Although I need to get in good shape so I can look great at the pool! :happy:

    Today I went 20 calories over my limit on MFP and I was soooo tempted to delete something....isn't that SAD? LOL!!
    Some was asking about the Eat Clean diet and I am doing that for the most part It's really not that hard or expensive....at least the way I am following it. I am taking it one step at a time since I know it's not realistic to take it all on at once.
    My first goal - cut out all "fake sugars." This includes, Splenda, Aspartame, and all the things that have that as an ingredient. I have cut out Diet Coke, also sugar free pudding....and the splenda packets I used to put in my coffee. I now use Truvia instead.
    Also, doing everything whole wheat....bread, pasta....etc....
    Here's one thing I've noticed in a major way in 2010....I've read it before, and didn't believe it, but now I think it's true! When you cut out all the fake sugars and diet sodas, you really do crave sweets and white starches less!!! Now I can have an apple and some peanut butter and that seems like a really sweet treat to me.

    As far as P90X goes....I'm on my second week and feeling good. I think the best thing about it is that is gives you a very structured schedule of when to workout and what to do. I think that contributes to your success....as opposed to just saying...I'm going to go to the gym today and get on the treadmill. And you do Abs A LOT!!! So I hope to see some good results....but it is a big committment.

    Stacey - don't give up! It's so hard to get back in shape only 6 months after! Take it day by day! It sounds like you have been through a lot, but I'm sure you are a very strong person. I'm 11 months out and still feel totally huge! :cry:

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Stacey - Welcome!! My heart goes out to you for what you have been through. Look forward to having you in our group!

  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I have a five year old daughter, a 3 year old daughter and then 16 month old triplets (2 boys and 1 girl) I was trying for my boy but with great luck and a whole lot of praying, we got an extra of each. We did fertility on all the kids so we were shocked when we were so successful. Also all my kids birthdays are in october, so it makes it so much easier and it was planned and i love it that way.

    Have been eating most my exercise calories but that is okay, it am still feeling good. I was hoping not to eat so many of them but i have been snacking a little more than usual.

    I live in dacula, a town Northeast of Atlanta Georgia and I am so glad we are not getting all this snow that the NE is getting!

    Thank you to all in this group who have listened to my vents. I do appreciate it. All have a good night.

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning girlies!

    I will come back a little later to catch up on the posts and comment. I am drinking some coffee and getting ready to head out with the snow shovel. We've got about 15" on the ground, and they are calling for another 5-8" before this storm is done. The snow drifts are so high my hubby could barely open our front door. Like 3 or 4 feet in places. So I have more shoveling to do. We were trying to keep up with it last night as it was falling, but that was wasted effort as it all blew right shut this morning. At least shoveling is good exercise!

    Later taters.
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Jess - where do you live? if i had to guess i would say antarctica!:wink:
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    OMG Stacey, I cannot even imagine going through even one of the things you have been through, let alone all of them. You must have the strength of steel! (((((hugs))))) to you and welcome to our group!

    Cat, I was just reading some things about clean eating yesterday, and cutting out the artificial sweeteners is supposed to help lessen belly fat? That sounds great, but that leaves me with no "treats" aside from the fresh fruit I already eat a ton of. I depend on my yogurt for (some of) my calcium!!

    Cris, I am guilty of the guilty pleasure tv shows too, LOL. Well, what else are you supposed to do at 3 am?

    We live in a very small town in PA called Mount Joy. It's close to Harrisburg and Lancaster, if you're familiar with where they're at. We're about 1.5 hours from Philly and about the same distance from Baltimore. We're getting hit with this huge noreaster, but we didn't even get it as bad as some other areas. A little to our south is supposed to get over 2 feet. Right now we're at probably 17 or 18 inches. But, I DID shovel for an hour and 35 minutes, and that burned off 842 cals! Whoo hoo!

    Baby is crying. Duty calls! LOL
  • cat1110
    I travel to Harrisburg often for work. I love it there - everyone is so nice, and the downtown is really cute and has some good restaurants. I went over to Hershey one afternoon too, and that was pretty cool! It's funny that you can actually smell the chocolate a few miles away!
    I've make the drive from Philly to Harrisburg many a time since there are always more flights in and out of Philly.
    I can't believe you all got so much snow.

    Nothing in Atlanta but cold, rainy and windy. Blech. :sad:
    Is it summer yet?

    It was a good day today with exercise and eating...it's always nice to have a day where you really feel like you pushed yourself!

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!
    Trying to figure out how not to eat bad food and drink too much tomorrow for the Super Bowl.....
    If anybody has some good ideas of "bar food" that is actually healthy, let me know!
  • lizaconde
    Hello Chris, Kristin, Jess and everyone else.

    Sorry I've been MIA lately, been super busy with work and preparing for a job interview, that was canceled 2nd to the weather :mad: I was not thrilled. I was a little upset I couldn't fit in to any of my suits, so had to spend the money getting another in a size I do not care to share. :sad:

    Welcome to all the new ladies, it's so nice to have so many peeps to share this journey with.

    Jess, feel your pain we live in Bethlehem and we got lots of snow. Nothing close to my sister she lives in Laurel, MD and they couldn't open their front door. Poor dog couldn't get out and when he did he didn't get far I wish I know how to post the video she sent me. Great Job! That's awesome I'm sure you'll be at your goal without any issues. I'm sure that shoveling will put you on the fast track. LOL! I got lucky my hubby shoveled before leaving to work this am. So we stayed inside nice and warm.

    Momie0205- Breastfeeding yes I was thirtsy all the time, it seemed I couldn't drink enough. Which scared me cause I had DM during my pregnancy and was scared I was still going to have it after the baby was born. But thank god I didn't it was a big motivator to get healthy. That sticking your finger four times a day and giving myself insulin 3x a day was horrible.

    Kristin- Glad to hear your baby girls, is doing much better with the formula/breastmilk mix. Their bellies are so sensitve hopefully as she gets older it will get easier. Joel Jaxs is lactose intolerant so if I had any dairy while I was BF it was horrible for him he scream in pain. It took us weeks to figure it out. And today I still can't have any dairy it makes my belly upset.

    Stacey- I believe what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, you must be Super Women. God bless! And welcome to our life changing journey.

    I'm with Jess it's hard to comment on everyones post I keep going back and forth, so off to sleep with have CC classes and church tomorrow.

    My updates:
    Starting weight: 220
    Today: 207
    Total lost: 13
    Goal is to be 180 by May 2nd. JJ's Bday
    Short term goal: 199 by March 1st.

    I haven't measured myself I do that once a month and weigh in once a week. So I'm due to measure the 23rd of Feb. I've been working out about 5x a week and have been in my calorie allowance everyday except today went to dinner at our friends house and had a cocktail. So went over. :frown: But it is what it is! I'll do an extra 10 minute on the treadmill tomorrow. Right?

    Wishing everyone a great night and weekend. Again Welcome to all!! Trying to get everyones names and add you girls to my friends list!!

  • lizaconde
    Cris- don't feel bad I didn't know what P90x was either, did I even spell it right? LOL!!
  • mama22girlz
    Wow trying to keep up

    Jess I love sushi too... Once and a while my BFF and I go for all you can eat.. I think I'll have to bring my laptop to account for all the calories I'll go over when I do. Have you done the Biggest looser videos? I just got two from the library I want to try out.

    Momie0205- yes I think for the first 6 months or so I was ALWAYS thirsty and hungry. I would have a glass of water with me while I was nursing. Actually I think they say to drink while you nurse.

    Michelle - wow you must have your hands full. Lots of work but a TON of love right?

    Stacey welcome :) I'm sorry for you losses, I'm glad you found this board hopefully we can all support each other in our weight loss journeys.

    Mina - I just live near Toronto Ontario in Canada ;) Any other Canadian mothers on here?

    So I did the Jillian Michaels video on friday and she kicked my butt in a good way ;)
  • lizaconde
    <a href="http://lilypie.com/"><img src="http://lilypie.com/pic/2010/02/08/YbOC.jpg&quot; width="53" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie - Personal picture" /><img src="http://lb1f.lilypie.com/2IeLm8.png&quot; width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie First Birthday tickers" /></a>
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Liza your ticker is not working for me. All I see is the html.

    Kim, I HAVE done TBL videos. I have the first and second, and then cardio max and power sculpt. At one point I did them exclusively and saw amazing results! I was tempted to buy some of the newer ones since they are not that expensive ($9 at Wallyworld). Which two did you get?

    Liza, sorry to hear your job interview was cancelled! Have they rescheduled it yet? What kind of work do you do? I admire anyone who can wear a suit. I don't know what it is about my body, but I look awful in them! Especially skirted ones! I think your goals are great, and very achievable! Stick with it. You'll be complaining about needing to buy a smaller suit soon enough! ;)

    Cat, what type of work do you do? I do love Hershey. I think it's a great little area. You have to love street lights shaped like Hershey Kisses! We actually have a number of chocolate factories in our immediate area. One of them is just a few blocks from my house, and when they make chocolate, you can smell it outside. I used to live only a block away, and my house constantly smelled like brownies. I don't get into Harrisburg very often, so I am not too familiar with what restaurants are there. I despise flying into and out of Philly. There's never parking (have circled the lot for an hour before) and they ALWAYS lose my luggage. Always. LOL. I have banned them. Actually, I will pay quite a bit more to fly out of Harrisburg. That is a fantastic little airport, and so easy to deal with!

    So, we're supposed to get more snow on Tuesday and into Wednesday, LOL. I actually don't mind after seeing my calorie burn from yesterday (1460 or so for 2.5 hours of shoveling!) I was going to go out and help my neighbors shovel out today, but my hubby did it before I could! LOL. Probably for the best, my arms probably would have just fell off.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!

    OMG girls...SO many posts! I don't really have much time for personals, but I did read them all!

    Stacey...WOW....you are an amazingly strong woman for going through everything you have. We are happy to have you join us.

    As for me...I had a crappy weekend...was sick. Didn't get ANY exercise in. Ate WAY too few calories on Saturday, WAY too many calories on Sunday, and got ZERO sleep last night due to poor Kadence being sick and whiney ALL night! SO...I still feel like CRAP today! I have a TON of work to do this morning and a meeting from noon till 3:30. SO, it's going to be a LONG day! Then I have a pile of dishes waiting at home for me, plus a baby that's still not feeling well also. I'm going to try and get in some walking on the treadmill this evening, but there are no promises. I will weigh in tomorrow...a little scared to, but will take whatever it is.

    BTW...I live in Des Moines, Iowa. But Kim....I was born in London, Ontario and my grandma lives in Mississauga. So, I still visit there often. :)

    Well...off to start some work. If I can post later I will.
  • biggieshorty
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I had an ok weekend. I didn't get to work out Saturday just b/c of family obligations. I did get in 2 good hours on Sunday and I ate alright. Not the best but alright. DH and I went to the gym together Friday night and he tells me he lost 4lbs. He does absolutely NOTHING to lose weight and goes down 4lbs. I mean he eats all day long, drinks 1 or 2 beers a day and he goes to the gym once a month and loses 4 lbs!!! Just doesn't make sense to me. Any way, I did lose the 2 lbs I gained last week. Hopefully I'll lose more this week. I looked at my stomach in the mirror and its definately flatter than it was a month ago.I'm very excited about that.

    Stacey, welcome. I'm glad you found this board and shared your story with us. Good luck to everyone with their weight loss goals and remember to take it one day at a time.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I am hoping to start a thread for anyone who has recently (or maybe not so recently) had a baby and wants to lose the extra weight! I need some motivation...

    Here's a little about myself:
    I joined MFP in November 2007 after I was married and had gotten "comfortable." As someone who had yo-yoed her entire life, I easily put on some pounds. I reached 185 pounds and was not happy. But joining this site helped me learn more about myself and how to be healthy. I was exercising regularly and eating right and found myself down at 155 pounds! I was also gaining muscle and for the first time in my life seeing definition to my body! Then I found out I was pregnant and very excited to be, but for the first few months I was sick and exercising was impossible. I wasn't eating much either and actually lost weight. Then I wasn't feeling too sick anymore but was not able to get myself back into a regualr exercise routine. And after pretty much fasting the whole first few months, I found myself giving into any and all cravings that I had. I quickly gained much more weight than I needed to. After having my daughter on September 5th I found myself at a new high...198 pounds. I have now lost 6 more pounds, but obviously leaves me with a lot left to lose still!

    SO...here I am today, ready to get started. I am now back at work and am hoping to get back into an exercise routine. For now it will only be a few times a week as I am still getting used to being away from my beautiful baby girl! Is there anyone else who would like to join me?

    Hello, You can do this. I had a baby in April 09. I gained 26lbs I was down to 134 the week after. I eventually started to keep track of my calories and exercising. I never deprived myself. Now I am down to 114. You can do it. if you really want it bad enough it will happen.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Afternoon girls! I have just one thought to share before I head off to my post work out shower....

    I do love this new puppy. He loves me too. If I get up to walk to the kitchen, he follows and lays at my feet. No matter where I go or what I am doing, he follows me and lays at my feet. Wonderful. That's adorable. Except.... we changed his dog food a few days ago. It has made him so gassy, and it smells horrendous. I think it's killing my brain cells.

    That is all for now.
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    so i just had a baby 9-14-09 and well im at 150 trying to get down to 140. my goal is to try to lose atleast 5 lbs a month. but how often do you workout. i have a 5mnth old and a 2 1/2 yr old. so when i workout for more than 45 min i feel like i am avoiding them i guess and i work full time. so how often do you workout?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi girls!

    Pink...I workout usually only 1/2 hour running on the treadmill maybe 3-4 times a week. I try and do 20 minutes Ab work 3 times a week. And then I also usually get on the treadmill and walk for 1-1.5 hours 3 times a week after Kadence is sleeping. Once she's a little older I will start going back to the gym for some BodyPump and Spinning classes. Right now, I feel bad taking more time away from home and so LOVE having the treadmill. If I didn't have it, it would be VERY hard for me to get my workouts in. SO, I can understand your frustrations. Plus...the last ten pounds are ALWAYS hard to lose! So, I wish you luck!

    Jess...Awe, Puppy love is SO great! You can just tell that you mean the world to them!

    Thanks jdavis...I know I can reach my goals. Slow and sure...

    Biggie...guys can always lose it so fast! My husband is the same way...drives me CRAZY!

    Everyone else...hope you are having a good day!

    Time for me to head home. Hopefully get some walking on the treadmill tonight. I am just SO exhausted as anticipated and still all stuffy and crappy feeling. Oh well...

    Talk to y'all tomorrow!