Losing Baby Weight



  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I am new to this whole message board support, but I need some help. I had a friend mention this site, so I have decided that i am losing this baby weight and then the weight I needed to lose before I got pregnant. I have 5 children, my oldest is 5, then I have a 3 year old and 15 month old triplets. I am almost at my pre-pregnancy weight of the triplets, but over 35 pounds more than my first daughter. My biggest problem has been eating off the kids plates. Having to post to the site has helped me these past 2 days, and that is big for me. The gym has been great for me to get some time away from the kids, i am now a SAHM which is weird since I worked after the frist kids. Look forward to finally losing this weight.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    WOW...so many new comers! Sorry I've been MIA...I have a learning institute until tomorrow afternoon, so won't be on here much. But wanted to check in quick!

    Welcome michfitzhome, Allyson, and Tiff! Glad to have you join us!!!

    Hello Jessica, Cris, Rachael, and Liza!

    I will try and get to personals when I can! Have a great rest of the day!
  • lizaconde
    Hope everyone is well and on track. I was up at 5 am and did the elliptical for 30 mins burn 386 cal. I've been increasing my resistances, I'm starting to feel it in my core. Ouch!! Welcome to Michfitzhome, and Tiff! Glad your joining us, it's nice to be able to share this "struggle" with others in the same boat. Have a fabulous day!

  • kc7671
    kc7671 Posts: 28 Member
    Any words of wisdom? I'm having sooo much trouble watching my food. I am doing great working out and even do well on my eating during the day but once I get home I lose it!! I know if I could just eat better at night the pounds would come off...I'm pretty sure of it anyway. I'm at a standstill right now. I don't know why I can't seem to have more self-control over what I shove in my mouth!!! I want to be thinner I do...but what is keeping me from doing it? I still need to lose at minimum 25 lbs and my son is almost 7 months old! We want to start trying for number two (since I'm 38 yrs old now) but I just can't imagine starting out pregancy this overweight!! Ughghghg!!! Help! :-)
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Evening ladies!! Hello to all of the newbies on here tonight!

    I am limited for time too, so this will be a short post for me as well. We got a little nutty yesterday and brought home a new puppy!! OMG, he is so cute but such a handful right now. I have not been able to get anything done today at all! This is of course is in addition to the 5 kids and 4 cats. So, thus I apologize for the short and sweetness of this.

    I did manage to sneak in an hour workout while my son held the puppy and my daughter held the baby. Argggh I must be crazy. I really must be. LOL
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Jessica....FUN!!!!!! We have 2 dogs and 2 cats, so no more animals coming into our house! But puppies are so much fun! Definitely easier than babies as I now know! Enjoy every second! What kind of dog did you get?

    kc...WELCOME! I know it's hard at home. I also do so well during the day while I'm at work, and then when at home it's much harder! Here are the few things that help me...I don't keep sweets in the house...otherwise I can't stop...so, no more ice cream, no more cookies, no more chocolates...I can't have it there! Sweets are my thing though, and I usually crave some sort of sweet in the evening, so I always have Cool Whip Free and reduced fat graham crackers. So...if I'm really wanting ice cream, I put 2 tablespoons of cool whip between two graham cracker halves and freeze for a while...it's like a mock ice cream sandwich! Or I just spread some cool whip on a graham cracker and enjoy like that! Totally takes care of the craving and is low calories. As far as dinner goes, I always make sure to have something thawed and planned. And we usually pair a salad with it! I hope this helps somewhat. I know evenings are hard and when I slip up, it's usually then. Good luck to ya!

    Liza...way to go on the 5 AM workout!

    Everyone else...Good morning!

    Well...I didn't do to well yesterday. Overate by plenty of calories! So...back to it today! I have my meals planned and going to try and get 30 minutes of running in this evening! I gotta get started on some work, but I'll check back later!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    KC, what kinds of things are you eating at night? Is the problem dinners, or snacking? We've been getting the best pineapples lately, and I have been having that as my late night snack. So good, it's as sweet as candy! I'm also a big fan of the Light n Fit yogurts, as well as the SF Jellos and puddings.

    The puppy is a puggle mix (beagle and pug) and we think the sire may have been a lab of some sort. He looks very puggle though, but without the smashed face. He is just doing so well, I am thrilled. He's already starting to whimper and scratch at the door when he wants out, or he will come to me and whimper. I can't believe he's picking that up already. Problem is that he is a big chewer and he's a cry baby in the crate at night. Long howling whimpers and barks that go on for hours! I know that will pass fairly quickly, so the big issue with him of course is the chewing. I just have to keep a constant eye on him. But he's very snuggly and social, and follows me everywhere, so thus far that's not been too difficult. I'm really looking forward to being able to walk him! Oh, and his name is Sunny :)

    Good news on today's weigh-in! I am down two more pounds! Whoooohoooo!! I'm now to the point where I feel like I am actually losing some fat, not just water weight, and that's so exciting! I'm really in the mood for a good workout, however, I am so stiff I may have to take it easy today and do yoga or wii fit. I'm mostly stiff right above my elbows in the back of my arm. What a dumb place to be sore!! Not quite my tricep, but maybe the ligament that connects it?

    Gotta figure out what's for dinner tonight. All the kids except the baby are going to be away so I get some quiet time!!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Girls!

    Well, I am having a hellava time right now. Was laid off from my job, Amelia has been colicky, and hubby and I have had no alone time which is starting to wear on the relationship. Ugh...


    Weighed in yesterday and the scale put be back to my original weight yet my clothes are lose and I can fit into a pair of jeans that did not fit me last week?? Leads me to believe the scale I am using at the gym is not reliable. I am going to go with that anyway! Haha! Have been staying within my calories and yesterday I hit the gym and walked the dog. I should be in shape even sooner now that I am unemployed; no excuses. That is the bright side anyway.

    Haven't had much time for the computer with miss cranky pants crying so much but I will try to catch up with what everyone is doing over the weekend while hubby is here to give relief.


  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    hey Jess- puppies are like babies and will sleep better alone at night with a womb sound or white noise. if you have a womb bear or similar item from the baby, put it in the crate at night.

    trying to pump and type and it just isn't working! :wink:
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Oh Cris I am so sorry to hear about your job :(. I lost my job after the baby was born. They told me on my first day back that they were relocating to a different city that would have me an hour away from my 5 kids. So I left and my hubby is supportive of me being home even though it's a financial hardship. I am so much less stressed out and I can be a better mom. Everything happens for a reason! Still, I know it's hard and you must be worrying. It will all be ok :)

    The clothes fitting better is a more important sign than your scale!! Good job!

    We do keep the tv on at night for him, but thats a great suggestion about the womb bear! I don't have one, but our swing does have a setting that plays that sound, and he sleeps near that, so maybe that will work. I will try that tonight. He did do better last night, though I was still up once with him. I am hoping he gets over this in a few days. He's such a good puppy though. The baby laughs at him when she's up on the couch with me and he tries to jump up. He likes to lick her hands and fat legs, which makes me nervous because I am afraid he'll nip her!
  • lizaconde
    Hello Ladies,

    Chris so sorry to hear about your job, but I totally agree with Jess everything does happen for a reason. God takes things aways to open your hands for something better. The scale is my enemy I had my husband hide it, it's discouraging. I believe we should go on how we feel, look, and more importantly how you fit into those jeans. I will weight myself again, but trying not to do it so frequently, so I won't be disappointed.

    Jess you are crazy.LOL!! A puppy they are like babies needing much attention and love. I know when Izabella turned 1 we got her a puppy a boxer and she still thinks she's the baby she needs to be first and loved more she demands it. She's a big momma's girl. She also did the crying at night and my husband couldn't take it, she ended up sleeping in bed with us. That lasted for quite awhile, till she just got to big and want his entire side. So now she has a bed at the foot of our bed and is very happy with that. The chewing we got Sophia thats her name, a lot of toys and she also took ownership of some of Izabella's baby toys. Which I didn't mind since it kept her from chewing on anything valuable around the house. I wouldn't be concern about Sunny licking the baby, they are so smart and very protective, Izabella would ride, bite, and chew on Sophia and she never growled or showed any aggresion, she's a lover.

    KC, I have the same problems I pack for work breakfast and lunch, so it's easy to stay within my calorie goal. But once I get home, it's a free for all. But I do what Kristin does if it's not in the house you can't be tempted. Our Priest actually suggested that in mass on Sunday, LOL!! He said if your serious about losing weight don't allow those tempting high calorie foods in your kitchen. I do have 100 calorie packs snacks for salty cravings and also for my chocolate craving the WW ice cream bars, there 140 calories but worth it, another suggetion fat free milk with a tbsp of choc. quik, takes care of my choc craving too. We always keep fresh fruit in the house too.

    Well hope everyone has a fabulous and successful day! Gonna try to squeeze a workout in, hubby's home with that GI bug, I have him isolated so I have to wait for JJ to take a nap.

  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Girls!

    Thank you all for your encouraging words regarding my layoff; your comfort is appreciated! I have come to terms with it and am looking on the bright side and thinking maybe it is a blessing in disguise. Now I have lots of time to spend with Amelia and more time for exercise :happy:

    Jess - How did Sunny do over the weekend? I just love puppies! Just reading about you having one makes me want one! We have a 7 year old Boxer named Buster and he is about all I can handle though! We also have a cat who just so happens to be named Sunny! Very cute name in my opinion LOL!

    KC - I agree w/ Kristen and just do not buy any junk food to keep in the house. If hubby or my stepson want a naughty treat they have to buy single servings and leave no trace of it when they are done or I will surely get into it :wink:

    So I weighed myself on that same scale again on Saturday and it now says I am down 3.5 lbs. I think I will start tracking my measurements instead so I know for sure how I am doing. Dumb old scale... I am with you Liza; scales are the enemy if overused! I would step on one daily if we had one at home so I have never owned one. I also haven't had a full length mirror for at least 10 years until just recently when a friend of mine gave me one as a baby shower gift. She said she wanted me to be able to see my preggo belly which is a nice thought but I have honestly cursed her name daily ever since, due to my weight gain! I have since told her that friends should not buy friends full length mirrors!

    I got a great workout in on Saturday but had no time yesterday. Also may have exceeded my cals yesterday eating restaurant tacos :blushing: Not sure if I will get a work in today or not as I have a lot to get done and have had very little sleep. Amelia has been getting me up every 2 hours to eat the last 3 nights and I had no time for naps so I am pretty spent right now!

    Wishing you all a great week!

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning!

    Cris- Sunny did great over the weekend! He's doing very well not messing in the house, although I take him out about twice an hour to prevent it. He's starting to scratch at the door already, though of course that's just once in a while and is not reliable. We took him out to the pet store and he did wonderfully! Was very social with other dogs there, without seeming intimidated. And of course there were tons of people at him since he's a pup, and he was very social with everyone. Even went and curled up on one little boys lap who had sat down to pet him, LOL. He's doing better in the crate with the crying. I did not end up trying the swing because the batteries are dying and I need to buy more D's to put in it! But I did buy a puppy kong and stuffing paste for him. I use this as his special treat that he only gets at night time when he goes into his crate. He rushes right in to get at it, and will now go in during the day to look and see if it's in there. After he gets all of the paste out, he will still cry and bark. But, that only seems to last a few minutes and then he settles down. He's been waking up at 4 every night, so I'll get up with him and let him out. But, he's definitely doing better at least! I put a pic of him in my pictures if you guys would like to see him :)

    It's funny that you have a cat named Sunny too. My husband actually wanted to name the baby Sunny but I said no. LOL.

    Yay on the numbers on the scale! It definitely seems like it could be unreliable! Your friend is sweet with the mirror idea, but I agree that friends should not do that to each other!! I do not have a full length mirror here either. Maybe I should, but the waist high ones I have do enough insulting!

    With Amelia getting up, I say definitely put the priority on getting some rest! You will hurt yourself if you push too hard. Plus, the body does it's muscle repair while you are sleeping. If you aren't resting properly, you won't get proper results from the exercise anyway!

    Liz- I am definitely not worried the pup will be aggressive toward the baby. He seems to like her very much. But, he's a puppy, and they don't always know what's right to chew! (And since he's a chewer, that's pretty much everything right now!) I was making lunch the other day in the kitchen, and had the baby in her high chair. I saw the puppy was up with his head at her feet, and I thought he was either licking her, or searching for crumbs. Got closer and here he was chewing on her feet! Fortunately she wasn't crying!

    I was contemplating a rest day today, but probably won't end up taking one. It's very rainy and severely windy here, and when it gets like that my joints get achey. But, on a positive note, I thought yesterday that I ought to check my measurements since I had not done it for two weeks. Well...... (insert drum roll here)..... I have lost .5" from my neck, 1.5" from my hips, and 3.5" from my waist!!!!! Whoooohooooo!!

    The pup and the babe are sleeping, so I should prolly go be productive! Have a good day ladies!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I am new to this whole message board support, but I need some help. I had a friend mention this site, so I have decided that i am losing this baby weight and then the weight I needed to lose before I got pregnant. I have 5 children, my oldest is 5, then I have a 3 year old and 15 month old triplets. I am almost at my pre-pregnancy weight of the triplets, but over 35 pounds more than my first daughter. My biggest problem has been eating off the kids plates. Having to post to the site has helped me these past 2 days, and that is big for me. The gym has been great for me to get some time away from the kids, i am now a SAHM which is weird since I worked after the frist kids. Look forward to finally losing this weight.

    Sorry, I missed saying welcome to you the other day! OMG, triplets! I always thought twins would be so neat, my hubby and I have both always wanted twins. But I cannot imagine triplets! My one GF who has twins used to lock herself in her closet and cry because she was so overwhelmed. What is your typical day like?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals!

    Jessica...OMG, the pup is ADORABLE!!!! Thanks for uploading the picture! CUTE!!! Glad to hear that things are going pretty well! And he will get over the chewing!

    KC...How's the munching (or hopefully lact-there-of) going?

    Cris...Haha! I think we think a like! We had Mexican on Friday night and I'm pretty sure I over did on calories from tacos too! I know yours was yesterday, but seriously...I think we think a like! And I am SO sorry to hear about your job. But everything happens for a reason and I'm sure you guys will figure everything out. You will be in my prayers.

    Liza...How's the hubby? Is he better yet?

    Well...I had a pretty good weekend. Got in some treadmill time Friday and Saturday, and yesterday I tried my new workout video (which came Saturday!!!) It's pretty good...hard right now! It's Tracey Mallett's-Lose the Belly Flab and has a few workouts that are each about 10 minutes long. Hoping to do that at least 4-5 times per week. It definitely makes me realize how out of shape I really am! Hoping to find those abs that are buried somewhere in there!

    Gotta get some lunch! I'll check back later!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    my typical day is getting up before they get up and get ready for the day, so i am up normally by 7, but now that i am on the exercise kick, non=gym days, i am up at 6, and i just go and go, and i feel like as soon as i am done cleaning up after 1 eating session, i get less than an hour break and i am feeding them again, hence the lack of weight loss, the trips are in bed by 8 or 830, my older 2 are up way to late, we are working on that, and i get to bed between midnight and 2, that is the only time i have to do anything, i have some great friends that help a lot, and that make a huge difference. i just go and go and i think 5 years from now i will be like how the heck did i do it, i just do, and dont think about it becuase otherwise i think i would cry.

    i really need to lose this weight for them, i have struggled with weight my whole life and i do not want any of them to have the problems i have had, too many comments and hurt joints for someone under 40. we did join a gym, even though we have the equipment here, and that has helped me with time away from them and them to go to other people. we go 3-4 times a week and i supplement on the days off at home, it gives me some adult time that i do not have at home. it is hard to put yourself in front when you have them to worry about.

    but my light bulb finally went off about a week ago, and i am ready to stop this yo=yo dieting i have done for years, so far this site has been incredibly helpful and helps me not over eat, that is my propblem i love food. my drug of choice. i need to find some activities i can do with them that gets me some exercise and them some fun. i really cannot go to the park without my friends b/c i can't keep up with all of them, any other suggestions? the trips are almost 16 months olds.
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    michfitzhome - All I can say is wow. If I were you I would give myself a huge pat on the back everyday for accomplishing what you do!! Do you have a Wii? Not sure if the older kids could participate with you in that way maybe while the trips napped?

    Jess - happy to hear the puppy is doing well. I looked at the pic and he is adorable!! You have a very cute family!

    Kristin - we totally eat and cheat the same! haha!! I need to check out some ab videos too. I have a Pilates video but I do not think I could get through it at this point. Maybe I should give it a whirl first. My abs are ruined though and I do not think there is any muscle left in there!!

    I skipped the gym yesterday and rested due to lack of sleep but had a good night last night so I will be going to the gym this evening. My OB gave me the green light for exercise yesterday so now I can incorporate weights and sit ups into my cardio routine and step it up as well. Was pretty teary eyed after my apt yesterday; I hate their mirrors and scale. Also found my uterus is back in place so this belly I have is all fat. UGH... I have been doing well with eating mostly but am craving chocolate today so bad that I may just freak out if I do not have it!! Good thing there is none in the house because the likelihood of me going to the store to buy it is slim. I wish craving didn't exists and we would just eat food to survive like the rest of the animal kingdom!!

    Hope you all are well!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey gals! No time to post now, but I wanted to say hello! I'll check back tomorrow!
  • lizaconde
    Jess- Glad to hear Sunny's doing well, and he's sounds like he really is catching on to the whole potty training. HUH??

    Chris- So happy to hear you got some good sleep last night. Go hit that gym now!! Again mirrors the other enemy, we own one mirror in our entire house beside the BRs mirrors and I really like it that way. LOL!!

    Kristin- Thank you so much for asking he is much better. But tell me what a horrible mommy/nurse I am Izabella woke up Monday am, said her belly hurt. But no GI issues so off to school she went, well noon my phone rings. Poor Boopie has what daddy had, so she spiked at temp of 103.5 and was a mess. Thank God she much better today. I felt so bad for sending her to school : (.

    Michfitzhome- WOW!! That 's what I say wow! I complain about doing it with just two 5 years apart. I have no business complaining after reading your post. Your a rock star, definitely know that your a rock star. My friend has triplets and then a young teenager, I visited them once a year for a week they live in Las Vegas, to give her a well deserve break. So I've seen and for that reason bow down to you.
    Your in the perfect place for the motivation to start this life changing journey. So we're here to support and encourage you. Congrats! You've done step one joining and sharing.

    So I finally weighed myself I'm down a total of 11lbs and lost 1 inch from my bust 2 from my waist and 1 inch from my hips, which isn't that big of a deal since I gained 5 inches from each. I've been working out everyday doing my 30 minutes and increasing my resistances and each the elliptical and the treadmill. Also started 8 minute ABS, ouch!! You can get the video for free off of YOUTUBE.com. Check it out it, I couldn't even laugh for 2 days afterward. It hurt!!

    Hope everyone is well! Wishing you a happy, productive and successful day!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Liza...glad to hear the hubby is better! And your poor little one! Glad she's getting better also! How could you have known not to send her to school. I probably would have done the same. And WAY TO GO on the weight and inches lost! That's awesome!!!

    Cris...YAY for the green light to exercise!!! That was a MAJOR thrill for me as the C-section left me with what seemed like an endless recovery! So, yay! And I understand about the chocolate craving...that's something I crave often. I allow myself a little dark chocolate every once and a while...and it always tastes SO good when I do! Haha!

    Michfitz...seems like everyones reaction is the same...WOW! You are an amazing person! I bow down to you! SO glad you found this site...it will help you a lot towards reaching those goals!

    Jess...Good morning!

    KC...anxious to hear how the munching is going. And good morning to you too!

    So, yesterday was SUCH a busy day at work! And I was totally bummed because we had a pizza luncheon and I had 2 small slices and looked them up and it was over 800 calories!:grumble: So I knew for sure I'd be over calorie-wise for the day! Went home and had some yummy Chicken fajitas for dinner, but then after getting Kadence to bed, I sprawled on the couch and had two reduced fat graham crackers with 4 tbsp Cool whip free (not bad) but then also had THREE chocolate chip granola bars to take care of a chocolate/sweet craving! HORRIBLE!!! I was SO disappointed in myself and was ready to give up for the evening. But then I caught a little of Biggest Loser on tv...and guess what...I got my lazy butt up off the couch and took my book down to the treadmill (I'm working on the Twighlight Saga). I ended up walking for an hour and a half and burned almost 500 calories! SO...I didn't end up going over my calories for the day!!!!! I LOVE how you can easily make up for those extra calories eaten! So...it ended up being a successful day instead of a failure! YAY!

    Anyways...hope you all have a great morning and I'll check back later!