Losing Baby Weight



  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    LOL, I am sorry Cris!! I will go eat 6 pounds of apple pie to make it up to you!! Seriously, a pound is fabulous though! Think about a pound of butter in your fridge! Imagine all of that fat being melted off you! That is seriously huge, even though one pound doesn't sound like much!

    And thank you Kristen!

    What kind of formula are you feeding Amelia, curiously? Good Start Gentle Plus is the formula they recommend for colic because it's the easiest to digest. That's actually what we feed Josie. We went through a period of this with her too. For us it was pretty short lived, but it lasted long enough that I talked to our pediatrician about it. We were told that at that age it's pretty common for their systems to just struggle getting used to doing the work, and that it's painful for them in the meantime. Mylicon won't really do much good until babies are over two months old, but it doesn't hurt to use it to at least try to help a little if it can.

    Was she a big baby? If she's continually rooting and screaming, I would feed her till she seemed satisfied. Their needs are so individualized, I believe that formula recommendations are more of a guideline than a set "rule." If she's going for long periods of sleep without eating, she may actually NEED that nutrition to catch up. I wouldn't worry too much about overfeeding her unless she started to gain weight at a faster rate than would be typical with her percentile for weight. As I've said, Josie eats a LOT, but she has consistently been in the 99th percentile for weight since birth, so it's not a cause for concern.

    Also, is she a pacifier baby? Josie won't use them, but when she was smaller (and still occasionally) she would suck on my finger instead. I just turned my middle finger upside down so that the nail was against her tongue, and the pad of my finger was in the roof of her mouth. It soothed her sucking need and really helped to calm her down when she was fussy. My husband just shakes his head and tells me I'm strange when I do it, but he's the first one to pass her to me if she's crying!

    On a side note, fat baby got weighed today at an appointment. She is 19 pounds 11 ounces! LOL. Even her armpits have fat rolls.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Oops we cross posted. Nix what I said about formula!! LOL
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Girls!!

    Jess - to answer your Q's: Amelia is mostly breast fed but we do supplement her feeds with 1.5 oz of formula to make sure she is getting enough cals because she was small at birth 6lbs 10oz and wasn't gaining back the weight she lost after very quickly. She is now 8lbs 1.5 oz at 5 weeks so her growth is really good. When she does have formula it is Enfamil Premium. She also loves her pacifiers but when she is a screamin demon she will refuse one :mad: :laugh:

    Last night she did good and seems to do better on the days she has a bowel movement so I really think it is her digestive system that causes her upset. I am hoping she does good again tonight because I have been careful to eat bland and did not drink any beer, etc. She is a very gassy baby (takes after her dad lol!) and I have been giving her the Mylocane but cannot tell if it is really helping. She may just be too young.

    I LOVE fat babies!! I think thetre little rolls are just the cutest thing EVER! Cary her around must be a good workout too!

    I missed the gym last night but am heading off to there now. I have been craving pizza like crazy and I may just have to give in this weekend!!

    Thanks for all the advice!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Cris...I hope Amelia slept well for you the past couple nights! And I have to laugh because I missed a workout yesterday, AND we had pizza for dinner...so I gave in to YOUR craving! :laugh: :laugh: I didn't even want pizza but long story short, we got home late and were arguing over what to eat and my husband decided and ordered pizza while I was putting Kadence to bed. SO...I need to drink TONS of water today and get in a good workout tonight to make up for it!

    Jess...How are you today?

    SO...I don't know if I ever previously mentioned, but Kadence has been exclusively breast fed (or bottle fed what I pump) because she showed an intolerance to formula. The pediatrician gave us some lactose free formula and we decided to try that to mix with her cereal and even that made her SO sick (which is the worst thing ever...she threw up (or was gagging up nothing) for two hours strait and was then so out of it she slept for EVER! She also had several dirty diapers as her body was trying to get everything out. HORRIBLE!) We have tried a little soy formula and she is fine with that, but we are SO hoping this is something that goes away as she gets older! But seeing how she was, it makes me so nervous to try new things...she was so miserable!

    On a brighter note, she has mastered rolling over and now shows off! BUT...she rolls over and then can't do anything and gets mad! She does it ALL the time...and is getting to be a little annoying! She does this at night now too and we have to constantly go into her room and roll her back over...UGH! Oh well...

    I suppose I should probably get started on some work! I'll check back later. Have a good morning!
  • lizaconde
    Hi Mommies,

    It sounds like I may be alittle late to join. But started MFP again this year after giving birth to my second child, 8 1/2 month old Joel Jaxs. Was looking for some encouragment, week one I lost 5 lbs and been working out and quite motivated then got on the scale today and nothing still just down 5 lbs. I was frustrated I've been way under my calorie count and actually worked out 5 times this week, so I thought there would be a big drop. BUT NOT! Felt like coming downstairs and eating the entire cheesecake in my fridge but I didn't I cooked breakfast for my daughter, Izabella 6 and my nephew whos over for the weekend, and gonna go vacuum and I guess get on the treadmill.

    It's great to hear everyones stories,success, and struggles, its nice to know I'm not allow. And just for the record I was not a csection LOL!! Close my OB did threaten me.

  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hello Girls!

    Kristin - I missed my workout and had pizza yesterday too! haha! I will be hitting the gym tonight to try and make up as well :wink:
    Amelia is doing great sleeping in her pack n play and tonight we are moving her into the bedroom! I cannot wait to sleep in my bed; it has been almost 6 weeks!

    I am finding it rather easy to stay within my calories but I am so horribly out of shape that working out is a major struggle. I used to be able to do an hour on the elliptical no problem and now I struggle to make it through 15 minutes at a lower setting. I cannot wait to feel stronger again.

    Hope you all are well! My little one is waking and calling me me.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Liza...welcome! We're thrilled to have you join us!!! And 5 pounds is a great start!!! Remember...you must eat your calories to be able to loose...and that includes eating any calories you burn with exercise. So...if you normally eat 1200 calories and you burn 300 calories, you should actually be eating 1500 calories for the day. I know it seems like it doesn't make sense, but it's so true...I know from experience! If you want, we can talk more about it...

    Cris...HILARIOUS!!! I guess we both need to be getting in a good workout this evening...hope the girlies let us!

    Well...headed home! Have a great evening gals and I'll check back tomorrow!
  • rfcollins33
    Today was the end of week 1 for me and I weighed in 3 pounds lighter!! I've been eating about 1200 calories a day and working out with cardio 45-50 minutes a day. The gym on the post I live on has a family room which is so helpful. I make sure Elijah is fed and just go! I have so much motivation and am excited to reach my goal (one day)!! I started at 181 and am now 178. Hope to lose at least 2 lbs a week, but more would be nice as long as I'm healthy and feel good. Good luck ladies! I know we can all do it!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Welcome Liza! I am pretty new here too, so no worries! 5 pounds is great, and the fact that you maintained that loss into your second week is fabulous! I agree with Kristen that you definitely need to be making sure you eat enough calories!

    I am doing good Kristen, thanks for asking! My energy levels are starting to perk up a bit, and I am starting to think I am seeing ever so slight a change in myself when I look in the mirror. My hubby is doing this with me, and he's on BP meds. Well his systolic pressure has dropped 25 points! I am so excited abut that!

    I am jealous that the two of you had pizza!! That sounds so good right about now! I have Santa Fe salmon on the menu for dinner, and that is just as yummy. Well, ok, close anyway!

    Cris I feel your pain on the out of shape thing! 9 months of being a dedicated couch potato has not done me any favors either.

    Kristen, has your pediatrician said anything about a possible allergy to gluten? I would at least ask. That is a terrible reaction :( You must just be scared to try anything!!

    Fat little Josie just rolled over yesterday for the first time finally! Both front to back, and then back to front. Now my other 4 kids have to actually listen to needing to clean their little tiny toys up. That's gonna take a miracle! My girls got this foam craft kit for Christmas that has these little tiny foam squares that are sticky on one side. Well, they got the bright idea to stick them all over the walls and ceiling in their bedroom (which invariably resulted in the paint being pulled off, as well as the paper from the drywall! LOL). Anyway, those little tiny squares were left all over the living room floor as well until I told them to pick them up. I have these awful visions of this poor baby choking on this stuff!

    That was my day yesterday. Today we all went for a walk, and I put the baby in her sling and carried her. We walked for an hour. It was nice to get out, it was about 45 here today. I can't wait for spring!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Congrats Rachael! That is an excellent result! Where are you posted at? AM I asking that the right way? Or should I say, where is your post? LOL It sounds like I am talking about your post on this thread.
  • rfcollins33
    We are currently stationed in Hohenfels, Germany. About 45 min. from Nuremberg. Just got home from another great workout, although my 3 1/2 month old was very fussy today. He has got two teeth coming in already! Gotta love that family room though. It leaves me no excuse but to get up and go!! Thanks for the encouragement ladies.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    1/19/10 (week 9)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 185.0
    Pounds lost: 6.0
    Goal for week 9: Down 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Belly size(1/5/10): 43 inches (this is just below the belly button...thickest spot around my tummy, and I will only measure once a month).

    Personal Challenge for week 9: Add a few sprints into my running workout!

    Quick check in...YAY! I'm down 2 pounds this week! Makes me very excited and I reached my first mini goal! I am part of this group on here called the Sixers and we have a new thread every 6 weeks with a new 6 week challenge! Today was the end of one and I reached my goal weight for that one! YAY! My first mini accomplishment since I've re-started on here! ANYways...gives me more motivation!

    Kadence decided to wake up hungry at 2:00 this morning...UGH! She hasn't done that since she was 2 months old. Bummer! Oh well. I haven't asked the doctor about gluten, but I will. We don't go back until the beginning of March, but I don't plan on trying anything new before then, so I will just wait to ask. Man, I hope it's not a gluten allergy! What a pain that would be!

    ANYways...gotta get started on some work! Hope all you lovely ladies are doing well this morning!
  • rfcollins33
    Hi, my son is 15 weeks. I couldn't help but realize some similarities in your problems you're having with your daughter and the ones I had with my son. I breastfed him exclusively for the first 2 months and then started supplementing formula. I used Similac Advance. Well, before starting the formula, he had a bowel movement with every feeding, as do most breastfed babies, but once I started the formula, he'd go four days without a BM, and be very gassy. Soon, I lacked enough milk because I had been supplementing. But thats actually not my point. I switched him to Prosobee and he has completely improved. He has a BM 1-2 times daily and seems much less gassy. I felt very guilty about my milk drying up because of supplementing the formula. But I've come to realize that the three months I was able to breastfeed him will benefit a lifetime and that even bottle fed babies are happy and it doesn't make me a bad mom either way. I'm just happy that with the soy formula, he's much more regular! You might want to ask your doctor about it. And, as far as her not weighing as much, breastfed babies tend to weigh less because breast milk doesn't contain all the additives. Good luck with your little one. Just thought I'd share my same struggles.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    WAY TO GO KRISTEN!!! Whoooohooo! Awesome job this week!! Curiously, what are your running workouts like? Way back in the day, I used to run distance in HS on the track team. Everyday, I would run between 5-7 miles for practice. Back then I was in the best shape of my life! I am back up to the point right now where I can jog about a mile. After my last pregnancies, I got my endurance back, and could run that distance without any issues, but then the day or two after, my joints would just throb and and throb. Particularly my knees and hips. I would try to stick to running on the macadam as that's supposed to be easier on your joints. Do you have any problems like that?

    My first mini goal was to be under 200, I am pretty sure I should achieve that at this weigh-in (mine is Friday), as I was at 200 last week. My next goal is to be 191...The magic number that means I am no longer in the obese category, just overweight! LOL. I am hoping to be there by Valentine's day.

    I read in a book that babies will often wake up for night time feedings right before they are about to hit a milestone. Josie was up at 3 am over the weekend, and Bam! Sunday she rolled. I never noticed that before, and maybe it was just coincidence. I know you said Kadence is already rolling over.

    I am hopefully going to get around to trying my first P90x video today. My SIL is supposed to be coming over for lunch. I am hoping that the visit, the nap, and me having an hour to get it in before the rest of the kids get home from school works out. The stars must align just perfectly I guess. LOL

    Have a good day ladies!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Jessica...I'm working my way back into my running workout. I usually do only about a half hour right now, about 1.5 miles of running from 5.0 mph-6.0 mph and walking at about 4.0 mph-4.5 mph for the rest of the time. So, not very fast yet. But I am getting there. My joints sometimes hurt after a harder workout and then I will make my next workout all walking. And sometimes I do lots of intervals...5 minutes walking, 10 minutes jogging, 2 minutes sprinting, another 5 minutes walking, etc. It just depends. I try and mix it up so my body doesn't get too used to just one routine.

    As far as mini goals go, my next challenge is for six weeks and I would like to get into the 170s so I made 179 my goal.

    I ordered a post-pregnancy ab/thigh/butt workout video. Excited for it to arrive! If it's any good I'll share! Hoping to start working on getting those abs visible again!!!
  • allyson2212
    Okay, Im a little late, but definitely belong in this group! I have 4 little boys, ages 6, 4, 2 and 7 weeks. The last 7 years my body has gone from 150-225-155-210-160-215-170-225!!! I am now at 207 and my goal is to get back down to 160, FOR GOOD!!! I had my tubes tied and cut this time, so no more kiddos for me! I love love love this website because I find myself actually eating RIGHT, and eating all of the calories that I need to, instead of starving myself. I feel GREAT even though its only been about a week and a half! Oh, forgot to mention. Chevy (my 7 week old) was in the NICU for the first 9 days of his life, my god that was hard. Anyways, Im not breastfeeding due to me not being able to pump enough for him and it drying up, so Im not on any restricted diet. And my C-section scar is healed so I am back to exercising! I hope this isnt too scattered, I have a million things going through my head these days! Nice to meet yall!!!
  • lizaconde
    Afternoon Ladies!
    Thanks for the welcome Kristin and Jess. Your girls are just too cute! Kadence she looks like such a big girl, how much does she weigh? I'm loving the cheeks! JJ's the same way chubby cheeks and rolls everywhere. I haven't read through all the post so I may inquire on things you've already put out there. Hope you don't mind.

    Your workout routine is awesome 6.0 mph on the treadmill. I might just fall over. LOL! Right now I'm doing the elliptical, I started slow since I hadn't worked out in about a year. I'm up to 30 minutes at #5 resistances, then alternate with the treadmill at 4% incline at 3.0-4.0 mpg. I think both you and Jess were right about not getting enought calories in. So I'm attempting to eat my excerise calories. Hopefully that will make a difference. I asked my husband to hide our scale just for a few weeks so I won't get all crazy weighing my self every other day :laugh:

    So I'm guessing we posting our weekly goals? I guess I'll start at the beginging at delivery I was 227 and had lost 17 pounds with breastfeeding and you know the whole having a newborn in the house again. After I stopped BF in 10/09 it came back so I started this venture at 220 my goal is 180 that was my prebaby weight and I was comfortable in a size 12 then. Now I'm in a 16 and can't wear a thing in my closet, and refused to buy more clothing in a size 16. So my challenge began. My goal is to lose 2lbs a week. My long term goal is to be at 180 by his 1st Birthday May 2nd. I've also gain about 5 inches from my breaset, waist and hips. I was horrified when I measured myself.:sad:

    This is so easy to be able to put this very senstive information out there and not be embarrassed, cause I would never share this info with just anyone. LOL!! It's nice to have you ladies.Wishing you a great day!

    I got up at 5am and did my workout, not easy getting up cause then I come to work and do 12 hrs but I'm motivated. Thanks to MFP!!

  • Tiff_09
    Tiff_09 Posts: 5,627 Member
    I'm tagging this thread!!!

    Eden is a week old today and I am 15 lbs lighter already. :drinker:

    However I still have about 10 or so to go before the baby weight is off and would like to lose another 25-30 after that!!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Oooh Kristen, what is the video called that you ordered? I would think a post preggo ab workout would be ideal (well, duh!) LOL.

    Allyson, it's good to meet you! It's nice to have another I-must-be-crazy-with-all-these-darn-kids-running-around Mom in the group! I can't imagine having a baby in the NICU. That is so scary, but nice to know that they are getting one on one attention. I'm glad to hear he's doing better now! There's nothing worse than looking at the tiny babies in those cribs :(

    Liz, don't be horrified at putting all of your personal info out there. We are all in the same boat and we certainly understand! I know exactly how you feel about the measurements! That is more traumatizing than the scale!! You are very dedicated to get up at 5 to workout!! Good for you!!

    Hi Tiff! I like that name Eden, that is so pretty :) Oh my, only 10 to go and she's a week old! I am jealous, LOL.

    I was a good girl and did my workout this afternoon. Then an extra 10 minutes on top of it to target my abs. I am making a yummy stuffed ranch chicken for dinner, that I hope doesn't end up being to high in cals once I figure it out. I don't think so though. And it smells heavenly. Good thing, cuz I am STARVING!
  • lizaconde
    Hi Allyson,

    And welcome I'm new too. God Bless you with all those babies running around you should have no problem getting into shape LOL!! I feel your pain Izabella our 6yr old spent some time in the NICU she was born with an apgar score of 1 and at 5 minutes 2 it was scary it was touch and go. But she's a perfect healthy little girl now, nothing what they prepared us for for, as I always believe all in HIS hands. I'm glad to hear his well and home. Chevy is a great name, what are the names of your other boys, that's so funny I always wanted 4 boys. Then a had a girl first, totally changed my mind lol!! Just kidding she's my favorite girl. She's her mother's child 100%. Good luck with our venture!!
