Losing Baby Weight



  • susanecho
    susanecho Posts: 9 Member
    Hey girls,

    Sorry haven't been on for awhile. Back to work full-time and busy catching up on housework on my days off. Haven't worked out either, but planning on doing that tonight since I have tomorrow off. Have been craving sweets lately and usually I crave salty things. I don't know why but I want chocolate all the time. Sad my milk supply is diminishing, but spoke with our lactation consultant and there is still hope, thank goodness. My baby has never had formula before and had to have some the other day because I didn't have enough for the babysitter. Wish I could be home with her all day, but gotta pay the bills. Well, I had lost 3lbs and then gained 2lbs back so I'm back to my 1lb lost so far. Good luck this week ladies!
  • vipersgirl28
    Hey susan. glad that you still have a loss. sorry you have been craving chocolates and salty things.

    I have a problem myself but its trying to reach my goal calories. right now I have about 800 calories I still need to eat. I am not hungry. dinner is almost on the table but since I make mostly veggies, I won't have that many calories from it. my all time favorite snack food is air popped popcorn. so I won't have that many calories from that either. I really don't want to eat any ice cream. maybe I will make a smoothie later. that should help with some calories.
  • gympamela
    gympamela Posts: 188 Member
    I had a bad weekend and snacked on alot of crap. Back on the wagon today and going to start the couch to 5K on monday.
  • Taliko
    Taliko Posts: 82 Member
    Hi folks...is there room for yet another mom here?
    My youngest is 18 months now but my husband has been sick - in and out of surgeries - this past year. He's now better and i'm finally able to get to the gym 3 afternoons a week. :D
    I'm 27, stay at home mom of 2. My oldest is almost 4. I've lost about 8 lbs already. :)
  • vipersgirl28
    gympamela, good luck the couch to 5k. Its alright to fall off the wagon every once in a while. I know I will at some point. I am glad to see you are back on it. :smile:

    Taliko, welcome. :happy: Sure there is room. Sorry to hear about your dh but glad he is now better. congrats on losing 8 so far.

    I am still having problems getting enough calories. I have to force myself to eat and its ticking me off. thankfully I am not breastfeeding. At least for the most part I am making healthy choices foodwise. I did twenty minutes on the bike this morning at level five, a ride in the park program. I really want to get on it again tonight and do another 20. I think I am addicted to my exercise bike. lol I guess that is a good thing. :laugh:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope you all had good weekends! Mine was good...not so much exercise and eating wise, but it was fun! Friday evening we got a Christmas tree and then after putting Kadence to sleep, my husband and I spent the evening relazing in the hot tub! It was SO nice! Saturday, my husband went out to the shooting range to sight-in his gun, so Kadence and I cleaned and decorated the house and tree! It was WONDERFUL! Saturday evening was a movie night and again, relaxing! Sunday my husband went out to the shooting range again, and so Kadence and I took a bunch of Christmas pictures! They are SO cute! I will get them uploaded eventually to share! Then last night, Michael was called into work to do some snow removal (it snowed late afternoon/evening) and was out until 2 this morning! I was not happy since I am such a light sleeper that I got NO sleep and now he's exhausted and has to take care of Kadence all day today! So...he's going to talk to his boss and see if he can be off the snow removal crew for this winter. Shouldn't be a problem, but we'll see...

    SO...it was a nice weekend, although if you noticed...no workouts! AND...I didn't mention that last night we ended up ordering pizza! :embarassed: Oh well...today's a new day! I'm hoping to get to the gym this evening...we shall see!

    I haven't yet weighed in today (totally forgot this morning, which I'm blaming on the lack of sleep!) but here's last weeks so I can add later!

    12/07/09 (week 3)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight:
    Pounds lost:
    Goal for week 2: Lose 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Personal Challenge for week 3: Ab workout at home at least three times this week!

    Well...I will check back a little later! Have a good morning!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Updating the list...again and adding Taliko, feel free to edit...

    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.

    Hannah (Hannah_Banana)... I'm 21 and had my first child, Wesley in Sept of 07. I'm married with 2 dogs and I run my own full-time business from home, as well as invest in real estate. I have my MBA that I probably won't ever get to use because I never want to 'go to work' every day again! I'm thinking about going back to school for accounting or tax law, but even that sounds like too much work. For exercise, I play Dance Dance Revolution, use the bowflex but I reeeeeally want one of those nifty spin bike/elliptical machines you can stick under your desk, since I have to sit at the comp several hours a day.

    Suzanne (squoozyq)...I had my baby in April, and have not lost a flippin' pound! I had GD, so I gained more than I should have even on insulin. After my first 3 babies, I got back down to 115lbs. After my last two, I'm at 185lbs, and depressed. NOthing seems to work, and I give up often.....
    I would very much like to join the group if that is ok....

    Susan (susanecho)...I'm 31 and had my first baby on 8/3/09 via c-section. I am currently working full-time as a nurse and married to an awesome husband who is not quite ready to work-out with me yet, but tells me how great I'm doing and that he's proud of me. We have a beautiful daughter and a cute puppy. I want to lose this weight before having my next baby. I'm actually only 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but was overweight to begin with. My weigh-ins will be Saturdays because I don't have a scale at home and I can weigh-in at work. Glad to be apart of this great group! Happy weight loss ladies!

    Mina (Mina133842) real name is Corrina, but I go by Mina to friends and family. I had my first baby in January, his name is Mason. I'm married to my husband, who lost weight on his own before we got together and got married, but I've been overweight almost my whole life, and don't want my son to have a fat mom that can't do anything with him. We also have 3 cats, and I have a VERY large family (I'm #5 of 6 kids) and they're all cheering me on (even if they don't live near me). I would like to have one more baby, and will probably start "trying" for that sometime next summer, but I want to continue to become fit and active - since I never have been...

    Catalina (Mandita) ,29 age, I am romanian so my english it's not very good, I have a DD 6 yrs old and a DS 7 months old (born april 2009). I started a body transformation 2 weeks ago, using all weapons, cardio, healthy diet, massage.

    vipersgirl, 37 years old. I have a few kids. I started myfitnesspal before I got pregnant with the last child. I am trying to get back into the habit of putting everything I eat into myfitnesspal now that I have had her. Right now I am cleared to walk.

    Carrie (MercuryBlue). I'm a mother of two from BC, Canada. My youngest was born a year ago almost to the day (the big first birthday is this Sunday!), and I'm STILL trying to shake off this baby weight, and then some!

    Sonshinersmomma...I have had 10 children. (20yo - 5mo old, 6girls and 4boys) When I was younger the fat just melted off. Well now after my sweet baby boy was born 6/29/09 I have to really work to get it off. So I now weigh 184 lbs after losing 14 since I started this venture. I will turn 40 next year right before my baby turns one. I would like to be far down on my way if not reach 135-140 my pre baby weight.

    Marie (marie2779)...I had my second daughter Feb. 2009. I was really "lucky" to not put on much weight- only 20 pounds- unfortunately that was due to severe morning sickness. So only putting on 20 pounds I thought I'd lose the weight in a snap. Well- I started on here about a month ago with only 10 pounds down out of that 20! (oh- and my daughter weighed over 8pounds!) so- my first goal is to get down to 145- which was my prepregnancy weight for my second daughter after I meet that I would like to get to 140 (prepregnancy weight 1st daughter) My biggest challenge is exercising.

    Becca (singcoz528)...I have a beautiful 6 week old little girl! I had her via c-section so I know what most of you have been through. My abs feel completely shot still. I was on MFP before my pregnancy and lost over 40 pounds! Then we found out my Mom had cervical cancer and my diet became completely ruined. I turned for food for comfort. A month later I found out I was preggers and it kicked me out of my funk but I gained over 70 pounds My mom has since unfortunately passed away so I have had a lot to deal with emotionaly and I'm looking to get off the weight rollercoaster!

    gympamela...I had two c sections, and the last one was 17 months ago with my daughter. I have about 30 pounds to lose before I get some confidence back and another 10 to feel really good about myself. I did not lose a single pound for a year. I weighed the same as when I walked out of the hospital. I recently lost 10 pounds over the course of a few months. C sections are awful for me, my skin has no elasticity so I have this gross droopy fat stomach that is AWFUL. I have decided that I need to get dedicated or Im never losing the weight. I go up and down 5 or so pounds during the week, and I just want to lose the weight!

    Taliko...My youngest is 18 months now but my husband has been sick - in and out of surgeries - this past year. He's now better and i'm finally able to get to the gym 3 afternoons a week. :D I'm 27, stay at home mom of 2. My oldest is almost 4. I've lost about 8 lbs already. :)
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hey all!

    Been wrapped up in family drama lately. :yawn:

    Anyhoo! I'm proud to say that my weigh day (Saturday) I was down another 3.2lbs this week. Now that I've figured out what works for my body, this seems ridiculously easy. I'm not tempted by crap because it makes me feel awful. I've been sick, so eating all my calories has been an issue. Last night I had about 600 left and that just wouldn't do, but I didn't feel like cooking so I heated up some chicken nuggets for my boys. I had 2 and when I woke up this morning my tummy was soooo unhappy.

    My goal today is to get all my cals in! Conservation mode sucks. :angry:

    I also have a new goal, I haven't been under 200 in 3 years, but I have decided I'm going to make that my Christmas present to myself this year! I want to see 199.8 on the scale Christmas morning! :bigsmile:

    Kristin - I'm so jealous - your weekend sounded FANTASTIC! :drinker: Except the snow removal part, that's yucky! What does your husband do? Besides remove snow, I mean, since there obviously isn't snow all year round. :huh:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Kristin - I'm so jealous - your weekend sounded FANTASTIC! :drinker: Except the snow removal part, that's yucky! What does your husband do? Besides remove snow, I mean, since there obviously isn't snow all year round. :huh:

    My husband works construction for a pool company, and as pools are only built during the warmer months, he is laid off in the winter. Which works well since I didn't want to take my daughter to daycare quite yet. He stays home with her during the days and is getting some bonding time with her, which is wonderful! This snow removal thing is new (as in they've never done it before) and I really hope that he can talk to his boss and make sure it won't involve him, especially on week nights. They have plenty of single guys that can do it, and they only have one customer to remove for. So...shouldn't be an issue. **fingers crossed**
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Weighed in this morning... I lost half a pound and 1.25 inches in the past week. Total of 2.25 inches and 3.8 pounds in the past two weeks....

    I'm not overly upset about the half-pound weight loss because I ate REALLY well and did tonnes of exercise. So I know that, if I keep it up, the scale will 'reward' me soon enough. In the meantime, at least I'm learning how to take care of myself properly!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Kristin - I'm so jealous - your weekend sounded FANTASTIC! :drinker: Except the snow removal part, that's yucky! What does your husband do? Besides remove snow, I mean, since there obviously isn't snow all year round. :huh:

    My husband works construction for a pool company, and as pools are only built during the warmer months, he is laid off in the winter. Which works well since I didn't want to take my daughter to daycare quite yet. He stays home with her during the days and is getting some bonding time with her, which is wonderful! This snow removal thing is new (as in they've never done it before) and I really hope that he can talk to his boss and make sure it won't involve him, especially on week nights. They have plenty of single guys that can do it, and they only have one customer to remove for. So...shouldn't be an issue. **fingers crossed**

    Oh neat - my husband and I are both freelance workers, so we take turns staying home with our 2 year old. I love it, he loves it, I'm sure my son loves it too. Its great when daddy can stay home to play too! :bigsmile:

    And they have a whole service they provide just for one customer? That makes me giggle a little. :laugh:

    Here's to them using one of those single guys so hubby AND you can get enough sleep. :drinker:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Kristin - I'm so jealous - your weekend sounded FANTASTIC! :drinker: Except the snow removal part, that's yucky! What does your husband do? Besides remove snow, I mean, since there obviously isn't snow all year round. :huh:

    My husband works construction for a pool company, and as pools are only built during the warmer months, he is laid off in the winter. Which works well since I didn't want to take my daughter to daycare quite yet. He stays home with her during the days and is getting some bonding time with her, which is wonderful! This snow removal thing is new (as in they've never done it before) and I really hope that he can talk to his boss and make sure it won't involve him, especially on week nights. They have plenty of single guys that can do it, and they only have one customer to remove for. So...shouldn't be an issue. **fingers crossed**

    Oh neat - my husband and I are both freelance workers, so we take turns staying home with our 2 year old. I love it, he loves it, I'm sure my son loves it too. Its great when daddy can stay home to play too! :bigsmile:

    And they have a whole service they provide just for one customer? That makes me giggle a little. :laugh:

    Here's to them using one of those single guys so hubby AND you can get enough sleep. :drinker:

    Yeah...it's pretty dumb that they have only ONE customer! And they don't have machinery or anything. They are just sending the guys out there with shovels! CRAZY!

    Thanks...hope to get it figured out!
  • mandita
    Hi folks...is there room for yet another mom here?
    My youngest is 18 months now but my husband has been sick - in and out of surgeries - this past year. He's now better and i'm finally able to get to the gym 3 afternoons a week. :D
    I'm 27, stay at home mom of 2. My oldest is almost 4. I've lost about 8 lbs already. :)

    Hi Taliko!
    Congrats' for weightloss.
  • mandita
    Hannah, Kistinbee, MecuryBlue, good job!

    I had lost 0,5 kg this week, a few cakes...oups, and a cold...but I am back in business as usual.
    I intend to reach my calories too.

    I established a few routines: drinking my water, eating fruits and yogurt with wholegrains.

    But I am strugling with eating vegetables :(( .


    CW 58.5 kg
    SW 65 kg
    GW 53 kg

    My goal this week:
    Daily cardio
    Daily vegetables
  • Taliko
    Taliko Posts: 82 Member
    I should add that my real name is Heather :)
    Thanks for the welcomes!
  • sonshinersmama
    sonshinersmama Posts: 14 Member
    Hey all..Went on a trip this last weekend. Home now and back at it. Did a Turbo Jam workout last night and one this morning..whoo hoo. Hard to start working out again after 3 days off and not eating great. But now I'm back at it. I don't have a scale at home, but I lost another 2 lbs when I did weigh. Yeah. Long story short I live in SC with my son in the Navy while my hubby and two older girls are in CO getting settled and work. They are coming at Christmas to come get us to all move back (YIPPEE) and I am hoping to lose a few more lbs before they get here. They left in October and I was 191..now I am 181..so in the 70's would be super sweet!
    Goal this week is actually is to do two workouts a day..a longer one and a shorter one.
    Oh a tip for veggie eating ...I get a big bag of frozen normandy blend or california blend..steam them..sometimes add a little cheese on top and eat that for lunch. Way less calories and quick and yummy!
    Goal - Stay in calories and work out twice a day!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Have been doing well with work-outs. Did half an hour of pilates last night, and a few minutes on the stair machine (though, my legs and butt just weren't having it, so I didn't do too much). Calories weren't too bad yesterday, either.

    Had Quinoa for the first time yesterday- yummy!
  • singcoz528
    Had a good day yesterday! Went to the mall with my best friend and Ella. We walked around for 3 hours. After I plugged it all in I burned 650 calories just by shopping! I treated myself with some food court cheese pizza!

    I got a new aerobics video so maybe that will give me some motivation to exercise.

    Kinda down today though, hubby has been working 12 hour shifts all week and he's getting depressed. He's worried Ella will start not to recognize him. I told him that's impossible cuz she loves her daddy. Worried about him too. He doesn't eat at all anymore. He wont let me pack him a lunch b/c he says he doesn't have time to eat it. (He works at a Banquet Hall) He says the only chance he gets to eat is if there are some leftovers from an event and even then he has to eat as he works cuz he can't really take a good break. (he is a manager so he's pretty much working 24/7) Ugh.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning gals! Can't talk long. SO busy at work since we were all snowed in at home yesterday! Also had an early out on Tuesday and late start this morning....so TONS of make up work! Have to update my stats...

    12/07/09 (week 2)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 190.5
    Pounds lost: 0.5
    Goal for week 2: Lose 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Personal Challenge for week 3: Ab workout at home at least three times this week!

    I will update again on Monday, but hadn't yet added my weigh-in for this week.

    Workouts this week have not been as planned due to the snow and a sick baby, but I feel like I am doing okay. We'll see with weigh-in on Monday!

    Hope you are all well!
  • gympamela
    gympamela Posts: 188 Member
    I finally got my workout in!!!!!! I started the couch25k today and the intervals were OK, I have so far to go until I can actually RUN awhile...Did triceps, some pushups and some abs then went on the treadmill, did my 20 min couch25k workout, then walked an extra 10 minutes on an incline.
    Im eating well today, I have all my cals planned out til bedtime. Wish me luck on the eating part- I hate food sometimes.

    Starting weight: 163
    Current weight: 163
    no weight loss this week.