Losing Baby Weight



  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I'm all in!

    Hi everyone- my name is Carrie. I'm a mother of two from BC, Canada. My youngest was born a year ago almost to the day (the big first birthday is this Sunday!), and I'm STILL trying to shake off this baby weight, and then some! I was just starting a weight-loss plan when I got pregnant with him in March 2008. I literally had JUST gotten a gym membership, started eating right- and I was 1/3 of the way to reaching my thirty-pound weight loss goal. So of COURSE I saw those two little pink lines when I took that pregnancy test!

    Anyways, I was so upset. But in a way, happy because I had an excuse not to exercise and to gain weight. So I ate total crap and gained a total of 54 pounds during my pregnancy. Uh, yeah, WAY more than necessary!!! That 'eating for two' excuse is a doozy, isn't it?

    Well, my son was born nine months later by c-section. A big 9 pound 2 ounce boy. When I stepped on the scale again, I was 15 pounds lighter.... but because of the surgery, I couldn't exercise or do much of anything.

    Now, a year later, I've lost 20 pounds. That's IT. I feel like such a failure. I can't even COUNT the number of times I've said, "Tomorrow will be different." Then I cave in and eat garbage again. Boo to me! The problem is, all of my friends have moved away and I don't have anyone really to talk to or exercise with... so it's easy for me to sit on my duff all day and get lazy.

    So, I've decided that this is IT. Tomorrow is today. No more excuses. I want to lose 40 pounds in 180 days. I have a six-month plan. I know it's DOABLE.... my trouble is getting and staying motivated. That's why I'm here- to meet other women in the same boat as me. I need people to relate to, and to be accountable to!

    Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)


    Oh: Forgot to add this part!

    For the week of: November 23/09
    Weight At Start of Week: 165.8
    Week One Goal: 2 pounds
    Final Goal Weight: 125 Pounds
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Just updating...Carrie, feel free to edit what I added for you!

    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.

    Hannah (Hannah_Banana)... I'm 21 and had my first child, Wesley in Sept of 07. I'm married with 2 dogs and I run my own full-time business from home, as well as invest in real estate. I have my MBA that I probably won't ever get to use because I never want to 'go to work' every day again! I'm thinking about going back to school for accounting or tax law, but even that sounds like too much work. For exercise, I play Dance Dance Revolution, use the bowflex but I reeeeeally want one of those nifty spin bike/elliptical machines you can stick under your desk, since I have to sit at the comp several hours a day.

    Suzanne (squoozyq)...I had my baby in April, and have not lost a flippin' pound! I had GD, so I gained more than I should have even on insulin. After my first 3 babies, I got back down to 115lbs. After my last two, I'm at 185lbs, and depressed. NOthing seems to work, and I give up often.....
    I would very much like to join the group if that is ok....

    Susan (susanecho)...I'm 31 and had my first baby on 8/3/09 via c-section. I am currently working full-time as a nurse and married to an awesome husband who is not quite ready to work-out with me yet, but tells me how great I'm doing and that he's proud of me. We have a beautiful daughter and a cute puppy. I want to lose this weight before having my next baby. I'm actually only 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but was overweight to begin with. My weigh-ins will be Saturdays because I don't have a scale at home and I can weigh-in at work. Glad to be apart of this great group! Happy weight loss ladies!

    Mina (Mina133842) real name is Corrina, but I go by Mina to friends and family. I had my first baby in January, his name is Mason. I'm married to my husband, who lost weight on his own before we got together and got married, but I've been overweight almost my whole life, and don't want my son to have a fat mom that can't do anything with him. We also have 3 cats, and I have a VERY large family (I'm #5 of 6 kids) and they're all cheering me on (even if they don't live near me). I would like to have one more baby, and will probably start "trying" for that sometime next summer, but I want to continue to become fit and active - since I never have been...

    Catalina (Mandita) ,29 age, I am romanian so my english it's not very good, I have a DD 6 yrs old and a DS 7 months old (born april 2009). I started a body transformation 2 weeks ago, using all weapons, cardio, healthy diet, massage.

    vipersgirl, 37 years old. I have a few kids. I started myfitnesspal before I got pregnant with the last child. I am trying to get back into the habit of putting everything I eat into myfitnesspal now that I have had her. Right now I am cleared to walk.

    Carrie (MercuryBlue). I'm a mother of two from BC, Canada. My youngest was born a year ago almost to the day (the big first birthday is this Sunday!), and I'm STILL trying to shake off this baby weight, and then some!
  • mandita

    Now, a year later, I've lost 20 pounds. That's IT. I feel like such a failure. I can't even COUNT the number of times I've said, "Tomorrow will be different." Then I cave in and eat garbage again. Boo to me! The problem is, all of my friends have moved away and I don't have anyone really to talk to or exercise with... so it's easy for me to sit on my duff all day and get lazy

    It was hard for me to start, but it was easier for me to plan ahead on paper. Meals and grocery list, So I couldn''t find excuses.
  • mandita
    Hello girls,

    Been doing pretty well working out this week. I've been doing Tae Bo at home. I snuck in a weigh in just to see how I was doing before my real weigh in on Saturday and I lost 1/2 pound. Better than nothing, I guess the slower the loss, longer it will be sustained, rather than losing a lot all at once (even though secretly that would be so nice) :laugh: I'm going to try something new this year for Thanksgiving. I've never done this before, but I'm thinking about eating at home before we go to our friend's house. I will eat a "safe" meal. It will be something I prepare at home and know exactly what is in it and know the calories. Then I won't feel like I have to eat everything on the table at the dinner. Let's see how that goes. It sounds good in theory, but all the wonderful smells may overpower me. Have a great Thanksgiving!

    You re my oposite. I am so wrong I know. I want more low glycemic foods, I want more exercise, I want more massage each day. And of course it's not realistic with 2 kids. And I end being frustrated to not achieving my daily goals.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I've tried the "eating a vegetable broth soup" before, that way you don't overdo it - but I seem to still overdo it. So, good luck! Maybe the soup just wasn't enough?! lol
  • mandita
    I was forced today to eat only puree food, due to my visit to the dentist, 5 km walk, 45 min cardio.

    Tomorow pics, measurements, and weigh in
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I had an OK day yesterday. I'm trying to eat an extra 200 calories a day above what MFP is telling me to, to account for the fact that I'm still nursing my son at night. Depending on what sorts of results I'm seeing, I may have to adjust that down the line!

    Anyone else struggling with figuring out how many calories to eat per day to lose weight while BFing?

    My biggest problem really seems to be nights. I generally do SO WELL all day long, then fall apart after dinner. From 6PM-9PM is definitely my danger zone! Anyone have any tips that help get them through the Snack Monster part of the day?
  • susanecho
    susanecho Posts: 9 Member
    Hey MercuryBlue, you can have an additional 500 calories to compensate breastfeeding. It is suggested not to diet while breastfeeding so you don't lose your milk supply or be malnourished. I am also breastfeeding and I don't eat that many more, just 200-300 extra plus working out. For your late night snacking try fat free popcorn. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hey MercuryBlue, you can have an additional 500 calories to compensate breastfeeding. It is suggested not to diet while breastfeeding so you don't lose your milk supply or be malnourished. I am also breastfeeding and I don't eat that many more, just 200-300 extra plus working out. For your late night snacking try fat free popcorn. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!

    See, that's where I'm having a lot of confusion. :)

    My son is almost a year old now, so I'm not exclusively breastfeeding. He nurses about three or four times a day now, that's it. So I don't really know how many calories I'm burning by breastfeeding. I don't think it's as high as 500 per day any more... though I'm sure it was at one point. To be on the safe side, I eat about 200-300 more calories a day... but I don't know if that's too many or not enough.

    Fat free popcorn, though? I think you may have an idea there. I LOVE Popcorn!
  • mandita
    Hey MercuryBlue, you can have an additional 500 calories to compensate breastfeeding. It is suggested not to diet while breastfeeding so you don't lose your milk supply or be malnourished. I am also breastfeeding and I don't eat that many more, just 200-300 extra plus working out. For your late night snacking try fat free popcorn. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!

    See, that's where I'm having a lot of confusion. :)

    My son is almost a year old now, so I'm not exclusively breastfeeding. He nurses about three or four times a day now, that's it. So I don't really know how many calories I'm burning by breastfeeding. I don't think it's as high as 500 per day any more... though I'm sure it was at one point. To be on the safe side, I eat about 200-300 more calories a day... but I don't know if that's too many or not enough.

    Fat free popcorn, though? I think you may have an idea there. I LOVE Popcorn!

    I am EBF with a little baby food, and I am not restrictive with calories, I think I eat about 1800 cal, vitamins, minerals tablets But I really don't touch bad carbs, only clean and fresh food, and a lot of cardio
  • mandita
    So today - Pictures day after 14 days of hard work. Sorry for the low quality I didn't had my digital camera, but I was very curious about results.



    It's not much but for me it's a big start.
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    You look fabulous before and after!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    So today - Pictures day after 14 days of hard work. Sorry for the low quality I didn't had my digital camera, but I was very curious about results.

    Wow, fantastic! You really can see the difference!
  • susanecho
    susanecho Posts: 9 Member
    Wow, Catalina you look awesome! Congrats on all your hard work! Wish I looked like your before picture. I have a long way to go :sad:
  • vipersgirl28
    you look great. :)
  • mandita
    ty ladies for your good thoughts.After I gave birth to DD Claudia 6 years ago I had 200 lbs (sw 110 lbs before), but I melt fat quicly without exercise or diet in 7 8 months. I don't know why now after DS birth I have to work so hard for every lb. And believe me moms my diet is so clean... My only cheat is a slice of whole grain bread.

    I received from a friend yesterday Ministry of sound Ultimate dance workout, I done only 20 min cause my DS was screaming for atention, and I love it. Maybe I will shed pounds quiker, seems like a good workout.

    I ate yesterday a delicious trout with garlic. And I ate too much because I couldn t eat anything for 6 hours lol. I promise I will not make these kind of mistakes.

    So how are you ladies?
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Man, I need some motivation to get exercising! I feel like there is no point, that it's going to do nothing. I feel like I have to work 100 times harder this time around to get back down to normal size. I've never been so heavy. Anyone have some advice?
  • sonshinersmama
    sonshinersmama Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all! I would love to join this post. Looking for friends to help along this quest. I have had 10 children. (20yo - 5mo old, 6girls and 4boys) When I was younger the fat just melted off. Well now after my sweet baby boy was born 6/29/09 I have to really work to get it off. So I now weigh 184 lbs after losing 14 since I started this venture. I will turn 40 next year right before my baby turns one. I would like to be far down on my way if not reach 135-140 my pre baby weight. Well I was 125..is that even possible at this age :wink: I have been working out and keeping my calories. (I add 500 a day for breastfeeding). I to don't find that the baby doesn't like my milk after working out. My struggle lately is I haven't been recording my food. My husband a two daughters are in CO and the rest of us are in SC(with my 20yos in the Navy). My husband had to go ahead to find work and get a house (we have had economical downfall problems too :frown: ) So they are coming for Christmas and we are going home..YEAH! I would love to lose a few more pounds and look a bit nicer. I have been doing Turbo Jam and really like it. Okay my biggest weakness is ice cream. Love my ice cream at night. Trying to get over it, but it just seems to be my weakness. Any suggestions?? So what exactly do I do..I saw Monday was check in day. So do I record weight and goal? I'm excited..I really need some accountability..that's why we join a group right? Excited to get to know you all and congrats on all your sweet babies!
  • mandita
    Man, I need some motivation to get exercising! I feel like there is no point, that it's going to do nothing. I feel like I have to work 100 times harder this time around to get back down to normal size. I've never been so heavy. Anyone have some advice?

    I tought that too, or we think it's harder. Maybe patience and consecvence is the only way to achieve our goals. Every day I feel that it works slow, but measurements and scale don't lie. even if it's only a cm. I will go on with my diet and workout. It's impossible to not change how our body looks.
  • mandita
    Hi all! I would love to join this post. Looking for friends to help along this quest. I have had 10 children. (20yo - 5mo old, 6girls and 4boys) When I was younger the fat just melted off. Well now after my sweet baby boy was born 6/29/09 I have to really work to get it off. So I now weigh 184 lbs after losing 14 since I started this venture. I will turn 40 next year right before my baby turns one. I would like to be far down on my way if not reach 135-140 my pre baby weight. Well I was 125..is that even possible at this age :wink: I have been working out and keeping my calories. (I add 500 a day for breastfeeding). I to don't find that the baby doesn't like my milk after working out. My struggle lately is I haven't been recording my food. My husband a two daughters are in CO and the rest of us are in SC(with my 20yos in the Navy). My husband had to go ahead to find work and get a house (we have had economical downfall problems too :frown: ) So they are coming for Christmas and we are going home..YEAH! I would love to lose a few more pounds and look a bit nicer. I have been doing Turbo Jam and really like it. Okay my biggest weakness is ice cream. Love my ice cream at night. Trying to get over it, but it just seems to be my weakness. Any suggestions?? So what exactly do I do..I saw Monday was check in day. So do I record weight and goal? I'm excited..I really need some accountability..that's why we join a group right? Excited to get to know you all and congrats on all your sweet babies!

    Hi Sonshinersmom! Nice to have you here!
    I record everything about my weightloss in my personal blog, everything I eat, exercise, or I do for helping weightloss. It's in romanian so I don't think it helps a lot ( caterini.blogspot.com ;) )
    I started with a few pictures and measurements and after 2 weeks it was much easier to continue when you see results in pictures.