Losing Baby Weight



  • vipersgirl28
    I weighed myself this morning and it was
    my prepregnancy pants fit though. So I feel better. My anklet barely fits. I have not tried my rings on yet.
    As soon as I lose a little more weight I can then concentrate on losing what I gained with the 2 year old. lol
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I weighed myself this morning and it was
    my prepregnancy pants fit though. So I feel better. My anklet barely fits. I have not tried my rings on yet.
    As soon as I lose a little more weight I can then concentrate on losing what I gained with the 2 year old. lol

    Yay for prepreggo pants! I don't fit in mine yet, but they are my inspiration!
  • shamm08
    shamm08 Posts: 109
    I'm Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Just updating and adding...see what I'm thinking? We can have one post with info about all of us!

    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    I'm Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hannah (Hannah_Banana)... I'm 21 and had my first child, Wesley in Sept of 07. I'm married with 2 dogs and I run my own full-time business from home, as well as invest in real estate. I have my MBA that I probably won't ever get to use because I never want to 'go to work' every day again! I'm thinking about going back to school for accounting or tax law, but even that sounds like too much work. :tongue: For exercise, I play Dance Dance Revolution, use the bowflex but I reeeeeally want one of those nifty spin bike/elliptical machines you can stick under your desk, since I have to sit at the comp several hours a day.

    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    I'm Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Pick me! I had my baby in April, and have not lost a flippin' pound! I had GD, so I gained more than I should have even on insulin. After my first 3 babies, I got back down to 115lbs. After my last two, I'm at 185lbs, and depressed. NOthing seems to work, and I give up often.....
    I would very much like to join the group if that is ok....
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    We'd love to have you suzanne! Add onto the post Hannah added to last with a little info about yourself. Just click reply, then copy and paste the entire post and add. WELCOME!
  • susanecho
    susanecho Posts: 9 Member
    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    I'm Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.

    Hannah (Hannah_Banana)... I'm 21 and had my first child, Wesley in Sept of 07. I'm married with 2 dogs and I run my own full-time business from home, as well as invest in real estate. I have my MBA that I probably won't ever get to use because I never want to 'go to work' every day again! I'm thinking about going back to school for accounting or tax law, but even that sounds like too much work. For exercise, I play Dance Dance Revolution, use the bowflex but I reeeeeally want one of those nifty spin bike/elliptical machines you can stick under your desk, since I have to sit at the comp several hours a day.

    Pick me! I had my baby in April, and have not lost a flippin' pound! I had GD, so I gained more than I should have even on insulin. After my first 3 babies, I got back down to 115lbs. After my last two, I'm at 185lbs, and depressed. NOthing seems to work, and I give up often.....
    I would very much like to join the group if that is ok....

    Susan (susanecho)...I'm 31 and had my first baby on 8/3/09 via c-section. I am currently working full-time as a nurse and married to an awesome husband who is not quite ready to work-out with me yet, but tells me how great I'm doing and that he's proud of me. We have a beautiful daughter and a cute puppy. I want to lose this weight before having my next baby. I'm actually only 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but was overweight to begin with. My weigh-ins will be Saturdays because I don't have a scale at home and I can weigh-in at work. Glad to be apart of this great group! Happy weight loss ladies!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    I'm Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.

    Hannah (Hannah_Banana)... I'm 21 and had my first child, Wesley in Sept of 07. I'm married with 2 dogs and I run my own full-time business from home, as well as invest in real estate. I have my MBA that I probably won't ever get to use because I never want to 'go to work' every day again! I'm thinking about going back to school for accounting or tax law, but even that sounds like too much work. For exercise, I play Dance Dance Revolution, use the bowflex but I reeeeeally want one of those nifty spin bike/elliptical machines you can stick under your desk, since I have to sit at the comp several hours a day.

    Pick me! I had my baby in April, and have not lost a flippin' pound! I had GD, so I gained more than I should have even on insulin. After my first 3 babies, I got back down to 115lbs. After my last two, I'm at 185lbs, and depressed. NOthing seems to work, and I give up often.....
    I would very much like to join the group if that is ok....

    Susan (susanecho)...I'm 31 and had my first baby on 8/3/09 via c-section. I am currently working full-time as a nurse and married to an awesome husband who is not quite ready to work-out with me yet, but tells me how great I'm doing and that he's proud of me. We have a beautiful daughter and a cute puppy. I want to lose this weight before having my next baby. I'm actually only 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but was overweight to begin with. My weigh-ins will be Saturdays because I don't have a scale at home and I can weigh-in at work. Glad to be apart of this great group! Happy weight loss ladies!

    Mina (Mina133842) real name is Corrina, but I go by Mina to friends and family. I had my first baby in January, his name is Mason. I'm married to my husband, who lost weight on his own before we got together and got married, but I've been overweight almost my whole life, and don't want my son to have a fat mom that can't do anything with him. We also have 3 cats, and I have a VERY large family (I'm #5 of 6 kids) and they're all cheering me on (even if they don't live near me). I would like to have one more baby, and will probably start "trying" for that sometime next summer, but I want to continue to become fit and active - since I never have been...
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Welcome Mina!!!

    Susan...thanks for updating our list with Suzanne's!

    Well...today is going good so far. Here's what the meal plan is:

    Breakfast-Chocolate Chex with Skim milk, Coffee with sugar free creamer
    AM snack-Trail Mix granola bar and a banana
    Lunch-Campbells Chicken Corn Chowder, baby carrots, and a AE YoLite yogurt (+my prenatal vitamins while breastfeeding)
    Afternoon snack-Chewy Almond Chocolate granola bar and an apple
    Dinner-Something with Chicken?? Any suggestions?

    Like I said earlier I am planning on an hour workout at the gym tonight also!

    Hope everyone's days are going well!
  • mandita
    My name is Catalina,29 age, I am romanian so my english it's not very good, I have a DD 6 yrs old and a DS 7 months old (born april 2009). I started a body transformation 2 weeks ago, using all weapons, cardio, healthy diet, massage.

    Ty for adding me.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Updating with Catalina...

    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.

    Hannah (Hannah_Banana)... I'm 21 and had my first child, Wesley in Sept of 07. I'm married with 2 dogs and I run my own full-time business from home, as well as invest in real estate. I have my MBA that I probably won't ever get to use because I never want to 'go to work' every day again! I'm thinking about going back to school for accounting or tax law, but even that sounds like too much work. For exercise, I play Dance Dance Revolution, use the bowflex but I reeeeeally want one of those nifty spin bike/elliptical machines you can stick under your desk, since I have to sit at the comp several hours a day.

    Suzanne...I had my baby in April, and have not lost a flippin' pound! I had GD, so I gained more than I should have even on insulin. After my first 3 babies, I got back down to 115lbs. After my last two, I'm at 185lbs, and depressed. NOthing seems to work, and I give up often.....
    I would very much like to join the group if that is ok....

    Susan (susanecho)...I'm 31 and had my first baby on 8/3/09 via c-section. I am currently working full-time as a nurse and married to an awesome husband who is not quite ready to work-out with me yet, but tells me how great I'm doing and that he's proud of me. We have a beautiful daughter and a cute puppy. I want to lose this weight before having my next baby. I'm actually only 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but was overweight to begin with. My weigh-ins will be Saturdays because I don't have a scale at home and I can weigh-in at work. Glad to be apart of this great group! Happy weight loss ladies!

    Mina (Mina133842) real name is Corrina, but I go by Mina to friends and family. I had my first baby in January, his name is Mason. I'm married to my husband, who lost weight on his own before we got together and got married, but I've been overweight almost my whole life, and don't want my son to have a fat mom that can't do anything with him. We also have 3 cats, and I have a VERY large family (I'm #5 of 6 kids) and they're all cheering me on (even if they don't live near me). I would like to have one more baby, and will probably start "trying" for that sometime next summer, but I want to continue to become fit and active - since I never have been...

    Catalina,29 age, I am romanian so my english it's not very good, I have a DD 6 yrs old and a DS 7 months old (born april 2009). I started a body transformation 2 weeks ago, using all weapons, cardio, healthy diet, massage.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals!

    Not much time to chat today...busy at work! Last night was okay. I decided to go walking with my little munchkin instead of going to the gym since the weather was great! And foodwise...let's just say I battled with the ice cream and it won! BUMMER...but it's okay. Tonight I'm going to head to the gym after work for some running on the treadmill!

    Have a great morning, and I'll check back later!
  • vipersgirl28
    Kristin (kistinbee)...I am 26 and just had my first daughter on September 5, 2009 by C-section. I am married with 2 dogs and 2 cats also. I work fulltime as a research associate and I'm wanting to lose the extra weight and work towards becoming certified to teach spinning and BodyPump classes!

    Stephanie (shamm08) I'm 26 year old with two amazing childern Jonathon 3 and Isabel 11 months. I'm married to a wonderful man name Tom we have been married a year. I'm a stay at home mom until the Jan then I plan to start looking for work it will be so hard to leave my babies. My goal is to get in shape when I was younger I was thin but never in shape. I also like to one day be able to wear a two piece again.

    Hannah (Hannah_Banana)... I'm 21 and had my first child, Wesley in Sept of 07. I'm married with 2 dogs and I run my own full-time business from home, as well as invest in real estate. I have my MBA that I probably won't ever get to use because I never want to 'go to work' every day again! I'm thinking about going back to school for accounting or tax law, but even that sounds like too much work. For exercise, I play Dance Dance Revolution, use the bowflex but I reeeeeally want one of those nifty spin bike/elliptical machines you can stick under your desk, since I have to sit at the comp several hours a day.

    Suzanne...I had my baby in April, and have not lost a flippin' pound! I had GD, so I gained more than I should have even on insulin. After my first 3 babies, I got back down to 115lbs. After my last two, I'm at 185lbs, and depressed. NOthing seems to work, and I give up often.....
    I would very much like to join the group if that is ok....

    Susan (susanecho)...I'm 31 and had my first baby on 8/3/09 via c-section. I am currently working full-time as a nurse and married to an awesome husband who is not quite ready to work-out with me yet, but tells me how great I'm doing and that he's proud of me. We have a beautiful daughter and a cute puppy. I want to lose this weight before having my next baby. I'm actually only 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but was overweight to begin with. My weigh-ins will be Saturdays because I don't have a scale at home and I can weigh-in at work. Glad to be apart of this great group! Happy weight loss ladies!

    Mina (Mina133842) real name is Corrina, but I go by Mina to friends and family. I had my first baby in January, his name is Mason. I'm married to my husband, who lost weight on his own before we got together and got married, but I've been overweight almost my whole life, and don't want my son to have a fat mom that can't do anything with him. We also have 3 cats, and I have a VERY large family (I'm #5 of 6 kids) and they're all cheering me on (even if they don't live near me). I would like to have one more baby, and will probably start "trying" for that sometime next summer, but I want to continue to become fit and active - since I never have been...

    Catalina,29 age, I am romanian so my english it's not very good, I have a DD 6 yrs old and a DS 7 months old (born april 2009). I started a body transformation 2 weeks ago, using all weapons, cardio, healthy diet, massage.

    vipersgirl, 37 years old. I have a few kids. I started myfitnesspal before I got pregnant with the last child. I am trying to get back into the habit of putting everything I eat into myfitnesspal now that I have had her. Right now I am cleared to walk.
  • vipersgirl28
    So, this weekend went pretty good for me. I went running outside on Saturday (it was such a nice day that I couldn't resist!) I have a two mile path that I go, and with the dogs (I have two brittanys) I think I went at a decent pace. I'm hoping to still get some more runs outside before it gets too cold. I'm going to go to the gym tonight to run on the treadmill some.

    vipersgirl...be careful since you JUST had your little one. You don't want to cause any problems that could put you out from exercising even longer. I would start with walking.

    Kristin, I have to agree with you. I am not even ready to go grocery shopping or xmas shopping yet. I doubt I am ready for boxing or the exercise bike yet. Its great being in my prepreggo pants
  • mandita
    Good morning girls,

    I was a "saint" today. I did my workout, had a healthy breakfast and snack, and did twice massage.

    I want so bad to be decent in my christmas outfit.

    The day after tomorow = 2 weeks of diet cardio and massage so : pictures, measurements and weigh in.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Catalina...nice job yesterday! Keep it up and you'll look FABULOUS in your Christmas outfit!

    Viper...yeah, walking is a great start and gradually work your way up to more. Even once you're feeling better, there is still risk for hemhorrage at the incision sight if you over do it. But sounds like you know what you have to do!

    Well, last night did not go as planned for me. I ended up running errands after work and was so busy that my husband stopped and got us fast food for dinner...YUCK! But I ate it and to tell you the truth, didn't really enjoy it! Oh well. Didn't even get time to go to the gym, so it was a total blow of a night. Tonight I won't have time either as I have to go get stuff for the baptism on Saturday (did I mention we're having our daughter baptized on Saturday?) Then tomorrow morning we leave early to drive 2 hour to Michael's grandparents. We won't get home until late, then up early and out to my parents Friday. Then Saturday is the baptism, and Sunday I'm going to a movie with my sister who's in town. So, probably won't get back to the gym until next week, but if I get a chance, I may try and get in a few brisk runs outside in the mornings. We shall see...

    Well, I need to get to some work, but if I don't talk with you all again...HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Just popping in for a quick hello! Busy busy with prepping for Thanksgiving. Last minute shopping, meal prep, house cleaning Oh My Gosh! :noway: Why did I offer to host again?? :tongue:

    I've already got my Thanksgiving meal planning out - total calorie count (for the main meal) - 390 calories. The secret? I'm not making any of my favorite dishes, including desserts (thank goodness I don't like pie).

    And with all this running around and prepping my bodybugg should show a higher than average calorie burn. Holidays don't scare me! :devil:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Nice planning Hannah! Too bad I don't host the meals. Everywhere we go will be packed with high calorie foods. I am the only person who's ever dieting! Oh well...
  • susanecho
    susanecho Posts: 9 Member
    Hello girls,

    Been doing pretty well working out this week. I've been doing Tae Bo at home. I snuck in a weigh in just to see how I was doing before my real weigh in on Saturday and I lost 1/2 pound. Better than nothing, I guess the slower the loss, longer it will be sustained, rather than losing a lot all at once (even though secretly that would be so nice) :laugh: I'm going to try something new this year for Thanksgiving. I've never done this before, but I'm thinking about eating at home before we go to our friend's house. I will eat a "safe" meal. It will be something I prepare at home and know exactly what is in it and know the calories. Then I won't feel like I have to eat everything on the table at the dinner. Let's see how that goes. It sounds good in theory, but all the wonderful smells may overpower me. Have a great Thanksgiving!