Losing Baby Weight



  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    was thinking about your soy formula issue. I get a lot of formula coupons in the mail, and we're not using formula anymore, would send them to anyone that wanted them, just need address. I think the one I have at home is for $7 off Enfamil (not sure, it's at home, and I'm at work). Also, thought about the "fat clothes" thing and shopping for new clothes, when I was in Weight Watchers, every now and then there used to be a clothing swap. Not sure with us so spread out how we could do that, but might be kind of fun to organize a swap in your area, possibly through other mommy groups, your doctor's office, daycare, etc. just a thought - keeps the cost low, and is nice to trade out! have done a few swaps. From the last one found a sweater I really liked- and tried it on for the first time a few weeks ago, and it was way too big. which was sad (since I really liked it) but happy, since I was down far enough that I couldn't wear it! Let me know if you want the formula coupons, and where I should send it. It has my name on it, but I'll sign it and you can use it.
  • cat1110
    Hi all,
    I just stumbled across this post - I started using MFP last month and I am totally obsessed with it!
    I have a wonderful 11 month old named Carter and I definitely packed on the pounds during pregnancy. I was never sick and I wanted to eat all the time. I gained about 55 pounds, and if I wouldn't have had Carter 3 weeks early, I'm sure the scale would have kept going up! After a few yo-yo diets, I have finally made a committment to my health and nutrition. My hubby and I are also doing P90X, I just finished my first week. It's a lot of discipline, but we finally decided that if we want to look good, we have to be willing to work for it! It is hard to juggle hour long workouts every day between the two of us though.

    My current weight is about 148 and my goal is 130, maybe 125 in a perfect world!
    I use to be able to drop weight like crazy, but having a baby changed that! It takes a lot more work!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Michelle~ I weigh once a week, and I haven't measured in forever - I know a lot of people measure about once a month, some do more often, but when I went to the gym, that's what they did there- once a month for us. As for the snacking, I often have to end up taking that stuff to work, and pawning it on the other employees there. One thing I've learned is to find a bottom drawer somewhere in the house, and if it's out of sight it's out of mind, versus being in the pantry at eye level, or on top of a counter staring you down.
  • kc7671
    kc7671 Posts: 28 Member
    hi girls! hope everyone is doing well. i was just reading through some of the recent posts. i have to say i'm getting discouraged...sort of. i thought i was doing so well. even lost another 2lbs. we took my son's 6 month pics last weekend and i was almost feeling 'skinny' :-) but looking at the pictures now ... i look like a beached whale. it's gross! makes me feel like such a loser to have an almost 7 month old child and stil be this freaking big. i never had trouble w/my weight until maybe early 30s and even that...looking back, i was still skinny. i gained about 50 w/my son and still need to lose 25. i just feel fat all over. it just needs to start coming off so i can feel like i'm making progress. ok, thanks for letting me vent :o) everyone keep up the good work! p.s. been reading some stuff on clean eating. anyone know much about it? seems tough. and possibly expensive.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies! Want to start by updating my measurements...(which right now I'm only doing my baby belly!)

    2/1/10 (week 11)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 180.5
    Pounds lost: 10.5
    Goal for week 11: Lose 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Belly size(this is just below the belly button...thickest spot around my tummy, and I will only measure once a month).
    1/5/10: 43 inches
    2/4/10: 42 inches

    Personal Challenge for week 11: Ab workout at least 3 times this week!

    SO...I've lost an inch! YAY! Good start for this first month!

    Kadence had a second bottle with soy yesterday and did well. So, obviously was not an intolerance but probably just some sort of tummy bug. YAY! We also let her try oatmeal cereal last night and she loved it! Had a huge bowl! She's so funny...tries to help me feed her now. Wants to grab onto the spoon and grab some cereal to squish between her fingers! I love watching her do things for the first time...AMAZING!!! And...she slept through the night again!!!! Ok...she actually woke up once but my husband went in and gave her her pacifier and she fell right back asleep! Either way, we seem to be getting back to our old habits! WONDERFUL!

    Last night I got in some treadmill time...just walking as I read my book. And I also did 20 minutes of my video...two 10 minute segments! Tonight I probably won't get any exercise in...helping a co-worker move and then need to make dinner and do the normal things around the house. Plus tonight is my tv night...Greys and Private are on! Oh...and Kadence needs a bath...my list never ends! Oh well...

    kc...don't get discouraged! Baby steps...it will come off...it just takes time! And think of all the progress you've already made. Just hang on!

    Michelle...I also weigh once a week, but have been bad lately and checking the scale more often. I take measurements (which as I mentioned above, right now is just my belly) once a month. Maybe you could freeze leftovers. Not as easy to snack then. Depends what kind of food it is. Cookies and cake are good to freeze...then you can thaw a piece or two as a treat for your kids or yourself. Just an idea. And try to always have healthy snacks readily available for when you want to snack in the evenings. Like, have grapes washed and in a bowl, or put some whole grain crackers in single serving bags and pair with some string cheese. I know snacking is hard to break, but it's so easy once you get into a routine of eating only healthy choices...plus your body feels so much better! Good luck!

    Mina...the clothing swap is a cool idea. I should see if there are any around my area. And we don't use a lot of formula, but if you want to get rid of the coupon(s) you can send them to me. If I don't use them, I have a friend who is due in a month and is planning on using formula. So, if you want, let me know for sure and I can message you my address. Just make sure they are not expired...I have plenty of expired coupons already! :)

    Cat...WELCOME! Your little guy is ADORABLE!! We're happy to have you join us!

    Cris, Jess, everyone else...GOOD MORNING!!!

    I gotta get started on some work, but I'll check back later!
  • momie0205
    I want to join... I have three children 4 almost 5 on the 24th, 3 and 3 month old. Oldest are girls and the youngest is a boy. I have gained so much weight over the last 5 years that it is rediculous. My self esteem is way out the window and I feel fat all the time. I did get married last year and he tells me I am beautiful the way I am but so not true. I have really tried to lose weight starting this past month. Some days are better than others. I am really trying to stay motivated though. I always feel like there is never enough hours in the day though. My son is breast fed about 95 percent of the time I have to blame that on going back to work. I was so upset when we started giving him formula but I have gotten over it.

    I also stick to around 1700 calories or so a day... I don't want my milk to suffer. But I don't eat extra calories for woking out.

    2/1/10 (week 3)
    Start weight: 190 pounds
    Current weight: 184
    Pounds lost: 6
    Goal for week 11: Lose 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 130 pounds

    Personal Challenge for week 11: would like to work on my abs. Would also like to do my workout dvd at least 2 to 3 times this week.
  • momie0205
    My name is amy by the way.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi Amy!!! Welcome!!!! What's you little guys name? He's a cutie! And how old is he?

    I am just checking in quick...need to get back to things! Have worked late every day this week and still have TONS to do! Busy busy! But makes the days go by quick! Have a good afternoon gals and I'll try to check back later!
  • momie0205
    Aslynn, Brooklynn and Noah he is 3 months old.

    How is everyone doing on their calories for the day?

    i have done really good today so excited.
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    welcome amy,

    i am going to stick to once a week weighing in officially, even though i cannot stop the daily weigh in, just too hard for me right now, 1 thing at a time, and getting the house in order is more important. it is way too unorganized, problem is too much stuff we do not need. i am goign to do the measurements once a month and hopefully that way i will see some change.

    i have been doing a weight loss class at the gym and it has helped me with my motivation with exercising. i also watched the diet tribe the last 2 seasons and this past season the girls did a sprint triatholon which is my goal for june 5 (with my sister and 65 year old dad - figured if he can finish then there is no reason i can't!!!!) i am up to 15 minutes straight of jogging on the treadmill which is good b/c about 3 months ago i could barely walk. my doctor wants to perform surgery in both ankles and it would leave me 2 years for recovery, my other option is to try the weight loss, hence part of my epiphany, and the fact i do not want to be the fattest mom in the room, i know it already bothers my 5 year old that i have a belly.

    i do thank all the moms on here, it really helps me to ask questions and it is great that we stick together in this journey. watching the biggest loser also helps motivate me,

    have a great night, i am going to have some cut up veggies for a snack since that is all i seem to have the calories for and i really want to munch on something, i have found a great dipping lite dressing, from kraft, 3 cheese ranch, i love it!

    thanks again to everyone for their support!

  • mama22girlz
    HI all

    I'm trying to keep up with you ladies ;).

    Michelle I saw your siggy, you have 5 under 5 wow. I'm tired with just two (3 1/2 and 14 months) how old are your little ones, do you have any multiples?

    Welcome Amy your little one is adorable. I just joined this group recently myself. I have two little girls who keep me very busy

    Kristin as I was reading all your posts I was going to say I didn't think it was an allergy to soy but it seems you have figured that out ;) Just wanted to add you might want to check the cereals some of them have skim milk powder in them (I think the ones that you just add water do) but the ones that you add BM or formula to don't.

    Well I went to Zumba tonight and I'm exhausted so I'm off to bed, my 14 month old woke up last night and wanted to nurse (she usually sleeps through but I think her teeth are coming in) So I better get some sleep incase she gets up and its already almost midnight.

    Just wanted to ask are there any extended breastfeeding mothers on here? Addi is 14 months and I don't see us stopping anytime soon, but I'm a SAHM so it makes it easier.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Goooooood morning ladies!!

    Yesterday was a busy day so I didn't have time to check in.

    Today is weigh in day for me....and.... (drum roll please).... Down 2 more pounds!! Whoohooo!! I got really excited at first, because I use my Wii to weigh in. It seems to be more accurate than my scale. Well, it must not have recorded my 3.1 last week, so it popped up with 5.1 pounds at first. I screamed. Woke one of the girls up with it. Then saw the weight and realized what happened. SO it took a little of the excitement out of the two pounds, but I am still mega excited. I was worried I would be up with TOM coming due at the beginning of the week.

    This was also a measurement week for me ( I do it every other week). My changes are as follows (totals to date in the parenthesis behind)

    Neck: -1/4" (-3/4")
    Waist: -1.5" (-5")
    Hips: -1" (-2.5")

    My mini goal was to be down 20 by Feb 14th, and I am only 1.9 away from that. As long as the next week goes well, I should reach it! That will officially have me out of the obese category and just into overweight. I am so excited to reach that goal!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Welcome Summer, Amy, and Cat! And if I missed anybody else new, I am so sorry!!

    Mama 22, do you find that you like Zumba classes? I tried one of the tapes last week, and I just did not care for it! I thought the dancing would be fun. Is it better in person?

    Like most others here, I only weigh in once a week. The fluctuation would discourage me. I also find that the two or three days before weigh in gets me really motivated to do well on the upcoming day, so I really put forth an extra good effort those days. I would not have that push if I were weighing in everyday. My hubby weighs in more often, and I know the fluctuation gets him down.

    Mich, the prospect of ankle surgery has to be so scary! That would be a great motivator for me too! You can do this! The sprint triathalon is a great goal!! Think how awesome you will feel when you do it!

    Amy, Noah is adorable :) Great job on your calories!

    I have to hit post so I can go back and reread what I needed to comment on.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Kristin - Great job on the inch loss!!! Whooohooo!!! You'll be good as new before you know it!! I am so proud of you!!

    Cat- I do the p90x vids also. I have backed off a little this week though, as I think I pulled a muscle in my back and had to take two unscheduled rest days. I don't think I did it during the videos, but carrying around this fat baby in her car seat while we went shopping! I do like p90x though. I get disappointed on the days I can't do it. But the alternative is hurting myself and that would be worse!

    I did go to Old Navy, but it did not go well :(. I really though that I would be able to get into a 16. I'm not hung up on the number per se, but a lot of their pants just don't come in an 18. At least, not at my store. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for it just to feel smaller. But sadly, I guess the weight I had gained during December pushed my starting weight so high, that even though I am now down 18 pounds, I am not much smaller than I was when I was there in November. Stupid stupid Christmas cookies!! LOL. My confidence took a real hit that day. But now, a few days later, I am looking at the bigger picture again, and I know I will get there. I forget who made the comments about the pictures and feeling like a beached whale (I think it was KC?) I can relate. But we can't look at ourselves like that! We need to see the positives and move forward!

    I know my posts are all disorganized. There's too much going on here with hubby leaving for work and the kids being up, so I keep getting distracted and forgetting what I wanted to comment on. I hope I didn't miss anybody!

    We are supposed to be getting a bunch of snow today. Like 12-20 inches. Ugh. I HATE snow. And then I can't walk the dog, or get out to do any exercise or run errands. CABIN FEVER!! And I don't know what's up with my kids, but they are wussies about the cold. When I was a kid and it snowed, I was outside from breakfast till dinnertime. My mom had to drag me in to eat lunch. These kids go out for 15 minutes and then come in and complain that it's too cold. What the heck??? These are the same kids that complain if I tell them to put on a jacket or sweatshirt when it's 30 degrees outside because they tell me it's too hot!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!

    WOW...it's so nice to see so many on here! I'm going to apologize upfront that I mainly check mfp at work since we have dial up at home and it is SO slow, and now that there are so many people, I won't always have time to do personals. But I promise I do ready the posts at some point, and I'm constantly thinking of you ladies. Just so you know.

    Jes...WOO!!! Good job on the loss!!! Keep it up! That 20 down valentines goal WILL be reached!!!

    Mich...Good job on the veggie snack! What a great choice!!!

    Cris...Where are you, girl! Hope you are well!

    Everyone else...HELLO!!!

    Well...yesterday was a blah day for me. Didn't get a workout in as I was helping a friend move. Dinner consisted of Fiber Select Crackers, a mini babybel light cheese, a granola bar, and about 2 cups popcorn. THEN I had a frosted sugar cookie that my mother-in-law sent over! Talk about a bad choice! Oh well...I only ended up about 150 calories over my max, so it was okay. Did get to relax and watch Greys and Private last night...that was nice! AND Kadence slept all night again...this time she didn't make a peep and I had to wake her up this morning to eat before I left for work! AWESOME!

    Well...I need to get started on some things. I'll check back later! Have a good morning!
  • mama22girlz
    Welcome Summer, Amy, and Cat! And if I missed anybody else new, I am so sorry!!

    Mama 22, do you find that you like Zumba classes? I tried one of the tapes last week, and I just did not care for it! I thought the dancing would be fun. Is it better in person?

    Jess I did like it. I've never done the videos before. It was fun though, I think its going to be a while before I can keep up and learn all the steps. But is *almost* felt like not working out ;) OH and I'm Kim by the way ;) Congrats on the weight loss I can't wait to get my Wii Fit and get started. I think I'll try my new Jillian Michaels DVD today.
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Girls!!

    Kristen - here I am! Sorry - have been so busy with baby and getting ready to leave for the weekend and then have people over upon our return on Sunday for Super Bowl! Babies make for crazy busy days when trying to clean and pack, etc.!! So glad to hear little Kadence isn't allergic to soy! What a relief!!!

    Jess - I am just jealous of you girl! Keep up the good work!!

    Well, I did not get a work out in yesterday but stayed within my calories I think. Had sushi for dinner so it was questionable how many cals I actually took in but I feel decent about it. Tonight I am hitting the gym for sure and then again on Sunday while the guys eat fatty snacks and watch football. I offered to make them munchies all of which I cannot eat and am sure to regret it!

    So what is P90X all about? I know it probably seems like I live in a cave because everyone is always talking about it and I am clueless but I honestly haven't a clue about it! Lol! Sometimes I feel like 35 going on 80! haha!

    Have been hungrier than normal lately which stinks. I have been having a really hard time because my stomach always feels empty :(. I hate dieting!

    I know I could not Zumba! I am SO NOT coordinated! High five to you girls who can handle that class!!

    I will be weighing myself tonight but I just know I haven't lost anything. I am stuck at 160 for eternity I swear!! UGH...

    Wishing you all a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!
  • momie0205
    For those of you who breast feed... Do you feel like your constantly thirsty and hungry. Some days are worse than others but there are days where I can't get enough. I heard it is very common for breast feeding moms.

    Yesterday was a really good day for me. I stayed within my calories and got some ab workout.

    Today I didn't do as well but I tried as far as food went. My friend and I went out for lunch and I got the soup and salad but it looked fattening lol.
    I plan to get some working out in this weekend though.

    Will weigh myself tomorrow.... I like saturdays.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Kristin, yay for Kadence sleeping through the night again! Doesn't that make you feel like a whole new woman?

    Kim- It's funny that we're talking about this today, because as I was at the store preparing for this dumb snowstorm (can you tell I hate snow?) I ran into an old neighbor of mine, and she invited me to do a Zumba class with her. I will go and see what I think.

    Hi Cris!! OMG, suuuushi. I loooooove Sushi. What part of the country do you live in? I'm always nosy about where there is good sushi! There's not much good locally. Fortunately we are not too far from areas that have good sushi. Oh my. Now it's all I can think about. I wish there wasn't going to be two feet of snow on the ground or I would have my hubby take me out for some.

    My hubby has been planning his super bowl cheats for weeks. Fortunately we don't like the same kinds of junk, so most of it will not tempt me. I don't think we'll have company, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

    I have to laugh that you don't know about P90x. Only because any mom stuck awake in the middle of the night with a baby is almost guaranteed to see the infomercials! It is basically a super challenging series of workouts that you do for 90 days. In the end you are supposed to become magically ripped, LOL. I don't think for a second that that's going to happen to me. But, they ARE pretty good workouts, and I am hoping they will keep my progress going along at a pretty decent clip. The problem is that the videos are each about an hour long, with the longest being 90 minutes. There's also an ab DVD that you have to do a few times a week that is about 16 minutes. The big thing with them is that you really have to be willing to put in the time and effort. And truthfully, if you're watching what you eat, AND working out for an hour to an hour and a half 6 or 7 days a week, you're going to get in better shape, almost regardless of what the content is! But, the exercises are pretty challenging, some of them pretty intense (though I feel the Biggest Loser DVDs push you harder). So, I am hopeful to get pretty good results out of them. The commercials make it look very intimidating. I almost didn't try it!

    Sorry, I didn't mean to get all tangenty! I can talk about some of this stuff like crazy! Plus I just finished a workout so I am all pumped up. LOL

    Good luck with your weigh in tonight!! **sending shrinking number vibes your way**

    Amy- I don't really have advice other than to say listen to your body right now! Your body knows what the baby needs! Just don't fill that hunger with fattening foods!

    So, after reading all the hype on the boards about the Greek yogurt, I just had to try some. Bought some at the store today. For my snack I just had the non fat pomegranate. Now, this yogurt was DELICIOUS, and CREAMY, and wonderful! Probably better than any other yogurt I have ever tried! BUT! I don't know who decides this crap, but whoever decided to make pomegranate flavored yogurt should have their head examined for putting the seeds in it!! OMG, who wants to eat THAT???

    That's my $1.29 rant of the day. Hopefully there's not a peach pit in the next one I eat!! LOL
  • stacey11
    Hello ladies!
    I have been reading your posts and would love to join in. I have a 2 year old son, Gavyn and a 6 month old daughter, McKenna. I got married in 2004 and had already got "comfortable" with my husband and put on some weight. We had a rough time having a family. In 2004 I got pregnant and had my son, AJ at 20 weeks, who passed away and the in February 2005 I had a miscarriage. We wanted to try again and and ended up having our daughter Faith at 23 weeks. She also passed away. For her pregnancy I was put on bed rest for 5 weeks. In September 2007 I gave birth to our son Gavyn at 36 weeks. For this pregnancy I was on bed rest for 23 weeks. My pelvic bone seperated at 35 weeks and I was in the Hospital until I had Gavyn. He is now a healthy 2 year old. With my daughter Mckenna I was put on bed rest at 13 weeks and she was born at 39 weeks. Also my pelvic bone seperated early (20 weeks) which made things even harder. So with all of this, my bosy is so far out of shape. I had lost 16.5 pounds before I started going to the gym 2 weeks ago. Since then I have managed to gain 2 pounds. I so want to just throw in the towel...so I need to be on this thread to keep me motivated and accountable. Thank yo for listening to me.
