verie_17 Member


  • Not sure if you are referring to my answer or the person above me. If to me - then I may have just mispoke/not been clear. The 30 day shred definitely did help me build muscle and get toned - I noticed daily improvement in my strength and repetitions. I meant it more as she is not going to become a professional body…
  • Hi! I'm actually very similar stats to you - I did the 30 day shred for the first time about a year ago, weighed somewhere between 115-120, I'm 5'4. It's not that I'm overweight - most people comment that I'm skinny - but my nutrition is GARBAGE. Last week I had McDonalds 3 times, another restaurant in town a few times,…
  • I did day 2 of Level 1 today - not as sore as I thought I would be, but the soreness has been increasing all day - perhaps tomorrow is when it will really hit me. I think there are a couple other threads going of people who have all started within the last week or two - I love that there is now one more! I just started…
  • Judging by the message boards I'd say most people count it as "circuit training, general". That's what I've been doing. I say 23 minutes so as not to include cool down and warm up. I am logging it under "cardio" instead of "strength" but don't know if it matters at all. Good luck with the shred - I just did Day 1 today as…
  • Took my before shots and measurements today - and then completed Day 1! I personally am hoping to do the 30 days in 35. REALLY I do hope for doing it every day to sort of jump start a lifestyle where I exercise a couple times a week. But I know it is really easy to lose my motivation if I take a day off. It leads to 2,…
  • I'd love to join you ladies if you don't mind! Joined MyFItnessPal just to get some motivation for the 30 Day Shred while I do it. Am planning on starting within the next 48 hours for sure - as soon as I figure out how to take decent "before" photos, and measurements! This will be my second time actually doing the shred -…
  • Hi - first post in this community. Just signed up to MyFitnessPal today because I want to do the 30 day shred again, and was searching the message boards and was hoping to get motivation from people who are starting it soon as well. I did the 30 DS about a year ago. I was 28 years old, 5 foot 4 inches, about 117 points.…