30 day shred question?

hey guys,

I'm on my second go of Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred.. I didn't finish my first try because I missed a lot of days in between due to being sick or doing other workouts so I'm going to do this 30 days straight hopefully!

I'm 5'3, about 116 lbs so I'm definitely not overweight but I could use a workout that burns fat so my question is this: did any of you start this workout with similar stats and achieve good results? Do you know if you're more or less likely to succeed depending on your starting fitness level? And lastly should I be doing any extra cardio in addition to the dvd or is sticking with a clean diet and the workout going to help me get toned muscles by May?

Any advice would be appreciated!! :smile:


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    If you want muscle start lifting instead of doing cardio. 30DS isn't a big muscle builder.
  • verie_17
    verie_17 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm actually very similar stats to you - I did the 30 day shred for the first time about a year ago, weighed somewhere between 115-120, I'm 5'4. It's not that I'm overweight - most people comment that I'm skinny - but my nutrition is GARBAGE. Last week I had McDonalds 3 times, another restaurant in town a few times, chips for supper once, and donuts for lunch a few times. It's awful. So although I'm not overweight and my goal isn't exactly dropping pounds - I know that my insides (and outsides!) are mush. I have no muscle mass. I am "skinny fat". When instead I'd like to be slender and toned and FIT. Getting my thighs slimmed down and my butt toned up would be a big perk :) Anyway, enough background of me.

    Last year I was REALLY impressed with the results after the shred. Now, I didn't actually do measurements before, and didn't have any specific "before" photos either. But I felt a difference. I could feel that my clothes fit better (tiny waist plus bigger hips/thighs made for awkward fitting clothing). My boobs got smaller so I must have burned off some fat, and I probably dropped a pound or two in actual terms, but would have lost several pounds of fat and gained several pounds of muscle. I started seeing a more flat tummy and some actual definition to my abs. My posture was a lot better too which I noticed. My thighs were a bit slimmer, arms looked better, muffin top definitely shrunk... I can remember specifically thinking that if I ever started feeling doughy again or gained a couple pounds, rather than go down that slippery slope if I just did the 30 day shred again it would fix me right up. Which is actually why I started the shred again on Monday.

    I get that the shred isn't going to turn you into a weight lifter so if you are going specifically to get stronger then this may not be it. But it definitely toned my body. I still had room for improvement and should have continued working out (although maybe not every day) but went on vacation right after the shred which was enough to ruin my momentum, and I didn't do anything again. If you have 2 months before May I'd say the shred for a month, and then maybe one of Jillian's longer workouts like Ripped in 30 would probably do the trick.

    As far as starting fitness level, I would think that would make a difference. I went from as sedentary as you could get, to 30 straight days of hard core (at least for me!) exercise and my body definitely responded. OK, sorry - that was a LONG post by a non-fitness-buff with no fitness knowledge, just what sounds like a similar situation to you. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can sort of keep each other going, or ask anything else I might be able to help you with.

    Good luck!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Circuit training (which is 30 day shred) is awesome. I rotate all of her workouts each day, and have had awesome results.

    How is in the heck 30 day shred not strength training? Have you even done the pendulum lunges and bicep curls in level 2? How about the squat and press in level 1? By the time I've done either of those exercises my arms are screaming.

    Most likely you aren't using heavy enough weights if you feel that it's not proper strength training.

    I've been at this almost two years and feel amazing.
  • verie_17
    verie_17 Posts: 7 Member

    How is in the heck 30 day shred not strength training? Have you even done the pendulum lunges and bicep curls in level 2? How about the squat and press in level 1? By the time I've done either of those exercises my arms are screaming.

    Most likely you aren't using heavy enough weights if you feel that it's not proper strength training.

    Not sure if you are referring to my answer or the person above me. If to me - then I may have just mispoke/not been clear. The 30 day shred definitely did help me build muscle and get toned - I noticed daily improvement in my strength and repetitions. I meant it more as she is not going to become a professional body builder from the 30 day shred. It absolutely does work muscles - and I know exactly what you mean about the screaming muscles. Its the side lunge with anterior raise in level one that GETS ME EVERY TIME! I hate it, and yet see improvement even in that as I go along, which is super-satisfying! :)
  • gonsoulinj14
    this are wonderful responses, thanks so much! and yes, I've tried lifting but it's harder for me to get to a gym so I've been sticking to workouts at home in the meantime. Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll resume running on the treadmill and weighted squats etc, right now I'm just doing the 30ds.
    I don't think I eat unhealthily, I try to eat as healthy as I can but I'm also worried about calories. my bmr is 1380 (tdee=1518) and I've been eating anwhere from 1200-1400. I'm thinking of sticking with 1320 from now on, what do you guys think?
  • kwilliams386
    kwilliams386 Posts: 156 Member
    Do you need weights for 30DS?
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    I only lost 4lbs doing the 30ds, but I got great definition and build some great muscle. It was worth more to me then the weight loss.
  • The1iceQueen
    Do you need weights for 30DS?

    There's a modified version of each exercise that uses weight, in which no weights are used. You can do 30ds without weights if you want to, not sure you'll get maximum results, but for first starting out or if someone is way overweight, it's an option.
  • kwilliams386
    kwilliams386 Posts: 156 Member
    Do you need weights for 30DS?

    There's a modified version of each exercise that uses weight, in which no weights are used. You can do 30ds without weights if you want to, not sure you'll get maximum results, but for first starting out or if someone is way overweight, it's an option.

    Thanks. What kind of weights? I want to do it but I want to make sure I have everything first.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Do you need weights for 30DS?

    You do. You can do a pair of 3 or 5 pound weights to start. I'd like to have 8s, 10s, and even more for some of the moves, but one set is just fine.

    I'm doing 30DS right now and I'm about to finish level 2. 5lb weights have been working out really well for me, even though it's not enough for some things and it's too much for others (chair squats with an arm raise.. lol) :)
  • The1iceQueen
    Do you need weights for 30DS?

    There's a modified version of each exercise that uses weight, in which no weights are used. You can do 30ds without weights if you want to, not sure you'll get maximum results, but for first starting out or if someone is way overweight, it's an option.

    Thanks. What kind of weights? I want to do it but I want to make sure I have everything first.

    I think when I first started it years ago, I started with 5lbs and 8lbs and worked my way up as I got stronger. You can get the neoprene ones pretty cheap at your local Wal-Mart.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Do you need weights for 30DS?

    Adding that I lost 4% body fat doing 30DS I increased my weights from 5lb too 10lb after week 2 and also put the dvd on pause too do more crunches as I did not feel the burn just going along with the DVD. I can do 3/15 reps pushups at a time, but when I started I could only do two. Were talking normal pushups. I rotate week 1, 2,3 back too back 2x. Im competing w/myself. I lost 10lbs and 8 in doing this in 1 1/2 months.

    I am so much stronger now and leaner and tight all over. Keep up the good work sweetie
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I didn't stick with it, but the first couple weeks I was doing it, I did lean out quite a bit. It's effective.

    The reason I didn't make it all the way through the 30 days is because I was having some weird stress and insomnia issues, and I tend to avoid working out when I feel out of it. As the stress subsided, I did pick back up, but I'm just not consistent. The workout is really hard, even if you're fit. It's just a lot of moves in a short amount of time. My husband seems like a fit guy, and he was winded when he tried it. None of the moves are particularly hard, but when you add them up all in a row and don't rest, it's a lot to do. Luckily, it's only about 20 minutes each time.

    It's absolutely doable, and I think most folks see good results.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Do you need weights for 30DS?

    I use 4 lb weights, which seems to be sufficient for most of the moves.