

  • Welcome!! You're in the right place. Feel free to friend me if you like. Like you, I am just starting out. So far I am down 10, loving it, and remembering to love myself along the way. :heart: Warmly, LadyCrimson
  • I'm late to the game, but count me in!! :bigsmile: Screen name: LadyCrimson Goal for February 28th: 232 February 1st (starting weight): 242 February 8th: 240 February 15th: February 22nd: February 28th:
  • My personal shake of choice for the morning is GNC's Strength and Agility. Good source of lean protein (Important because my workout regimen is stepping up), vitamins and calcium without being as calorie heavy as some MRS I see out there (Only 170 cal). I typically couple it with a women's multivitamin and then have a…
  • Tracey has it right. Muscle is a denser tissue than fat, so one can be "shrinking" despite experiencing a plateau on weight loss- or even seeing a minor weight gain! The first thing that I would advise doing when the scale isn't creeping down the way you expect it to is to break out that tape measure. Also, take note of…