I am proud of you for losing weight and quiting smoking at the same time, you did a job well done :)
it took me almost two and a half weeks to lose 5lbs, and the 3 weeks to lose 7lbs...
you're just amazing for your achievments, congrats :)
What an awesome achievment!! :) we shoud throw a party lol
I only go 3-4 times a week, because I go with my brother...using his membership. Im really broke, I can't afford my own gym membership. he goes at night time for 2 hours, I have no choice in what time I go to the gym :/ I think I have to stop putting myself down all the time, when I went into that gym I told myself I…
I'm broke too, I rely on my parents mostly..I hate asking them for money but since I want to continue getting healthy I have to ask them. Are you able to get food stamps ? I would do that also.
I hope to look fit like those small waisted girls but I know it'll take time for that to happen, btw my favorite thing at the gym is the elliptical lol I do 90 minutes of it sometimes
My gym is fine in the cardio section, everyone seems to be minding their buisness but everytime I go to the strength training section , its where I see all those people..I like doing cardio but I heard I should also do strength training