Feeling insecure at the gym?



  • Don't feel that way. For all you know the people you're speaking about may have been larger in the past and worked to get where you are trying to get yourself. Everyone has to start somewhere. I've been through several experiences when I've wanted to give up going to the gym myself. I've had changes in my work sechedule that made it difficult for me to get to the gym, but I got there. I've had surgeries (including a shoulder replacement) that made some times burdensome, but I got there.

    Right now I'm dealing with a lifestyle change and a lot of baggage over last year, and I've gained a "few" pounds. Part of my problem is that my husband is a terrible dieter and I've allowed myself to follow his lead. So, I have a closet of clothes I need to get back into. And I WILL.

    Well, one of the instructors whose class I take put me onto myfitnesspal. I JUST signed up tonight and, after putting in today's foods I'm finding out it's my sedentary time that's apparently my problem. Luckily for me my gym has a pool. So, beginning Friday (my next gym class) it's into the pool for 45 min BEFORE my body flex class.

    Yup. And if not the pool it's the track. I'm in my late 50's, and I'm NOT a Barbie doll by any means. The bathing suit has looked much better on me just a few years ago, but I'll be a swimmin' and I don't care who sees me!

    You're trying to take care of yourself, don't let these strangers get you down.

    Forgot to ask if you've looked into classes there....when you take a body flex class you choose the weight you use so it's as easy or as difficult as you make it. Just a thought.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    I'm one of those small waisted gals at the gym and trust me, I'm not judging you nor anyone else. Ok I did judge the women at the pool who argued and argued about not being able to be in one of the pools with their babies during adult swim and then they got in anyways and argued some more with the manager, another day I judged the women who jumped over me as I was cleaning up my stuff so they could get a spot in the next class, but other than those types of rude behavior - no judgment.

    To be honest I feel incredibly insecure in the weight area to the point where I can easily talk myself out of it if by myself and go to a cardio class instead despite how determined I was to lift. If I saw you doing your thing in the weight room I would probably be in awe of you while feeling like I didn't really know what I was doing. Unless someone is being overtly rude to you I wouldn't assume anything.

    If you are constantly feeling like people are judging you perhaps it is a confidence issue. Fake it til you make it, at least that is what I am doing. It worked today, I actually completed my plans and I was there alone.
  • I feel the same way. I am more like a dirigible than an athlete, and it is very hard some days to put on the attitude.

    I actually noticed today that one of those girls was sucking in her stomach and pulling down her shirt. The truth is that they may be self-righteous, judgmental shmoos. If that is the case, you don't really want to impress them anyway. However, as I really thought about today, they are probably more concerned about their own body image than about you.

    Hang in there. I am right with you.
  • Rochie78
    Rochie78 Posts: 2 Member
    I totally know how you feel. I have no problem doing the cardio, but I am so shy about doing the weight machines, especially the ones I am not familiar with. I know I have to do them to look and feel the way I want. Luckily my gym has a womens section, so I promised myself to go in there tomorrow morning until I get comfortable. I can't let others get in the way of what I want, because of what I *think* they are thinking. Good luck!
  • I hope to look fit like those small waisted girls but I know it'll take time for that to happen, btw my favorite thing at the gym is the elliptical lol I do 90 minutes of it sometimes
  • What makes you feel like they act superior to you? Are you sure you're not just projecting your insecurities?

    Anyways, I'm sometimes insecure when I see dudes that are younger and smaller than me lifting more weight than I can, but it helps to remember that I'll probably surpass them within a couple months if I remain dedicated.
  • I go very early in the morning, usually before 7:00, when there are very few people there. In my case, I go that early because I never have to wait to use the weight machines.

    One thing that helps is knowing that nobody starts day 1 at the gym looking like an Olympic athlete. Everybody is there for the same reason.

    Another thing: most gyms have rules against shaming. If someone gives you a hard time, they can get kicked out.

    Congrats on your weight loss. You're doing great.

    I only go 3-4 times a week, because I go with my brother...using his membership. Im really broke, I can't afford my own gym membership. he goes at night time for 2 hours,..so I have no choice in what time I go to the gym :/ I think I have to stop putting myself down all the time, when I went into that gym I told myself I wouldn't pay any attention to anyone in there..I was there for the only purpose of losing some weight. I will still continue going to the gym as long as I can, I know I don't look like an athlete but I will someday :)
  • Sunny_fit4life
    Sunny_fit4life Posts: 157 Member
    I have so been there! I used to feel very self-conscious because I would push myself hard and get red in the face and sweat like crazy, but the truth is that most people are really just concerned with themselves and what they're trying to accomplish at the gym. They might even have respect for you for working so hard (if they happen to notice). Just remind yourself that everyone else is there to work out, and that's what you're there for too. You might start to feel progressively better about it once you see some progress from your workouts.
  • Sunny_fit4life
    Sunny_fit4life Posts: 157 Member
    My gym is fine in the cardio section, everyone seems to be minding their buisness but everytime I go to the strength training section , its where I see all those people..I like doing cardio but I heard I should also do strength training

    I'm not discouraging you from trying to conquer that fear, but personally I don't even do strength training at the gym. I mostly go just to use the elliptical or run on the treadmill when the weather is bad. I have a set of barbells I use at home for lifting weights and do other strength training exercises at home that use my own body weight for resistance. There's a lot you can do for strength training at home as long as you have just a little space.
  • vlmay1955
    vlmay1955 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey I am one of those "thin people" at the gym and I can tell you that when I see anyone who looks like they are TRYING to do something to improve themselves I am VERY impressed that they are taking this step, I know it is very hard for you to be doing this, and I am very happy to see you there, trying to do a positive thing for yourself. Believe me, ANYONE who walks into a new gym for the first time feels like everyone is staring at them and forming an opinion....I just started in a new gym myself and even though I've been a "gym rat" for years, it was hard for me to go in there the first time! You paid your membership money just like me and you have every right to be there and using whatever equipment you want to. Anyone who condescends or worse, acts posessive about the machines, weights, etc. is an *kitten* as far as I'm concerned and not worth your notice. They should be encouraging you instead of being negative. You go girl!!!!!
  • labellecanuck
    labellecanuck Posts: 105 Member
    Don't worry about the other people. I used to stress about my clothes being too shabby, my make-up dripping down my face, looking like a complete fool when I get too into my music, not knowing the correct form, etc. etc. etc. but remember that you're there to improve your health! No amount of imagined stares can stop you from doing that unless you let them. So keep focused and power through because in the end it's you who will reap the rewards regardless of how small-waisted other people may be.
  • stop giving a crap what others at the gym might think of you, and you're probably just making it up in your head anyway. personally, when i'm at the gym, i get tunnel vision, don't give a flying rat's petute what other people look like or that they are even there.

    Pop some earbuds in your ears, blast some music that pumps you up, and concentrate on your goals rather than on other people.

    yeah what he said!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I wonder how many of those people you're so worried about at the gym started out right where you are. Probably lots of them. You're projecting your insecurities onto them...probably unfairly. They aren't really judging you at all...YOU are judging you! Don't! You are fine..go to the gym...relax...do your thing there. Someday soon you'll be the one someone gets intimidated by!
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