Aquarius2 Member


  • Hi to all the lovely ladies I can't believe there have been 5 pages since I was on here! I didn't post yesterday as I was feeling a bit down after my weigh in, I managed to gain 600 grams!:sad: But it's my first gain in six months, so I'm feeling a bit more positive today:wink: Thanks for the support meg:happy: it has…
  • Hi all the 50+ers:laugh: I am from NSW Australia so I think in kilos not pounds my starting weight was 92.2 kilos and my current weight is 73 kilos I have problems with arthritis pain in my feet knees and elbows. So I tend not to exercise very much I have now been able to add a little Pilates and Tai Chi to my routine I…
  • Hi ladies:smile: Thanks to megblair for the conversion :wink: So that means I'm currently at 160.6 lbs and I have lost 42.24 lbs since September Well I weigh in again tomorrow so I will be back to report my progress I'm very pleased with myself today for doing another 10 minutes of my Pilates DVD as well as 10 minutes tai…
  • Hi again, Thanks for the welcome :smile: There really are way too many posts on here for me to read them all!! But I'm glad everyone is going well I thought I should have posted a starting weight for March 73 kilos I really don't know what that is in pounds, roughly double I think Anyway I dug out my Pilates DVD today and…
  • Gosford on the sunny Central Coast
  • Hi, I'm from the NSW Central Coast Great to see so many Aussies here Keep up the good work everyone
  • Hi all:happy: Thanks for the welcome :wink: So many ladies on here I'm not sure if I will be able to keep up with all the posts I forgot to post my starting weight of 73 kilos when I made my pledge of 2 kilos yesterday oops!! I had a good day today food wise but haven't used my DVD yet too busy doing all the cleaning…
  • Hi all:smile: I'm new to my fitness pal and I would love to join this group I'm 54 and have been on the tony ferguson weight loss program for 6 months My goals for March are to lose 2 kilos To log my food every day And to use my exercise DVD Hope everyone is doing great with your goals Roz from NSW, Australia
  • Hi I am new to MFP and over 50. I have been on a weight loss program for the last six months and have lost 19 kilos so far:smile: I think we all need support and would like to connect with anyone who feels the same