

  • for sure! wen i was puttin on the wgt i could feel my skin stretching, it hurt, its like i could feel the cellulite accumulating, and i noticed things like my knee hurting and when i knelt down, very quickly my legs would go numb. and now that its coming off not only do i feel more nimble and flexible again, i get the…
  • <3 this was great!! thank you for sharing!! good advice :P
  • wow.. that is so wrong! my dad was just as much an *kitten*! he would make us go on 3month fast where we ate nothing but one food item, no dairy products or meat ever, vegan extremist i called it... because vegans ate better than we did, if he could pull our skin on our sides we were fat, and he didnt hesitate to use every…
  • aww... hugs to all of you!! i think instead of allowing his thoughtlessness get to me i will simply state that its a no no topic,, i mean we already have a no no list going on anyway lol, now it goes 1. Stop asking me to drink apple cider because its not happening 2. Dont talk about my weight and I wont make fun of how…
  • omg.. i posted without proof reading.. i can spell really!! but not so much when i vent.. thanks message board for being my therapist for the night :P
  • Thanks everyone!! I think I will mash some of the ideas from a few of you together and stick to my normal 3-5 day fruit or veggie fast combined with one or two of the lemon cyan mix's a day... which I have never tried, I hope its tolerable!!! I really wanna jump start my metabolism and clean out all the gunk!!! not junk,…
  • cheese!! i love it!! i can eat it all day everyday on everything
  • you came to the right place to find the support you need!!!
  • I know I am the same way! thats why just dance works so well for me there are so many different songs and im competitive so i keep playing the ones i suck at till i get good at it lol, you go girl!!
  • Thank you all!!! I didnt expect such a warm welcome <3 what a beautiful bunch of women we are!!!!
  • WOW! Look at all the moms that are just like me!!! I am a mother of 4, 14, 11, 7 and 5, I never had weight problems until my last child, I need to loose about 120lbs my self.. Good luck to everyone!!!