Lemon Water Cleanse

tsummey Posts: 15
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Has anyone done the cleanse where you drink lemon water and a mixture of the maple syrup and cyan pepper?? I want to do it but idk if I can go the whole 14 days without eating!! and i wonder if its really worth it?? im not lookin for fast wght loss im looking to detox my body.. any thoughts are welcomed!!


  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    sounds like bs to me, just my opinion.:huh:
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    "cleanse" is just a fancy word for starvation in this case.

    If you want to "detox" I recommend LOTS of water (with lemon or not), plenty of tea (unsweetened), lots of RAW fruits and vegetables - thoroughly washed from pesticides and the like, and plent of fiber through whole grains, flax seeds and almonds, and very little meat or dairy.

    The best is the water, drink until you pee clear.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    You should do a 3-day fruit cleanse. This will get rid of the processed foods from your body and it actually food with carbs and sugars therefore you shouldn’t go crazy binging at the end.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    i know someone who drinks the water, lemon juice and cayanne pepper in the mornings BEFORE eating her reg. food- she says it helps tone down her IBS. But she eats food.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    ehhhh.... I wouldnt do it. I did a diet for 2 weeks were you just eat Almesed protien shake... I lost like 15 lbs... but guess what... within a month I gained all of it back and more!!! Plus... I was totally miserable! My body ached.. I didnt have the energy to do anything, my limph nodes swelled.. it was really bad! I would say do this the healthy way!
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi saw a diet programme here (UK) where three women were put on different diets and one was this maple/cayenne pepper thing, this was also done under a doctor's supervision, here's what happened, apparently you shouldn't do this for more than 7 days in a row (might be told differently in the States!). Anyhow this dieter was also a high gym goer! she said that she felt the diet was OK, but left her month very 'furry' so lots of teeth brushing. The end of the 7 days she lost 14Ibs......you are then to reintroduce solids slowly, i.e. maybe soup and some veg on day one, day two add break, day three a more solid meal. Personally I don't like to put my body through those things, as exercising and eating right will do it, maybe a bit longer, but overall you're more likely to keep the weight off that way.

    Whatever you decide to do, take care of you! :flowerforyou:
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    Not sure where you got your information that this was supposed to be 2 weeks of no eating,,,,,but from what I've heard of it and what other people I know of that have use it have done so as an appetite suppressant and not a cleanse. The cyan pepper gives you the illusion of being full when mixed with water and lemon this way and the spiciness gives your metabolism a little push. It doesn't taste too bad if you get the mix right but some of the other comments on here are definitely right. Going 2 weeks without eating is starvation, period and will do more harm to your body than good. If you use this, use it between meals and snacks to stave off hunger. Hope this helps and good luck :)
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    I thought advertisements were not allowed in these forums?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    ehhhh.... I wouldnt do it. I did a diet for 2 weeks were you just eat Almesed protien shake... I lost like 15 lbs... but guess what... within a month I gained all of it back and more!!! Plus... I was totally miserable! My body ached.. I didnt have the energy to do anything, my limph nodes swelled.. it was really bad! I would say do this the healthy way!

    Your experience illustrates perfectly why crash diets are utter BS when it comes to FAT loss.

    Yeah, you lose a ton of weight but very little of that is fat. That's why people on crash diets end up looking like a smaller version of a fat person rather than having a lean physique.

    The vast majority of that 15lbs loss would have lean mass, including water, muscle and glycogen stores. Then when you come off the diet your body simply restores water and glycogen levels back to normal so your weight shoots right back up. In addition, after a period of severe restriction most people tend to binge making it more likely they will put more fat back on then they had to begin with before the diet. Couple this with the fact that they have reduced the amount of calories they need to maintain their weight due in part to the loss of muscle mass and you have the perfect recipe for yo yo dieting...
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    The body is extremely good at detoxing but if you really want to then why not just eat fruit, vegetables and juices (plus your water) for a couple of days, not starvation, hard to overeat on them but you can up the calories by adding olive oil seasoned with garlic, black and cayenne peppers and whatever herbs. I've done this, there is no major weight loss but you do feel thoroughly cleaned out.

    Any weight loss coming from these extreme "cleanses" is nothing but water weight. Basically you will go thru withdrawal (headaches, nausea, dizziness and even a high) for nothing more than a temporary water loss.The makers of these cleanses will have you believe that the withdrawal symptoms are the toxins leaving your body...utter BS! Just eat extremely clean for a couple of days if you really feel like you want to cleanse.
  • my girlfriend tried this cleanse and she suffered from weakness, caffeine withdrawls, and dizziness. this is not a safe and healthy cleanse with the nutrients your body needs. if anyone wants to know of a 3 day cleanse that resets your stomach, you loose a minimum of 5 or more REAL pounds while feeding your body with nutrient packed ingredients and you do get to eat just ask I would be happy to share my experience on the healthiest cleanse out there. P.S. most cleanses you loose water weight not real pounds.

    Colleeen in Seattle ;) feel free to add me as a buddy as I leave healthy inspirational tips as food for thought each day
  • tsummey
    tsummey Posts: 15
    Thanks everyone!!

    I think I will mash some of the ideas from a few of you together and stick to my normal 3-5 day fruit or veggie fast combined with one or two of the lemon cyan mix's a day... which I have never tried, I hope its tolerable!!! I really wanna jump start my metabolism and clean out all the gunk!!! not junk, GUNK!! lol and I'm definitely not looking to starve!! and I'm not going to buy any "great pill" or drink, if it isn't in my local market its not going in my mouth!!

    I have a friend that I stopped being friends with because she went on this crazy no protein no carb diet.. she went on to lose uber amounts of wgt but you cant even have a conversation with her because she looks and acts like a shell now.. its sad.. you wanna be happy for her loss but she lost more than just wgt...

    When I was a teen my dad would make my sister and I do 1-3 month fasts eating nothing but one type of food and I am not looking to do that! EVER! it was terrible... just terrible! Rice for a month, potatoes for another..etc... We once did a whole summer eating nothing but watermelon! and I am sure it was his crazy ideas like these that led to my sister having stunted growth and me developing a binge eating habit later in life, she was 4'11" from a family hgt average of 5'7" and up...

    anyway, thanks again!!
  • I did this cleanse for 4 days about 1.5yrs ago because one of my good friends had done it for a week and had "great results"... Let's just say I nearly fainted by the end of day 4 and I was so dizzy from not eating that I could hardly make it to my college classes. It is NOT a healthy idea and it did NOT do anything substantial for. As soon as you start eating again you'll put any weight you lost right back on. Not to mention, the lemon/maple/cayenne drink is DISGUSTING and you have to drink tons of it every day. Just eat healthy and exercise, it's the only way to go. If you do decide to try the cleanse out please note that you are not supposed to work out during it because you WILL faint.. Your body needs food for energy and if you take food away from it and throw in a rigorous workout it isn't going to end well.
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