was trying for 10 mins to post that link as a pic lol I give you can copy paste its not spam its a inspirational quote
Congrats :)!!! I don't have the courage to try to slide into my size 5's lol. To think I was a size 3 when I was 13! HA! But I'm glad you realized what you achieved now and not a year and 20 lbs from now looking at pictures saying "damn it I did lose weight and everyone saw it but me!". I did that to myself last year, but…
When I first started back in March I refused to have a cheat day until I reached a stable 5lbs gone. then I cheated once a month until I lost the first 15 lbs. now I cheat once a week but I can afford to now because I reached my goal and my diet the rest of the week is VERY clean. so usually I cheat on the weekends and ill…