stonerollin42 Member


  • This is such a great thread! I just downloaded Fitocracy - very cool. I started using Pact this week (formerly Gym Pact). So far so good. If you do what you say you will, you can earn money. If you don't... you lose money.
  • 27 and a long time plus size (284 currently)! :) Anyone can add me. I'm new, too, and I want to stay motivated.
  • Oh man, all these people saying, "Don't give up, I didn't meet my SO until I was..." and they're all younger than me! Yikes. I'm starting to feel behind the curve and I'm only 27...
  • It's really really reaaaallllllyyyy easy to feel this way-even when it's absurd. When I try to eat healthy in public, a nasty little voice in the back of my head says, "look at the fat girl eating a salad." Same thing when going to the gym. The thing is, everyone has insecurities; there are so many countless things to…
  • I agree with the depression theory - one of the signs of depression is a deteriorating living space and personal hygiene. He also sounds pretty passive-aggressive. Maybe talking to him about if he's happy with the situation (you clearly aren't), and find out if there are changes you could both make. If he's willing to work…
  • I love this idea! Although 50 squats a day would quickly find my butt unable to roll out of bed... Anything that would motivate me to exercise every day (even a little) would be a great place to start.