jubilantdreams Member


  • At that time last year I have no idea where my mind was because now I look back and think how stupid of me that was! When I start going to the gym with friends I'll be trying other machines to add to my workout sessions along with increasing my intensity on the treadmill. At the moment I'm trying to build endurance. Thanks…
  • It is dull if I'm being honest. I'm trying to find other things to do such as tennis or field hockey but I'm not having any luck to find anyone willing to do any of those sports with me. It's more funner and more encouraging to do sports with friends. Thanks so much for the advice, I'll definitely be using it :)
  • Congrats on the weight loss! :) I'm really sorry about what happened thought but you're pulling through and working hard so that's great. Thank you so much for the encouragement!
  • I'll be hitting the gym soon so thank you for the recommendation! I'll definitely be doing that! Thanks for the tips! :)
  • It's my birthday on May 7th and I was just hoping I'd be able to reach my desired weight by then as a birthday present to me. Sounds silly, I know. You're completely right, I need patience and I cannot over exercise my body. I am however eating really healthy and drinking plenty of water :)
  • Agh, okay :( I understand that it takes a lot of time and effort so I'm not really surprised. Thanks so much for the reply! Do you have any recommendations as to what other exercises I should do?
  • I'm 5"4 and thank you, I'll go check out the macros. Thanks so much for the advice and tips!
  • llee1012 I'm around 5"4-5"5
  • This is so inspiring! Congrats! You look absolutely amazing!