

  • Thanks you guys! I noticed sort of the same thing, I was losing half a pound to a pound a day for a week straight and then it just stopped and I am guessing this is why, I noticed my weight loss slowed down as my clories got lower. I cant add nuts to my foods (BAD allergies) but I will try to kind of boost the foods I…
  • You guys are awesome and just the folks I need for this diet!!! Me and my guy were BIG time drinkers. It was nothing for us to get home for the evening and split a fifth of whiskey or vodka between us, so you can imagine the beer we could put back! (bear in mind our scheduled is odd so sometimes we will go a week staying…
  • College Student from NC :)
  • I am right there with you, 24 years old, great supportive guy but I understand the feeling that him being fine with where you are now not being enough. I'm glad to see other young women on the same mission I'm on. Hope you get where you want to go! You ever need to vent or get some advice lemme know
  • Thanks! I am really looking forward to being able to talk to people going through the same things that I am. It will be nice to be able to have answers to those "Oh crap I _____, did I ruin my diet?" or "Uggh....___ is really making it hard this week" ya know?