

  • I use Hydroxycut Hardcore and it works pretty good but it makes me sleepy. I know, strange right! lol I also take CytoSport CytoSlim protien shakes after my workouts adn that helps too.
  • Start jogging a little mixed in with the walking that way you can get your heart rate higher. Sometimes walking on it's own doesn't get your heart rate high enough to burn a good ammount of calories. So start out slow and then eventually you'll be able to jog the entire time and then you'll really notice a difference. Hang…
  • Welcome!:bigsmile: I know what your feeling, I did the whole Hydroxycut type thing for a while but now I just take good multi vitamins and a protien shake after I workout and really watch my diet and I'm getting better results without the added supplements. So just do at least 30mins of Cardio a day and really watch your…
  • Denver Colorado! Where else can you ride your bike one day and ski/snowboard the next?! Not to mention it's the #1 for Singles, just thought I'd throw that in there. :tongue: :drinker:
  • :laugh: That's SO true! I Go Ahead when my bf wanted another motorcycle and he still hasn't heard the end of
  • I had the same issue and talked to my trainer about it and he said more than likely it's a muscle mass gain which is normal. So hang in there and it will get better. It took me about 3 months unitl I started seeing some weight loss.
  • I'm Jackie, I've been trying to loose weight for the past 3 years now and nothing I've done seems to work. I can use all the pointers I can get.
    in Hello Comment by sheffiej September 2008